
  • 网络Curlew;Whimbrel;numenius borealis;Numenius madagascariensis
  1. 在北美洲北部繁殖的新大陆杓鹬。

    New World curlew that breeds in northern North America .

  2. 白腰杓鹬则离开水面。

    The Curlew prefers to work out of water .

  3. 中杓鹬为鄱阳湖保护区的新记录。

    Numenius phaeopus is the new record in Reserve .

  4. 与杓鹬形似的大型涉水鸟;具有长而细的稍向上弯的喙。

    Large wading bird that resembles a curlew ; has a long slightly upturned bill .

  5. 他可以听到杓鹬穿透一片嘈杂之声的奇怪叫声(亨利·金斯利)

    " He could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din "( Henry Kingsley ) .

  6. 杓鹬在鸣叫,燕鸥在海湾边上捕鱼;家燕在成群集结,正在准备这一年的迁徙。

    A curlew called and a tern fished the estuary ; house martins were gathering , preparing for migration .

  7. 迁徙中常到干燥的高地寻食昆虫和种子;越冬的杓鹬占据沼泽和海滨泥滩,觅食蠕虫和螃蟹。

    They eat insects and seeds during migration But feed on worms and fiddler crabs while wintering on marshes and coastal mudflats .

  8. 首次发现渔鸥、中杓鹬等湖北省鸟类新记录4种。

    Four species were new records in Hubei province , say as PALLAS 'S GULL ( Larus ichthyaetus ) and WHIMBREL ( Numenius phaeopus ) .

  9. 分布广泛的鸻行目呈杓鹬样的海鸟,主要在夜间活动。长有大的头、黄色大眼睛及节结状腿。

    Any of various widely distributed , chiefly nocturnal , curlewlike shore birds of the family Burhinidae , having large heads , large yellow eyes , and knobby leg joints .