
  • 网络Pure Mathematics;Pure Maths
  1. 小波分析是继Fourier分析之后纯粹数学和应用数学完美结合的又一光辉典范。

    Wavelet analysis is another a shining example in perfectly combining pure mathematics with applied mathematics after Fourier analysis .

  2. 公理化思想在现代数学,尤其是纯粹数学中占据着统治地位。

    Axiomatic thought dominates the area of modern mathematics and pure mathematics .

  3. 《数学年刊》A、B辑是综合性的数学期刊,主要刊登纯粹数学和应用数学两方面具有创造性的学术论文。

    Chinese Annals of Mathematics ( CAM ), Series A and Series B , are comprehensive mathematical journals carrying original papers on pure and applied mathematics .

  4. 许多人被纯粹数学的倾向搅扰。

    More men became disturbed by the drift to pure mathemetics .

  5. 康德分别到纯粹数学、纯粹自然科学中去考察验前综合判断事实上是如何成为可能的。

    Kant investigates how synthetic judgments are possible in pure mathematics and natural sciences .

  6. 纯粹数学可以是有用的,而应用数学也可以高雅的。

    Pure mathematics can be practically useful and applied mathematics can be artistically elegant .

  7. 纯粹数学,就其本质而言,是逻辑思想的诗篇。

    Pure mathematics is , in its way , the poetry of logical ideas .

  8. 超代数系统理论在纯粹数学和应用数学的许多方面都有应用。

    The hyper algebraic system theory is used in many aspects of pure and applied mathematics .

  9. 从纯粹数学的角度出发,明确“集对”就是“序偶集”。

    This paper makes clear that set pair is collection of ordinal pair from pure mathematical points of view .

  10. 一般来说,我们鼓励学生探究数学的不同领域,包括了纯粹数学和应用数学。

    In general , students are encouraged to explore the various branches of mathematics , both pure and applied .

  11. 概率论与数理统计既有纯粹数学的抽象性、严格性和演绎性等共性,又有自身的随机性、灵活性和实验性等特征。

    Probability and statistics have abstract , strict and deductive features of pure mathematics and their own random , flexible and experimental features , etc.

  12. 李俨先生对中国古代算学成就的整理,不仅奠定了中国数学史研究的基础,也为人们理解纯粹数学与应用数学、数学与科学、基础研究与应用研究的关系提供了线索。

    His work established the foundation of history study of Chinese mathematics . His work also provided us guiding information to understand the relationship between pure mathematics and applied mathematics .

  13. 小波分析是从傅立叶分析方法演变出来的,是傅立叶分析的扩充与发展,体现了继傅立叶分析之后纯粹数学与应用数学的又一完美结合。

    Wavelet analysis , which evolved from Fourier transform and actually extended and developed it , embodied another perfect combination between the pure mathematical and the applied mathematical behind the Fourier analysis .

  14. 同时,分析了数学自身发展中暴露出来的一些问题,主要分析了纯粹数学与应用数学的分离导致数学对服务于科学这一主题的偏离。

    It also analyzed the potential problems caused by mathematics itself , which are mainly due to the separation of pure mathematics and applied mathematics , and render to be separated from science and technology .

  15. 物理问题不能用纯粹的数学知识来理解

    May not Comprehend the Problem on Physics by the Knowledge of Pure Mathematics

  16. 他在自己的脑海里思考纯粹的数学。

    He 's doing pure mathematics in his mind .

  17. 没有人说爱因斯坦不是一位神奇的数学家,因为在那一刻问题被净化成纯粹的数学。

    Nobody can ever say that Einstein is not a fantastic mathematician because at that moment the problem is distilled into pure mathematics .

  18. 与动态分析方法相比,在静态分析中实际并没有任何执行行为:整个分析是建立在纯粹的数学模型基础上的。

    In contrast to the dynamic analysis approach , in static analysis nothing actually gets executed : the whole analysis is based purely on mathematical models .

  19. 由于发动机工作过程比较复杂,很难用纯粹的数学关系推导出发动机的余热计算模型。

    Due to the complexity of the engine working process , it is difficult to use a purely mathematical relationships derived from the calculation model of heat engines .

  20. 通过简单的假定,由纯粹的数学论证推导出橡胶高弹性的储能函数公式,在橡胶大形变时,公式比统计理论的更能反映客观实际。

    Based on simple hypotheses , the Mooney function of rubber elasticity can be obtained by means of pure mathematical analysis , which is more suitable for rubber elasticity in large elastic deformation .

  21. 纯粹地从数学概念上来看的话,这样做确实令雅虎的市值有所上升。

    In a purely mathematical sense , this could indeed make Yahoo ! somewhat more valuable .

  22. 即便你有可能发现优化的解决方案,但是纯粹的好的数学下限你仍然是可能找不到的!

    It is possible to have found the optimal solution , but still have a large optimization gap because a good mathematical lower bound could not be found .