
chún lǐ lùn yán jiū
  • pure research
  1. 该公司已有两个团队研究人工智能:一个专注于纯理论研究,另一个研究如何将AI应用于社交网络。

    The company already has two teams working on artificial intelligence - one that focuses on pure research and another that looks at ways to apply AI to the social network .

  2. 放射性研究开始时是一项纯理论研究。

    The study of radioactivity began as a piece of pure research .

  3. 纯理论研究院系即将被裁撤。

    Academic departments are being eliminated

  4. 分析了基于XML的用DC描述网络信息资源的格式,指出在我国对DC的研究正从纯理论研究阶段步入实际应用性阶段。

    This thesis analyzes the form based on XML and described with Web information resource and points out that in country the research on DC is going from pure theory to practice .

  5. 经济理论研究包括纯理论研究和现实经济研究。

    Abstract The study of economic theory includes pure theoretical study and practical economy study .

  6. 由斯托克斯准数为1/16导出的临界流速值,只有在纯理论研究的计算上才具有意义;

    The critical velocity of flow gotten by Stokes'number 1 / 16 only had its significance in theory .

  7. 我们的纯理论研究做的很好,但它没有转换成经济增长。

    We 've got a wonderful record for pure research but it isn 't translated into economic growth .

  8. 本文所作的工作并非纯理论研究,而是应用生产运作管理中相关理论去解决企业的实际问题。

    The theories of production and operation management are applied in this paper to solve practical problems instead of a pure theoretical study .

  9. 然而,在现代运动心理学研究和训练的实践中,通过调查我们发现,运动心理学的纯理论研究和专项心理训练实践之间存在严重的脱节现象。

    However , through investigation we find that there exist serious disjoints between rationalism researches in athletic psychology and practice of special psychology training .

  10. 但也存在明显缺陷,而过分注重纯理论研究,对激励机制的应用涉及很少就是缺陷之一。

    But there are obvious defects , such as paying more attention to pure incentive theory , but barely involving the application of the incentive mechanism .

  11. 学习迁移的纯理论研究已经相当广泛,并且出现了很多研究成果,但这些理论知识并没有系统的运用于实践中去指导教学。

    The pure theoretical research has been quite extensive , and there have been many research results , but these are no systematic theories using on practice .

  12. 国内对于存在句的研究大多属于纯理论研究,只有少数学者对中国学习者习得存在句的中介语进行了研究。

    Domestically , most of the previous studies are theoretical researches . Only a few people have made research on Chinese learners ' acquisition of existential sentence .

  13. 有关中英成文法中的立法言语行为的研究相对比较少,而且大多系圈于立法语言层面的描述和纯理论研究。

    Studies concerning the legislative speech act in Chinese and English statutory laws are most often descriptive and theoretical and fail to go beyond the legislative language level .

  14. 因此,对于高性能亦即高耐久混凝土的研究,无论是从纯理论研究的高度还是从工程实践的角度,都有其明确的现实意义。

    Hence , the study of HPC namely High-Durability-Concrete has its definite realistic meaning , whether from the altitude of pure theoretic research or from the view of engineering practice .

  15. 本文将线性串的粘贴系统拓展到带有发夹结构的双向复杂结构粘贴系统,使粘贴系统的纯理论研究向实际生物操作技术研究迈进了一步。

    In this dissertation , the sticker systems of linear string are extended to bidirectional sticker systems with complex structures , which makes the pure theoretical study step forward to biologic operation techniques .

  16. 国内外学者对自主学习作了大量的研究,这些研究主要分成三大类:纯理论研究,实证研究和调查研究。

    A large number of researches on learner autonomy have been conducted in the western countries as well as in China , those researches mainly fall into three broad categories : theoretical researches , experimental researches and survey studies .

  17. 总体而言,根据研究者研究的不同侧重点,笔者将其分为两类:一类是倡导刑法谦抑性的纯理论研究;一类是提倡司法便捷的实务性研究。

    Overall , according to researchers who study different focus , the author will be divided into two categories : one category is to advocate the modesty of criminal law theory research ; one is to promote justice and convenient practical research .

  18. 一位美国数学家,诺伯特·维纳,作为计算机理论研究者,加入了冯·诺伊曼的团队。他在战争中,也从纯理论研究转向了机械,在自动防空系统方面产生了巨大的影响。

    As a theoretician of computers , von Neumann had been joined by Norbert Wiener , the American mathematician of a slightly earlier generation , whom the war had likewise taken from group theory to machinery , although in his case the servo-mechanisms of anti-aircraft artillery had been the formative influence .

  19. 一些天文学家致力于纯理论的研究并且从来不使用望远镜。

    Some A work on purely theory problem and never use telescope .

  20. 最近几年,科学家正从纯理论的研究转到应用领域上来。

    In recent years there is a steady shift of scientists from the pure to applied field .

  21. 从中国传统翻译研究到西方描写译学以及其它流派对翻译学的理论体系的阐释,论证了纯翻译理论研究的超语言特性以及翻译理论对不同语言翻译实践的指导意义;

    It explores both traditional Chinese translation theories and Western schools of translation studies , and suggests the non-language-specific character of translation theory and its significance in guiding translation practice .

  22. 一是纯理论的研究服务,即建立学科的体系,为学科的发展奠定基础;其次是为了实践服务。

    One is the pure theoretical research services , namely establishment of discipline system , laying the foundation for the development of the subject . The second is to practices service .

  23. 这种增值型内部审计不是纯理论的研究结果,而是由于现代企业经营的风险加大,企业的治理结构转变,以及企业的内部组织战略重组等原因形成的新型内部审计。

    The value-added internal audit is not a pure academic concept , but a new practice concept developed in modern enterprise management , which is facing more risk , greater change in corporate governance and strategic recombination .

  24. 纵观国内外有关贸易与环境效应问题的分析研究,相关的纯理论分析研究很少,大都是构建出一个贸易的环境效应模型,通过实证进行相应的分析,来阐释贸易的环境效应。

    Looking at the home and abroad research on trade and environmental effects analysis , theoretical study is few , while most are building an environmental effects of trade model and corresponding empirical analysis to explain the effects .

  25. 一方面,它丰富和发展了纯数学理论的研究。

    On the one hand , it has enriched and developed the research of pure mathematical theory .

  26. 根据描写译学对翻译学的理论体系的阐释,纯翻译理论的研究具有超语言特性。

    And according to the descriptive translation studies , the pure theoretical translation studies has its character of being non-language-specific ;

  27. 在文艺复兴以前,西方音乐美学主要由一些思想家、哲学家从纯理论角度分析研究。

    Before the Renaissance , the music aesthetics in the West was mainly studied and analyzed by some thinkers and philosophers as pure theory .

  28. 七十年代以来,语言学研究已从对语言形式和语言结构的纯理论的静态研究转变为对语言在语境中的具体运用的动态研究。

    Since the 1970s , the studies in linguistics have shifted from purely theoretical analysis of form and structure of language to the analysis of language use in context .

  29. 纵观服务贸易研究的成果,主要是从两个方面来研究它的:一是研究国际服务贸易的纯理论,二是研究GATS下服务贸易多边谈判体系及服务贸易政策。

    Studying trade in services is sure to start from two respects . First , study the pure theory of trade in services , second , study the multilateral negotiation system of trade in services and service trade policy under GATS .

  30. 有关超越亚纯函数迭代理论的研究

    Studies on Iteration Theory of Transcendental Meromorphic Functions