
  • 网络pure juice;pure fruit juice
  1. 可口可乐在中国销售碳酸饮料已有很长一段历史,但尚未在纯果汁领域占据一席之地。

    Coke has long sold its carbonated drinks in China but lacked a presence in the pure juice segment .

  2. 相反,纯果汁和果汁类饮料由于其具有的天然、健康特性,产销量增长迅速。

    Contrary , the sale of pure juice and juice beverage because of the natural and healthy characteristic is increasing quickly .

  3. 儿童不应该喝纯果汁。

    Children should not drink fruit juices straight .

  4. 为了取得最佳结果,使用粉碎冰块和纯果汁。

    For best results , used crushed ice and pure fruit juice .

  5. 喝一点纯果汁。

    Drink 100 percent fruit juice .

  6. 包括可口可乐和百事两大巨头在内的饮料生产商将在初中、小学停止销售含糖苏打汽水,在高中减少汽水的销售量,取而代之的是水、纯果汁和减肥饮料。

    Soft drink makers , including giants Coca-Cola and Pepsi , will stop selling sugary soda in elementary and middle schools .

  7. 试验结果表明:龙眼果酒以活性干酵母在纯果汁发酵的方式下酿造的果酒质量最好;

    The results showed that the quality of longan wine was the best with pure fruit juice brew adding active dry yeast ;

  8. 在香港上市的汇源果汁在国内纯果汁市场占有42%的份额,是一个得到国内公认的品牌。

    Hong Kong listed Huiyuan juice has a 42 per cent share of the domestic market in pure fruit juices and is a nationally recognised brand .

  9. 在贝洛的研究中发现如果定期饮用100%的纯果汁,不会导致这些孩子体重增加。

    While it turns out from this Bello study that 100 % pure fruit juice , if taken on a regular basis , does not result in weight gain in these kids .

  10. 从稳定剂、乳化剂、品质改良剂、糖酸比例和工艺条件等方面对纯果汁牛奶的稳定性进行了研究。

    The effects of some factors such as stabilizers , emulsifiers , improvers , the ratio of sugar to acid and processing parameters on the stability of the pure fruit juice milk was studied .

  11. 纯果汁牛奶的最佳配方为:复合稳定剂0.5%、乳化剂0.1%、品质改良剂0.11%、蔗糖8.0%、浓缩果汁7.14%、混合有机酸0.6%;

    The optimum formula for shelf-stable pure fruit juice milk was 0.5 % stabilizers , 0.10 % emulsifier , 0.11 % improver , 8.0 % sucrose , 7.14 % fruit juice and 0.6 % citric acid .

  12. 知情人士表示,中国商务部不希望可口可乐获得汇源的商标权。汇源是一家香港上市公司,据称占有中国国内纯果汁市场42%的份额。

    People familiar with the matter said that China 's ministry of commerce did not want Coca-Cola to acquire the brand rights of Huiyuan , a Hong Kong-listed company that boasts a 42 per cent share of the domestic market in pure fruit juices .

  13. 百分之百的纯天然果汁风味。

    The taste of 100 % pure fruit juice .

  14. 第一道是纯天然果汁,有橙汁、梨汁、苹果汁等等。

    The first one ls natural juice , including orange juice , pear juice , apple juice and so on .

  15. 同时,还为近日某些营销灾难所累,包括纯果乐果汁运动,被认为是自可口可乐推出新可乐以来最失败的品牌变身之一。

    And it has suffered from some recent marketing disasters , including a campaign for Tropicana fruit juice that is widely regarded as one of the worst brand makeovers since Coca-Cola launched New Coke .