
xiū ɡǎi chénɡ xù
  • procedure of amendment;procedure of revision
  • update a routine
  1. 利用Pro/Engineer的Program模块实现了参数修改程序,扩展了模型构造方式。

    Program model of Pro / Engineer is adopted to realize the parameters modify and the model construction method is expanded .

  2. 您可以编写通知、修改程序、治理插件或验证器插件,但使用的API是类似的。

    You can write notifier , modifier , or governance plug-ins as well as validator plug-ins , and the API is similar .

  3. SIEMENS公司S7-200型PLC结构简单、指令丰富、操作与修改程序容易,可靠性高,控制功能与精度高等特点。

    The SIEMENS S7-200 programmable controller is of simple structure , overall orders , and easy to operate and revise .

  4. Pointcut和Advice允许影响程序的动态执行;引入(Introduction)允许修改程序的静态结构。

    Pointcuts and advice let you affect the dynamic execution of a program ; introduction allows aspects to modify the static structure of a program .

  5. 尽管本文采用DISC方法进行设计,但只要是使用指定的压力分布作为目标压力分布的设计方法都可以采用本文的目标压力分布生成与修改程序。

    Although the DISC design method was used in this study , the target generation and modification procedures can be used with any design method that uses a specified pressure distribution as its objective .

  6. 该PC系统结构简单,操作及修改程序容易,可靠性强,控制功能及精度亦优于原系统。

    By using this PC system , the structure is more simple , the operation and the program modification is easier , and the reliability is higher , and the control function and accuracy are better than the traditional system .

  7. 本文着眼于调度员培训仿真程序(DTS)的动态过程计算,研究事故阶段的导纳矩阵修改程序的快速运算及修正方法。

    The paper studies fast calculation and correct methods in admittance matrixes modify program , in view of the requirement of dynamic calculation in DTS program .

  8. 分析了引进的美国西方化学公司悬浮法37万t/aPVC装置出现的产品质量问题,通过优化配方和修改程序,提高了产品质量。

    The product quality problems occurring in the 370 kt / a PVC production facility imported from American Occidental Chemical Corporation were analyzed . Through optimizing the formula and revising procedures , the product quality was improved .

  9. 用PC代替原系统中的二极管矩阵单元,具有结构简单、操作容易、修改程序方便及可靠性高等特点,并且控制功能和精度均优于原系统。

    Using PC unit insted of original diode matrix unit , the structure will be simple , the operation and the program change will be easy , and the reliability will be high . The control function and accuracy are better than the traditional system .

  10. 一个像execution(Remote+.()throwsRemoteException)(在AspectJ中定义)这样的连接点可以很好地捕获所有RMI操作,而无需修改程序元素,并且保证有一个强壮的切入点。

    A pointcut such as execution ( Remote + . ( ) throws RemoteException )( defined in AspectJ ) neatly captures all RMI operations without modifying the program elements , and also ensures a robust pointcut .

  11. 以MCML为基础对蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo,MC)算法的编程和实现,进行了深入研究,并通过编写修改程序实现了对OCT的MC模拟。得到了一种基本满足我们要求的OCT数值模拟方法。

    We have got a method , basically meeting our requirements , of simulation of OCT by Monte Carlo modeling , which is achieved by revised based on the MCML algorithm , through our in-depth study on it . 3 .

  12. 但请在README中说明需要非自由库是一个缺陷,并且建议进行修改程序的工作让其使用非自由库来完成相同的工作。

    But please mention in the README that the need for the non-free library is a drawback , and suggest the task of changing the program so that it does the same job without the non-free library .

  13. 要严格法律和政策的制定、修改程序。

    The constitution and revision of law and policy should be restricted .

  14. 更为重要的维护是为了适应现时应用的需要而修改程序。

    More significant is the need to update a program to keep it current ;

  15. 程序高级规则仅是用于修改程序允许的。

    These only modify the Program permissions .

  16. 星云开始招收一对一游戏修改程序培训,详见软件说明。

    Nebula began to take one-on-one games to amend the training , see Note software .

  17. (十四)合作企业合同的修改程序。

    Procedures for modifying the JV contract .

  18. 安装程序正修改程序以使其启动更快。此过程大概要花几分钟的时间。

    Setup is modifying your programs so they start faster . This might take several minutes .

  19. 对于某些替换,需要修改程序逻辑或链接语句。

    For some replacements , you may need to change the program logic or linkage statements .

  20. 在比赛正式开始之前,他们花了很多个小时调整装置,修改程序。

    Before the competition officially started , they spent hours to adjust the settings and modify the program .

  21. 然后可以像其他对象一样,用注释实例修改程序的行为。

    The annotation instances can then be used much like other objects to modify the behavior of the program .

  22. 重构是一系列的小部骤,每一步只修改程序的内部结构,但是不改变它的外部行为。

    A series of small steps , each of which changes the program 's internal structure without changing its external behavior .

  23. 这些特点决定了新业务的实现不需要通过修改程序源代码,而是通过简单的内部指令配置就能实现新业务的受理。

    These characteristics of the new business need not modify source code , but through simple internal directive configuration can achieve a new business .

  24. 采用可编程主动包,通过修改程序,而不是修改协议本身来获得所需要的业务;

    With programmable active packets , by modifying program in Policy Decision Point , the desirable service can be obtained without modifying the protocols themselves .

  25. 我们需要修改程序使其在命令行中未包含所有参数时打印默认消息而不是崩溃。

    We need to modify the program to print a default message instead of crashing if all parameters are not included on the command line .

  26. 最后通过对系统进行多次实验,调试和修改程序,完成了三容水箱远程实验系统的联机实验并取得了预期的结果。

    It goes through many times of experimenting , program debugging and modifying and it accomplishes the three-tank water remote control system and realizes the expectant outcome .

  27. 新几内亚自然主义者了解了如何改变我们对蛇的本能恐惧,以及增强我们的大脑修改程序的能力。

    Naturalist in New Guinea makes us understand how to change our instinctual fear of snakes and how to strengthen our abilities to change our mental program .

  28. 在立法形式上,提出借鉴国内外的成功实践,采用法典化立法模式,并增强立法修改程序的灵活性。

    In terms legislation , the thesis proposes the adoption of international and domestic best practices , codification legislation and calls for flexibility in the legislative amendment procedures .

  29. 面对各地业务上的差异,我们构造了一套完备的参数体系,使得业务发生变化时,只需要调整相应的参数就可以让系统适应新的业务需求,而不需要修改程序。

    We construct a parameter system to deal with this issue . When the operation changes , we can make the system fit it by adjusting the parameters .

  30. 一些基金组织尤其按规则驱动的商品交易顾问往往是自动化将不得不重新修改程序以适应新的规定。

    Some hedge funds especially commodity trading advisers that follow rule-driven , often computerised , investment strategies will have to rewrite their programs to take the new limits into account .