
  • 网络monk;hermit;Sadhus;cenobite
  1. 修道者的独身观念含有禁欲兴宗教热情之意。

    The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor .

  2. 早先居住在高柱子顶端的基督教苦行修道者。

    An early Christian ascetic who lived on top of high pillars .

  3. 在山林清静的环境中,修道者对自然的发掘,使山水自然在道教中展示了自身的审美价值。

    Practicer practicing in the peaceful forest and exploring of nature made nature show it aesthetic value in Taoism .

  4. 在这十天的盛典中,他们全神贯注地听着圣明之人和知识渊博的耆那修道者安排的神圣的训诫。

    They listen with rapt attention to the holy sermons of the saints and learned Jain scholars arranged during the ten-day festival .

  5. 耆那教修道者,即诗人和作家经常在盛典日获得他们的文学作品,因此立誓效忠这个大盛典。

    Very often the Jain scholars viz . poets and writers get their literary works initiated during the festival days and thus pay their homage to this grand festival .

  6. 他们在充满血与内脏的环境里,与邪恶的吃人修道者博斗,克丽丝汀希望她能把她爸爸从永远的地狱中救回。

    They are full of blood and viscera of the environment , and the evil religious people are no different from fighting to eat , Christine hope that she can from her father saving hell forever .

  7. 第二,道教同其他宗教思想最明显的区别在于出世和禁欲,这样的伦理观念符合道教的基本教义与神仙信仰,是对所有修道者的基本要求。

    Second , Taoism with other religious ideas most obvious difference is that the " birth " and " abstinence ", this ethics in line with the basic teachings of Taoism and Immortality Faith is the basic requirement for all ascetics .