
ɡuó jiā jì shù jiān dū jú
  • National Bureau of Technical Supervision;State Technology Supervision Administration
  1. CMMS系统是国家技术监督局统一组织实施的计算机计量管理信息系统。

    CMMS system is the computer metering management information system organized and implemented by the National Technique Supervision Bureau .

  2. 我们就此立项并依据国家技术监督局发布的国标《绝缘栅双极型晶体管测试方法》对IPM的一些主要参数的测试进行研究。

    Therefore , the related researches on the test of the IPM are limited . We study the test of main parameters of IPM , referring to national technical supervisory office 《 a method of test Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor 》 .

  3. 国家技术监督局隆重纪念第二十六届世界标准日

    The National Bureau of Technology Supervision Commemorating the 26th World Standard Day

  4. 本条例由国家技术监督局负责解释。

    These Regulations shall be interpreted by the State Bureau of Technology Supervision .

  5. 主要产品已获得国家技术监督局的质量认证。

    The major goods of Anaseng have obtained the Quality Certification from the National Technical Supervision Bureau .

  6. 2003年参加国家技术监督局液体食品包装设备验收规范国家标准制定。

    We participated in constituting the national standard of check and accept for food packaging machine in2003 .

  7. 所研制的6个标准物质已于1995年被国家技术监督局批准为一级标准物质,编号为GBW07271~07276。

    Six standard reference materials prepared were approved as national SRMs by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision of China in 1995 .

  8. 老师举例解释了这个词的用法。本条例由国家技术监督局负责解释。

    The teacher exemplified the meaning of the word . These Regulations shall be interpreted by the State Bureau of Technology Supervision .

  9. 。由于该系统具有很高的准确性和可靠性,1992年8月被国家技术监督局批准为国家临时电压自然基准并正式启用。

    Because it possesses very high accuracy and reliability , the system was ratified as National Temporary Voltage Natural Standard by National Monitoring Bureau of Technology and was formally put into operation in August 1992 .

  10. 国家技术监督局于1993年9月正式批复《旅游涉外饭店星级的划分与评定》为国家标准,这标志着中国旅游饭店业跨入了国际现代管理的新阶段。

    " Star-rating Standard for Tourist Hotels " was formally approved as the National Standard in Sept , 1993 by National Technology Supervision Administration . This indicates that tourist hotel industry in China has already stepped into a new stage of international modernization management .

  11. 近年来,我国相继出台了一系列的室内环境空气污染控制标准,国家技术监督局、国家环保总局、卫生部联合组织制定的《室内空气质量标准》(GB/T18883-2002)也已经发布实施。

    In recent years , a series of indoor air pollution control standard have been set out in our country . GB / T 18883-2002 Indoor Air Quantity Standard was announced in 2002 . It is necessary to establish the monitor technique norm for this standard .

  12. 从1986到1991年,由中华人民共和国国家技术监督局提出的21项食用菌国家标准化项目,已由上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所和商业部昆明食用菌研究所完成。

    From 1986 to 1991 , 21 items of the national edible fungi standardization , which were proposed by the Technical Supervision Bureau of China , were made by Edible Fungi Institute , Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Kunming Edible Fungi Institute of the Ministry of Commerce .

  13. 本文以国家技术监督局和国家环保局的有关技术规定为依据,结合环境监测工作的特点,总结出一套适合环境监测机构管理手册的基本内容与编写要求。

    Based on the relevant technological demands of the National Technology Supervision Agency and the National Environmental Protection Agency and combined experiences of environmental monitor , this paper sums up a series of the principle contents and compilation rules of the quality management handbook on the environmental monitor organization .

  14. 国家质量技术监督局发布了证券、证件用安全性防伪纸张技术标准

    National bureau released securities , certificates with security anti-counterfeiting paper technical standards .

  15. 国家质量技术监督局〔中国〕

    State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision [ China ]

  16. 国家质量技术监督局

    The State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision

  17. 本厂是国家质量技术监督局、石化总公司定点企业。

    This factory is the appointed enterprise of the State Quality Technical Supervising Bureau and Chinese Petrochemical General Company .

  18. 产品是否符合标准需由国家质量技术监督局确认和批准的检验机构进行抽样予以证明。

    Whether the products meet the standards required by the national quality and Technical Supervision Bureau confirmed and approved inspection agencies were sampled to prove .

  19. 根据国家质量技术监督局的计划安排,国家标准GB/T15224-1994《煤炭质量分级》需要修订。

    The Nation standard of coal quality classification [ GB / T15224-1994 ] should be revised according to the plan of the " Nation Quality Technology Supervisory Bureau " .

  20. 2000年,国家质量技术监督局计量司下达了大区级计量技术机构间标准铂电阻温度计的比对任务。

    In 2000 , the State Bureau of Technical Supervision of China assigned a mission to arrange a standard platinum resistance thermometer comparison among 7 main laboratories in the country .

  21. 研制了高品位矿石金标准物质,并已获国家技术质量监督局批准为国家一级标准物质。

    The gold standard material of high grade ore was prepared in this Institute . It was approved and assigned as the first class standard material by the state Supervision Bureau of Technical Quality .

  22. 2003年4月15日,国家质量技术监督局发布了汽车行驶记录仪国家标准,由此汽车行驶记录仪进入实用阶段,并且发展越来越快。

    The national standards on vehicle traveling data recorder , has been issued by National Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision in Apr.15th , 2003 . From then on , vehicle traveling data recorder gets into practical stage , with a quite fast development .

  23. 公司所有产品均采用国际标准组织生产,并经国家、省技术监督局、北京铁科院、南京水科院采标验收,达到国际先进水平。

    All our product adopt the international standard , and pass the test of State and the province Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision , and reach the level of the world .

  24. 实验动物遗传学、微生物学、营养学和饲育环境等方面的国家标准由国家技术监督局制定。

    The national standards in respect of genetics , microbiology , nutriology and the feeding and breeding environment concerning experimental animals shall be formulated by the State Bureau of Technology Supervision .

  25. 主导产品安琪牌高活性干酵母在国内市场的占有率达30%,并远销欧亚20多个国家和地区,成为业内公认、受国家技术监督局重点保护的精品品牌。

    The domestic occupation ratio of its leading product Angel Brand High-active Dry Yeast is as high as 30 % and the product also exports to Europe and other Asian countries and it has been protected by National Technique Supervision Bureau .