
xiū xínɡ zhě
  • Practitioner;ascetic;Buddhist monk/nun
  1. 尊贵的法王噶m巴说,他是一位佛教徒、一位修行者。

    His holiness the Karmapa is a Buddhist and practices Buddhism .

  2. 修行者的智慧是由他简朴生活中所逐渐产生的。

    Man of practice cultivates his wisdom from simple and plain life .

  3. 服食异物:以葛洪为例看修行者与自然的关系

    Ingesting the Marvelous : the Practitioner 's Relationship to Nature According to Ge Hong

  4. 这个修行者的修行已经到达相当的水平,并开发出天眼通。

    The cultivator who has reached a certain high level of practice suddenly develops'transcendental vision .

  5. 当修行者获得较深的定力时,他的心变得清净。

    When a meditator has gained deep concentration of mind , his mind is purified .

  6. 禅宗佛教认为,冥思能帮助修行者摆脱欲望和苦难的轮回。

    In Zen Buddhism , meditation helps practitioners detach from the cycle of desire and suffering .

  7. 子桑凄凉的歌声透露出绝望的心情。这对一位修行者而言是完全违背原则的。

    The dismal song expressed his despair , which by the rule of practice was not allowed .

  8. 道教的内丹修炼主要是修行者用意念对气的导引;

    The exercises of Taoism are mainly the gymnosophist guides the activity of air with the thought ;

  9. 孩子们表演民族舞蹈,献给中秋节返回的女修行者。

    The children perform a folk dance to welcome female practitioners returning to the center for the moon festival .

  10. 你可以享用燕麦粥配一杯多种维生素果汁的“瑜珈修行者的早餐”。

    You can enjoy the " Yogi 's Breakfast " with oats porridge and a shot of multivitamin juice .

  11. 他见证了1956年一位印度瑜珈修行者控制他的脑波,故意将他的意识从一个水平转换到另一个水平。

    He saw an Indian Yogi in1956 controlling his brainwaves , deliberately shifting his consciousness from one level to another .

  12. 修行者还是早早地穿好衣裳,在门口迎接专车的到来吧!

    Man of practice batter be dressed up as early as possible and waits at the gate for chartered bus .

  13. 在大乘佛法的另外一个传统里,他们用五蕴的不同层次,来衡量一位瑜珈修行者的进度。

    Within another Mahayana Buddhist tradition , skandha states are used as a measure to determine how advanced a yogi is .

  14. 尼泊尔,一个神圣的地方,历史上瑜珈修行者的福地,是瑜珈静修的理想空净之地。

    Nepal provides an idle environment for yoga retreat as it is a holy place , blessed by yogis of the past .

  15. 当修行者经过这样反复印证,并且由不同的先哲口中获知了大致相同的修行原则之后;

    Man of practice acquires the similar rule of practice from different ancient sages , which they have been evidenced again and again .

  16. 每当我看戏时,内人会因为她认为身为一个修行者不应该浪费时间在这上面而不开心。

    Whenever I watch movies , my wife is not happy about it because she thinks that a practitioner should not waste time on that .

  17. 在浙江天台山的古老寺庙中,僧人们正准备开始他们一天中重要的一餐,修行者的食谱是全素的。

    In the ancient temple of Mount Tiantai , the monks are preparing the most important meal of a day . Monk has vegetarian diet .

  18. 赞助人阿蒂·布托当时接受《华盛顿邮报》采访时表示,山羊们很放松,有助于缺乏经验的瑜伽修行者更好地适应这种练习。

    Patron Artie Boutin told The Post at the time that the goats were relaxing and helped less-experienced yogis get more comfortable with the practice .

  19. 所以,对一位修行者而言,他首先必须要舍弃掉由肉身所散发出来的七情六欲,至于肉身的需求能够简单应付即可;

    So , a man of practice must restrict the feelings and desires about worldly affairs , and only does the necessary works for keeping life ;

  20. 我们能跟随师父修行,真的是一生中最大的荣幸和福报,相信每位观音修行者对此都深有同感。

    It is our greatest honor and blessing to be able to follow master to practice spiritually . I am sure that every Quan Yin practitioner shares the same feeling .

  21. 这是哈他瑜伽的一个重要部分,因为古时代的瑜伽修行者们相信,通过控制人的呼吸,可以揭开控制人的思想的秘密。

    This is an important part of Hatha Yoga because the yogis of old times believed that the secret to controlling one 's mind can be unlocked by controlling one 's breath .

  22. 有次,一个小孩子让我很沮丧,他一直叫我“修行者”,指着我的肚子说,“好大的野餐篮子。”因此我有了一个计划。

    And I remember this plan , born out of frustration from a kid who kept calling me " Yogi , " then pointed at my tummy and said , " Too many picnic baskets . "

  23. 既然每个人都有此获得平静与喜乐的心愿,假若一名修行者能够真的得到快乐,或者因为他们的修行而带来了一些好的结果,这应该是一生中非常大的成就。

    Since everybody has this wish to gain peace and happiness , if a practitioner does happen to get some happiness or if some good things come as a result of their practice then this is a great achievement in one 's life .

  24. 佛教密宗的修持也主要是修行者意识的运行;

    Buddhisms leading a pious life , is also the movement which the gymnosophist realizes ;