
xiū shì jī yīn
  • modifying genes;modified gene;modifier gene;modificator gene
  1. 小麦微效基因和修饰基因的选择理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Choosing Minor Genes and Modifying Genes from Wheat

  2. 它有九对主或显性基因和十对修饰基因。

    It involved nine " major or dominant " and ten modifying genes .

  3. 利用PCR方法检测转基因大豆加工食品中的修饰基因

    Detection of Genetically Modified Organisms in Genetically Modified Soybean and Foods by Polymerase Chain Reaction Method

  4. 修饰基因的隐性突变可以消除柱头中的SI反应。

    A recessive mutation of the modifier ( m ) gene eliminates the SI response in stigma .

  5. 玉米淀粉修饰基因du的RAPD标记研究

    RAPD Markers of Starch-Modified Gene du in Maize

  6. 本文综述了opaque突变基因及其修饰基因的最新研究进展。

    The update research on opaque mutation and its modifiers are reviewed .

  7. 玉米淀粉修饰基因du是玉米品质改良的重要资源之一。

    Starch-modified gene du is one of important genetic resources in starch genetic modification for maize .

  8. 应开展以直链淀粉含量为目标的轮回选择,有效积累ae的修饰基因。

    So it is necessary to develop recurrent selection for the goal of high amylose content maize .

  9. 遗传修饰基因对Fabry病患者脑损伤的影响

    Effect of genetic modifiers on cerebral lesions in Fabry disease

  10. 对分离比进行遗传分析和X2检验,结果表明紫薇矮生性状受一对完全显性主效基因控制,同时存在微效修饰基因。

    Genetic analysis and chi-square test showed that dwarf type in Lagerstroemia likely controlled by an complete dominance major gene as well as polygene .

  11. 根据其遗传规律的特殊性,提出常染色体上NN主基因和性染色体上Z+Z+修饰基因控制假设,并得到试验验证。

    Based on the hereditary properties of NPV resistance , a hypothesis was proposed and confirmed that the resistance is controlled by NN main gene on an autosome and Z + Z + minor genes on the sex chromosome .

  12. 定位Eyal~(bor/bor)基因型小鼠Eyal基因的遗传修饰基因

    Mapping of Genetic Modifiers of Eyal ~ ( bor / bor ) Mice

  13. 目的与背景扩张型心肌病(DCM)是一种常见的心脏疾病,部分所谓的特发性扩张型心肌病已有研究证实是由于心肌细胞成分或某些修饰基因突变所致。

    Objective and background & dilated cardiomyopathy ( DCM ) is a common form of heart disease , mutations of genes encoding myocardium and other proteins have been identified in a part of patients with idiopathic DCM .

  14. 2)论证了DDK品系本身遗传背景中不具有使杂合型(Om/+)雌鼠胚胎死亡率降低的修饰基因;

    2 ) there exist no modifier genes which decrease the embryonic mortality in the heterozygous ( Om / + ) females having DDK background genes in large proportions ;

  15. 1999年Wilcox等应用逆转录病毒载体开始了对血小板无力症进行体外修饰基因治疗的相关研究,但由于逆转录病毒载体本身的安全性问题限制了它的使用,因此需要寻求其他可能的载体。

    Wilcox et al began this study by using retrovirus vector in 1999 , but safety problem of vector retrovirus restrict its use , so we should find another vector .

  16. 3)证明了小鼠遗传背景中,不存在通过杂合型(Om/+)雄鼠的精子影响DDK(Om/Om)雌鼠胚胎死亡率高低的修饰基因;

    3 ) there exist no modifier genes which influence the embryonic mortality of DDK ( Om / Om ) females through the sperm of the heterozygous ( Om / + ) male ;

  17. 对其进一步的上位性分析表明,有8条染色体的4对位点存在基因间互作,小穗育性耐热性除受主效QTL控制外,还受基因间互作及修饰基因的影响。

    Further analysis of epistatic effected QTLs for relative heat tolerance showed that four pairs of loci exhibited interaction on 8 chromosomes , which indicated that the heat tolerance of spikelet fertility was not only controlled by main effect QTL but also influenced by gene interaction .

