
ɡuó jiā zhì dù
  • National system;state institution
  1. 制度分析视野中的社会资本与现代国家制度构建

    On the Social Capital in the View of Institution Analysis and Modern State Institution Building

  2. 转轨是全球化的一个组成部分,对转轨国家制度能力的考察也必然要置于全球化背景之下。

    As transition is a part of globalization , Transitional State Institution Capacity will be subjected to trials in the trend of globalization .

  3. 全球化与西欧福利国家制度的困境

    Globalization and Dilemma of Welfare System in West Europe

  4. 全球化改变了福利国家制度的政治和社会基础。

    Globalization thus shakes the political and social foundation of the welfare state system .

  5. 福利国家制度对我国建立社会保障制度的启示

    The Inspiration of Welfare State System on China to Set up the Social Security System

  6. 政治制度是统治阶级所建立的国家制度的重要组成部分。

    The political system is one of essential parts of the national system formulated by the ruling class .

  7. 经济法是转型国家制度设计中的一项重要内容。它是调整国家对经济活动的管理所产生的社会经济关系的法律规范的总和。

    As a norm of economic activities , the economic law is an important component of resetting of institution .

  8. 预算的生成是以财政为核心的国家制度现代化即法制化的过程,预算具备法律所有一切特质。

    The budget making is a process of the state legislation around public finance , having all the natures as a law .

  9. 其内容大致可以分为国家制度伦理、行政伦理和国际政治伦理三部分。

    Too , Its content can roughly be divided into three sections : state policy ethics , administrative ethics and international political ethics .

  10. 人民共和是和谐社会的国家制度基础,和谐社会是人民共和的社会形态。

    The people 's republic is national system base of harmonious society , and harmonious society is social form of the people 's republic .

  11. 造成转型期诚信危机的根源既有国家制度建设滞后的因素,然而更为重要的是诚信文明缺失所造成的诚信危机。

    The honesty crisis is caused by the lag of national system construction , and further more , by the lack of honesty culture .

  12. 此案例不仅暴露出美国国家制度中的许多问题,也引发对国家政治和社会观念更广泛的思考。

    This legal case not only reveals many problems in American governmental system but also inspires broader thinking pertaining to national politics and social philosophy .

  13. 赋役制度是中国古代社会重要的国家制度,其基本职能是获得财政收入,是国家机器赖以生存和运转的经济支柱。

    Taxes and social system is an important ancient Chinese state system , whose basic function is to get revenue for the survival and functioning economy .

  14. 作为现代国家制度的重要组成部分,现代外交制度的转型在所难免。

    As one of the important parts of modern state system , the transformation of modern diplomatic institutions has become an inevitable trend of our times .

  15. 在罗马共和国近5个世纪的历史实践中,宪政建设一直是其国家制度建设的重点。

    Over the five centuries of the existence of the Roman Republic , the constitutional government had been the focus in the construction of the governing system .

  16. 农村土地制度是农村的基本制度,农地制度变革关系到整个国家制度结构的变革。

    Rural land institution is the cardinal and elemental one in rural system , whose development has close relation to the development of the country 's whole system .

  17. 国家制度伦理治理:1、完善法律体系2、加强代理人资格证的管理,提高代理人资格证获准的标准。

    Missing find governance National system ethics governance : 1 to improve the legal system , strengthening agent certificate of two management , improving the agent qualification approved standards .

  18. 国家制度能力是通过作为实体的政府来实现,其政府间的协调博弈关系在很大程度上造就了转轨国家制度能力的实际行为模式。

    Among the various factors that affect State Institution Capacity , it is probably the coordination game among governments that mode the actual performance model of Transitional State Institution Capacity .

  19. 从农民自身、国家制度和社会组织等等几个方面展开,农民自己要转变观念,敢于创新;学习文化,夯实基础;掌握技能,学会管理;加强沟通,构建网络。

    Farmers should change their mind , dare to innovate ; learning culture and laying solid foundation ; mastering skills and learn to management ; strengthen the communication and constructing the network .

  20. 国有企业要想改变当前的资本结构不合理状况,除了重视国家制度安排的作用外,还应当关注企业自身治理结构对资本结构的要求和影响。

    In order to change the unreasonable capital structure , we not only pay attention to the role of national institutional arrangements , but also concern about impacts and requirements of their own governance structure .

  21. 民国建立之初,在国家制度建构的过程中对于民族因素在多方面都有所体现,这是对统一的多民族国家理念的制度化。

    In the early republican period , the factors of " Minzu " were reflected in the process of the construction of state institution in many aspects , which was the institutionalization of the idea of unified multinational country .

  22. 报纸上说,总统的做法让人们对国家民主制度的整个基础提出了质疑。

    The paper says the President 's move has called into question the whole basis of democracy in the country

  23. 建议政府在全国范围内对户籍人口、流动人口的“产前筛查”实施免费,并建立病残儿童国家登记制度。

    I suggested providing free physical checks for pregnant women and building a national registration5 system for children with disabilities or disease .

  24. 如果说国家人事制度改革是自上而下推动国企HR变革,那么市场化进程的加快就是自下而上的催化因素。

    HR reform of state-owned companies is initiated by national personnel system reform and catalyzed by marketing process .

  25. 随着国内医药产业的高速发展,以及国家医疗制度政策的进一步改革,以医药制剂为主要产品的DDD药业公司面临着复杂多变的生存环境。

    With the high-speeded development of domestic pharmaceutical industry and the further reform of state policy to the health care system , DDD pharmaceutical company , which is based on pharmaceutical preparations , is facing the complex and changeful living environment .

  26. 建立我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度刍议

    About construction of national compensation system for the criminal injured party

  27. 论被害人国家补偿制度的价值及本土化

    On Value and Its Indigenization of County Compensation of Criminal Victims

  28. 中东国家政治制度与外交倾向分析

    Research on Political System and Foreign Tendency in the Middle East

  29. 论我国应建立犯罪被害人国家补偿制度

    On Establishing the National Compensation System of the Criminal Victims

  30. 列宁的国家结构制度思想及其特点

    Lenin 's Theory about State Structure System and Its Characteristics