
xiū gǎi
  • modify;modification;amend;revise;alter;corrective;rework;revamp;polish;emendation
修改 [xiū gǎi]
  • [revise;modify;amend;alter] 改动、删节或增添;改正,纠正

  • 修改错误百出的文本

修改[xiū gǎi]
  1. 这个剧本如何修改,尚待讨论。

    It needs further discussion as regards how to revise the play .

  2. 基于目前这种情况,我们不得不修改原来的计划。

    In view of the present situation , we 'll have to revise our original plan .

  3. 他提的关于修改制度的建议被拒绝了。

    His proposal that the system should be changed was rejected .

  4. 我对你的报告作了几处小的修改。

    I 've made a few small corrections to your report .

  5. 迫使政府修改法律的压力不断增加。

    Pressure is mounting on the government to change the law .

  6. 他们担心即将修改法律。

    They are worried about prospective changes in the law .

  7. 许多人都觉得这项法律应该修改。

    Many people feel that the law should be changed .

  8. 这个团体准备请求议会修改法律。

    The group intends to petition Parliament for reform of the law .

  9. 这些式样可以修改,以适应个人不同爱好。

    These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes .

  10. 我们使用的软件已按我们的需要作过修改。

    The software we use has been modified for us .

  11. 公众的意见是反对对该法律作任何修改。

    Public sentiment is against any change to the law .

  12. 政府正在修改申领失业救济金的规定。

    The government is changing the rules for claiming dole .

  13. 政府对是否修改现行法律存有疑虑。

    The government is leery of changing the current law .

  14. 她对自己的论文作了几处小的修改。

    She made several minor amendments to her essay .

  15. 在将报告打印出来之前,他作了一些小小的修改。

    He made some minor revisions to the report before printing it out .

  16. 政府建议修改表决制度。

    The government proposed changes to the voting system .

  17. 工人们进行抗议,反对拟议中的对他们合同的修改。

    The workers staged a protest against the proposed changes in their contracts .

  18. 也许有必要对这个设计稍作几处修改。

    It might be necessary to make a few slight modifications to the design .

  19. 他在临终前几天修改遗嘱,这很能说明问题。

    It is significant that he changed his will only days before his death .

  20. 对是否应该修改政治避难法展开了一场全国性的大辩论。

    There was a nationwide debate on whether the asylum laws should be changed .

  21. 他同意我们提出的全部修改方案。

    He accepted all the changes we proposed .

  22. 修改处在背面有详细的说明。

    The changes are explained in detail overleaf .

  23. 我想对我先前写的内容进行补充修改。

    I should like to add a corrective to what I have written previously .

  24. 有些对白有所修改以适应美国观众的口味。

    Some of the dialogue has been changed to make it more palatable to an American audience .

  25. 一旦灰泥一干,就没有机会修改了。

    Once the plaster was dry there was no room for correction

  26. 实际上写作过程中最重要的阶段是修改。

    The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision

  27. 只有经过了无数次修改后,约翰才认为剧本写好了。

    Only after countless rewrites did John consider the script ready .

  28. 艾森豪威尔用他的影响力说服国会修改了该项法律。

    Eisenhower used his muscle to persuade Congress to change the law

  29. 多年来该剧本一直在修改。

    The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years .

  30. 政府已经修改了有关领取失业救济金资格的规章制度。

    The government has altered the rules governing eligibility for unemployment benefit .