
  • 网络rounding off method
  1. 水文资料整编中数字修约方法的程序编制

    Compiling Program for Rounding off of Figure in Hydrologic Data Compilation

  2. 对数值修约方法的研究

    Research on Way to Rounding off Numerical Values

  3. 国内外有关数值修约方法标准的内容要点综述及简评

    The summary and brief appraisal of the standard for rounding method of numbers at home and abroad

  4. 对GB/T8170-1987《数值修约规则》进行了探讨,得出了对数值进行修约的一般方法,并对数值修约在计算机上如何简单实现进行了探讨,得出一种较为简便、实用的程序设计方法。

    A common way was shown to rounding off numerical values through research for GB / T8170-1987 Rules for Rounding off Numerical Values .