  18. 2绿壳鸡蛋的蛋壳颜色虽是一种质量性状,但这一性状可能又受到一些修饰基因的控制及一些其它因素的影响。

    Eggshell color is a kind of qualitative trait and controlled by some modified genes .

  19. 线粒体耳聋与核修饰基因

    Mitochondrial Deafness and Nuclear Modifier Genes

  20. 白细胞介素-12基因再修饰基因瘤苗免疫小鼠的脾细胞过继治疗肝癌

    The adoptive theraputic effect of interleukin-12 gene transfected splenocytes from the mice immunized by immunogene tumor vaccine on implanted liver cancer

  21. 这些合并症可能是由癫痫的反复发作,修饰基因或是环境因素导致的。然而,确切机制尚且不明。

    These complications might be caused by recurrent seizures , modifier genes , or environmental factors . The mechanism has remained unclear .

  22. 抗性的表达可能受到一些修饰基因的影响,或者在同一基因位点上存在抗性程度不同的复等位基因。

    Resistance expression might be affected by some modifier genes , or there might be multiple alleles with different level of resistance on the same locus .

  23. 羊毛硫细菌素的生物合成基因包括结构基因、修饰基因、加工基因、转运基因、免疫基因、调节基因,它们成簇排列于产生菌的染色体或质粒上,构成数个转录单元。

    The gene clusters of structure , modification , processing , transporting , immunity , regulatory and associating genes are located in a several transcriptional units .

  24. 本研究的目的是研究烟曲霉酸合成基因簇中后修饰基因的功能及其在甾体药物制备中的价值。

    This study aims to identify the functions of post-modification genes of helvolic acid gene cluster and investigate their value in steroid drugs industry . 1 .

  25. 肝细胞癌中抑制细胞凋亡相关基因的差异表达白细胞介素-12基因再修饰基因瘤苗免疫小鼠的脾细胞过继治疗肝癌

    Comparative analysis of cell apoptosis inhibitory genes involved in hepatoma The adoptive theraputic effect of interleukin-12 gene transfected splenocytes from the mice immunized by immunogene tumor vaccine on implanted liver cancer

  26. 药理学治疗的目标不是针对基因本身,而是修饰基因的表达。这种方法已被用于因某些无义突变造成的疾病的治疗中。

    Second , pharmacological approaches that aim to modify gene expression , rather than the gene itself , have been applied to a subset of diseases where a nonsense mutation is involved .

  27. 育种上解决的途径是利用硬胚乳修饰基因选育子粒容重较高的硬胚乳或半硬胚乳O2自交系。

    The way to solve this problem in breeding is to use the hard endosperm modifier ( gene ) and to select hard or semi-hard O2 inbred lines with higher kernel volume weight .

  28. 经质谱和核磁对新衍生物的结构进行解析,初步证实了这5个后修饰基因的功能。

    Structures of these new derivatives were identified through mass and ' H NMR spectroscopic analysis . On the basis of the structures of these compounds , we verified the functions of these post-PKS modification genes .

  29. 尽管这一治疗方法可能还需要好几年的时间才能应用于临床,但这是基因疗法发展中的重要一步,这是一种修饰基因以治疗或预防疾病的疗法。

    Though the treatment is still years from coming to a clinic near you , it 's an important step in the development of gene therapies , which tinker with genes in order to treat or prevent diseases .

  30. 进一步对花青素苷合成相关基因进行总结分析,筛选出了花青素合成及其化学结构修饰基因、转录因子和转运体编码基因,发现这些基因大部分以多基因家族的形式存在。

    We selected some key genes and transcription factors related to the synthetize and decoration of anthocyanidins and transporter coding gene after the further analysis , and found that most of these genes belongs to multigene family . 4 .