
xiū zhènɡ tiáo kuǎn
  • amendment clause;correction clause
  1. 反对党已经就该议案提交了一项修正条款。

    The Opposition has tabled an amendment to the bill .

  2. “软件”可能附带对本《协议》的修正条款或补充条款。

    An amendment or addendum to this EULA may accompany the software .

  3. 修正条款规定丹尼尔在30岁之前能自由支配他信托基金的唯一方法

    The amendment makes it so the only way Daniel can fully access his trust before he turns 30

  4. 但是伊拉克政府的一名发言人在巴格达说,修正条款的内容包括禁止美军从伊拉克领土向邻国发动袭击的措辞。

    But an Iraqi government spokesman in Baghdad says the amendments include language that would ban U.S. forces from attacking neighboring countries from Iraqi territory .

  5. 修正条款:贷款协定中的一项条款,它授权借款人在国际收支出现困难时,在一定时限内推迟还本付息。

    Bisque clause : Clause in loan agreement that entitles a Borrower to postpone payments of interest and principal for limited periods of time in Balance of payments difficulties .

  6. 它是一种混合了多种期权的特殊的公司债券,除最为明显的转股期权外,往往还设有赎回期权、回售期权,并往往还设计有转股价格向下修正条款。

    It is a special company bonds mixed with many options . Besides the evident equity convertible option , it usually has call option , put option , conversion price downward revision clause .

  7. 欧洲领导人周四晚拟批准欧盟条约的一项修正条款,以创建一套为负债沉重的国家纾困的新机制。但在欧盟年末峰会上,各国围绕其它危机应对措施的分歧似乎有所加重。

    European leaders were poised to approve an amendment to European Union treaties last night to create a new bail-out system for debt-laden countries , but national divisions over other measures to halt the eurozone crisis appeared to harden at their year-end summit .

  8. 最后,在总结全文研究成果的同时,针对我国可转换债券的条款设计,如票面利率条款、转股价格条款、转股价格修正条款、赎回条款、回售条款,提出了几点对策建议。

    At last , we review the research conclusion of this paper and give some suggestions about the convertible bond term design , such as the coupon rate , the conversion premium , the adjustment of conversion price , the call provisions and the put provisions .

  9. 法律卫道士对修正抵押条款的想法感到惊骇,将其视作对契约神圣性的侵犯。

    The idea of modifying mortgages appals legal purists as a violation of the sanctity of contract .

  10. 除在此修正的条款之外,原认购协议的其他条款依然有效。

    Except as amended and set forth above , the Original Agreement shall continue in full force and effect .

  11. 负债策略包括优化产品结构、提高定价合理性、修正保单条款和创新营销模式;资产策略包括实行保险资产证券化、加强投资管理。

    Debt strategy includes the optimization of product structure , the improvement of pricing rationality , the amendment of the policy terms , the innovation of the marketing pattern ; Assets strategy includes the securitization of the insurance assets and strengthening the investment management .

  12. 作为此类审议的结果,部长级会议可修正本协定的条款。

    As a result of such review , the Ministerial Conference may amend the provisions of the Agreement .

  13. 随机利率下转股价可修正的可转债定价研究转股价修正条款价值与可转债定价研究

    Convertible Bonds Pricing with Reset Clauses under the Stochastic Interest Rate The Amendments of the Price of Convertible Stock and the Pricing of Convertible Bond