
  1. 传统修辞学中,隐喻被当作一种修辞现象。

    Traditionally , metaphor is taken as a figure of speech .

  2. 修辞现象中内容与形式结合的层次性

    Levels of the Integration of Content and Form in Rhetorical Phenomena

  3. 论广告图像传播的修辞现象及其心理研究

    On Rhetoric Phenomena in Advertising Image Communication & Its Psychology

  4. 修辞学的研究对象即修辞现象。

    The rhetoric phenomenon is the study object of rhetoric .

  5. 当代新词语修辞现象词汇化研究

    The Study on the Rhetoric Lexicalization of New Words

  6. 谈汉英语言中的几种常见修辞现象对比

    A Comparative Study of Rhetoric Between English and Chinese

  7. 成语在广告语中翻新的修辞现象

    Rhetoric Phenomenon of Idioms in Words in Advertisement

  8. 仿拟作为一种修辞现象,在广告中的运用非常的普遍。

    As a kind of rhetoric , parody has been widely used in advertising .

  9. 新时期术语修辞现象试析

    Tentative Analysis into the Rhetoric Phenomenon of Terms

  10. 《现代大学英语》中的修辞现象&以精读教材五、六册为例

    Figures of Speech in Contemporary College English & Taking Book 5 and Book 6 Examples

  11. 言外之意是古今汉语中普遍存在,且被广泛关注的一种修辞现象。

    Implication is a common rhetoric in ancient and modern Chinese that has drawn wide attentions .

  12. 说它古老是因为这种修辞现象早在先秦两汉时期就已经出现。

    It is old because it can be traced back to Qing Dynasty and Han Dynasty .

  13. 文章对网络语言中常见的修辞现象及其流行的原因进行了初步的探讨。

    The paper discusses some rhetoric phenomena in web language and the reasons why they become popular .

  14. 并指出对隐喻的研究不仅可以更好地理解这一传统的修辞现象,而且有助于隐喻学的深层次研究。

    It also suggests that metaphor is of significance both for understanding this traditional trope for its further study .

  15. 隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞现象,更重要的是一种认知手段,它同文化紧密相关。

    Metaphor is not only a rhetorical phenomenon but more importantly , a cognitive means , closely related to culture .

  16. 比喻是汉语的实际运用中最为常见的修辞现象,即使在外国学习者中也不例外。

    Metaphor is one of the most usual rhetoric phenomena in pragmatic use of Chinese , even in foreign learners .

  17. 本文试图通过以上探究,对言外之意修辞现象能有一个系统的把握。

    Through the study of this rhetorical phenomenon , this author hopes to have an overall grasp of the implication rhetoric .

  18. 现代隐喻研究表明语言中的隐喻不仅仅是一种使语言得以生动活泼的语言成分或修辞现象,在本质上更是一种认知现象。

    Modern metaphor studies have expounded that metaphor in language is not just a rhetoric device , but also a cognitive apparatus .

  19. 英语中单一关联准则理论同时照应了话语的表面意义及言外之意,也为修辞现象提供了科学的解释机制。修辞格的使用,使语义关联和语用关联并存不悖。

    The single principle of relevance governs both the semantic meaning and the pragmatic interpretation , and thus offers effective explanations for rhetorical phenomena .

  20. 传统修辞学上的隐喻是一种修辞现象,是本体和喻体在形式上构成相合关系的一种比喻。

    The metaphor , merely as a rhetorical phenomena in traditional rhetoric which is constituted by an noumenon and a vehicle in the form .

  21. 摘要隐喻不仅是一种语言修辞现象,而且是人类思维的重要组成部分,是人类认知的重要工具。

    Metaphor is not only a rhetoric way but also an important aspect of man 's thinking and a special tool to man 's cognition .

  22. 飞白作为一种修辞现象,早在两千多年前的先秦两汉时期就出现了。

    As a rhetorical phenomenon , " fei bai " has appeared as early as more than 2000 years ago during the Qin and Han Dynasties .

  23. 王占福先生的《古代汉语修辞学》是一部研究古代汉语修辞现象的专著。它的创新和发展是多方面的,概括说来,有以下三个显著特色:第一,理论体系的建构更趋严密完善;

    Rhetoric of Ancient Chinese by WANG Zhan fu has three distinguished characteristics : First , the construction of theory system is well knit and complete .

  24. 部分学者研究了商务英语文本的修辞现象,但更多的是侧重于修辞格在商务英语广告中的运用,不能脱离以偏概全之嫌。

    Few scholars probe into the rhetorical phenomenon in BE discourses . But much weight is given to figures of speech , which is kind of biased .

  25. 从关联性角度阐释广告中的修辞现象认知修辞学是从认知角度研究的崭新的修辞学,即用心理学的认知方法对修辞进行探讨。

    ON THE USE OF RHETORIC IN ADVERTISING WORDS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF RELEVANCE THEORY ; The cognitive rhetoric is a brand_ new rhetoric with cognitive approach .

  26. 本文主要采取语料调查与分析归纳的研究方法,通过对收集到的由修辞现象词汇化产生的新词语进行考察分析,然后区分类别,探索其中的规律。

    Rhetoric lexicalization is a complex phenomenon that is from speech to language . This paper uses the research method of investigating the corpus , analyzing and concluding .

  27. 它不仅仅是一种起装饰作用的修辞现象,更是人类的一种基本思维方式,本质上是一种认知现象。

    It is not only a rhetorical phenomenon for purpose of decoration , but rather a basic mode of thinking . It is a cognitive phenomenon in nature .

  28. 最后论述了这种考察在深入理解句法修辞现象和分析其修辞功能以及开展修辞学研究等方面的意义。

    Finally , the author makes in-depth study of referred syntax rhetorical analysis of its rhetorical function as well as the significance of research in the field of rhetoric .

  29. 本文以当代新词语为材料研究修辞现象词汇化,即临时的修辞现象在经历偶用多用固化词化这一过程后,固定为词汇现象的言语语言的转化现象。

    This paper analyzes rhetoric lexicalization which is that temporary rhetoric phenomenon goes through " use fortuitously-use more-solidify-lexicalization " , then transform into a member to vocabulary of a language .

  30. 他们的研究突破了传统修辞学把隐喻研究限制在词汇层面、并把隐喻看作是一种对比和意义替换的修辞现象。

    Their studies are beyond the traditional rhetoric studies confining the studies of metaphor to the word level and viewing metaphor as the rhetoric phenomenon of meaning comparison and substitution .