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xiū shū
  • write a letter;compile a book
修书 [xiū shū]
  • (1) [compile a book]∶编写书籍

  • (2) [write a letter]∶写信

修书[xiū shū]
  1. 盛世修书&对于修订1981年版《鲁迅全集》的几点意见

    Several Remarks about 1981 Edition of The Complete Works of LU Xun

  2. 首相最近修书与菲奥纳女士,称英国的风景为“国家宝藏”并要求会谈。

    The prime minister recently wrote to Dame Fiona calling Britain 's landscapes a " national treasure " and urging dialogue .

  3. 四库全书馆在继承中国古代设馆修书的经验基础上,成功地编纂了在中国古代文化史上具有重要地位的《四库全书》和几部副产品。

    Successfully , this institute , on the basis of inheriting the experience that set up institute to compile books in ancient China , compiled SI KU QUAN SHU and a few by-products which had an important position in the history of China 's culture .