
xiū jiǎn
  • trim;prune;clip;mow;manicure;shave;prune back;pare
修剪 [xiū jiǎn]
  • [prune;trim;clip] 剪整齐

  • 沿着林荫大道修剪所有的树木

修剪[xiū jiǎn]
  1. 如果想让灌木结果,就必须进行修剪。

    You have to prune a bush if you want fruit

  2. 没有最好的修剪方法。

    There is no best way to prune .

  3. 用长柄大剪刀修剪高树篱。

    Use shears with a long reach for cutting high hedges .

  4. 夏天我们每周得修剪草坪两次。

    In summer we have to mow the lawn twice a week .

  5. 夏天我每周都要修剪草坪。

    I mow the lawn every week in summer .

  6. 他把树篱修剪了一下。

    He gave the hedge a clip .

  7. 玫瑰都要年年修剪。

    All roses require annual pruning .

  8. 树篱需要修剪了。

    The hedge needs pruning back .

  9. 把你的眉毛修剪成越往外眼角越细的月牙形。

    Taper the shape of your eyebrows towards the outer corners .

  10. 健康浓密的头发需要定期修剪。

    Hair that 's thick and luxuriant needs regular trimming .

  11. 他还记得修剪草坪、在泳池边闲荡的情景。

    He remembered mowing the lawn , lounging around the swimming pool .

  12. 米什卡找到个指甲剪,开始仔细地修剪指甲。

    Mishka got some nail scissors and started carefully trimming his fingernails .

  13. 上一拨房客连草都没有修剪。

    The most recent tenants hadn 't even cut the grass

  14. 树没有修剪,路也没有铺。

    Trees were to be left uncut , roads unpaved .

  15. 他的手指甲是方形的,修剪得很齐。

    His finger nails were square and cut neatly across .

  16. 他在旅行前刚把浓密的金发修剪了一番。

    His thick blond hair had just been styled before his trip .

  17. 我把一堆垃圾与修剪下的碎草运到了垃圾场。

    I took a load of rubbish and grass cuttings to the tip .

  18. 我看见一位老人在外面修剪树篱。

    I saw an old man out clipping his hedge

  19. 修剪灌木和乔木这样的木本植物时必须小心。

    Care must be taken when trimming around woody plants like shrubs and trees

  20. 她向外望去,注视着修剪得整整齐齐、无可挑剔的花园。

    She stared out at the impeccably manicured garden .

  21. 除草剪刀专门用于修剪缝隙角落里的青草。

    Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places .

  22. 那天,他假装在修剪灌木,秘密对她进行监视。

    That day he spied on her while pretending to work on the shrubs

  23. 我朋友每8个星期为我修剪一次头发。

    My friend trims my hair every eight weeks

  24. 看到她如此细心地修剪她那双大手,他十分惊讶。

    He was surprised to see how carefully she had manicured her broad hands .

  25. 我要去修剪草坪了。

    I 'm going to cut the grass .

  26. 让头发达到最佳效果意味着要修剪得当,并选择合适的发型。

    Making the most of your hair means getting the cut and shape right .

  27. 最好在冬天树汁增多之前修剪这些树。

    It is best to coppice the trees in the winter before the sap rises .

  28. 橡胶树修剪完后,应会长出新枝。

    If you cut your rubber plant back , it should send out new side shoots .

  29. 你能否告诉我该不该修剪苹果树?

    Can you tell me whether it is a good thing to prune an apple tree ?

  30. 修剪草坪后有很多剪下的碎草需要清理。

    Having mown the lawn , there are all those grass clippings to get rid of .