
  • 网络social perception;social cognition
  1. Bruner在以往研究基础上,提出了社会知觉概念,并且进行了相关实验,开启了现当代社会认知研究的大门。

    Bruner put forward the social perception concept in 1949 and carried a lot of practical studies , thus initiating the study in this field in modern times .

  2. 浅析记者的社会知觉

    The superficial view on the social perception of journalists

  3. 过去经验对内隐社会知觉的影响

    The influence of past experience on implicit social perception

  4. 政府官员社会知觉的模糊综合评析

    Fuzzy Synthetical Evaluation on the Government Officials ' Social Consciousness on the Ipe Basis

  5. 社会知觉的偏见与管理

    The Prejudice and Management of Social Consciousness

  6. 自尊量表的探索性因素分析得出自我悦纳、自我效能和社会知觉三个要素(特征根大于1,解释方差比率总计50.0%);

    The results of EFA ( Exploratory Factor analysis ) of self-esteem had three factors : self-liking , self-efficacy and social consciousness .

  7. 已有的研究揭示出社会知觉、刻板印象、性别差异、印象形成中存在内隐社会认知;

    Extant research has shown that implicit social cognition is present in social consciousness , stereotype formation , gender difference , and impression formation .

  8. 社会知觉是社会认知过程的第一个阶段,是人通过感官对社会客体属性直接的整体感知。

    Social perception is the first stage of the social cognitive , which people perceive the character of social objective directly through the sensory .

  9. 但是只要未婚妈妈的社会知觉不改变,针对这些女性的服务就不会出现。

    But as long as social perception of unmarried mothers does not change , it will be difficult for these women to come out .

  10. 这表明儿童利用社会知觉信息进行行为决策的能力在3-5岁间有明显的发展。

    It was suggested that during 3 to 5 years , there exists important developmental changing in children 's ability of utilizing the social perceptual information to guide behavioral decision .

  11. 个体私营经济的发展,政府政策是核心,良好政策制定政府和官员的社会知觉是关键。

    Government policy is vital to the development of the individual and private economy ( IPE ), and the social consciousness of goverment officals is the key factor to affect the policy .

  12. 结果发现,实验材料双字词的笔划数、被试的性别对内隐社会知觉没有影响,而经验对内隐社会知觉有显著的影响;

    The results showed that the count of Chinese two-character word and the sex of the subjects had no effect upon implicit social perception ; past experiences took an important role in it significantly .

  13. 一直以来,社会知觉都是社会认知领域中的核心主题之一,其要解决的核心问题,是在社会交往中,对他人印象形成的过程。

    For a long time , Social perception is one of the key subject of social cognitive , one of the most important problem needed to be solved is the process of the impress formation to others .

  14. 由职业潜质、职业理想、职业信念与信仰、个人兴趣、职业社会知觉、职业角色意识与自主发展等组成的自身因素是影响名师发展的内因与主因。

    The self-factor is the immanent and major cause that affect the development of prominent teachers . Self-factor consists of professional potential , professional ideal , professional belief , self-interest , professional social perception , professional consciousness of the role and individual development etc.

  15. 是艺术还是艺术的审美分配,抑或是现代社会人性的知觉?

    Is art or artistic aesthetic distribution , or a modern social human consciousness ?

  16. 自我概念(self-concept)是个体对自身心理、生理和社会功能状态的知觉和主观评价。

    Self concept is consciousness and subjective appraisement which individuals make on the mentality , physiology and social function .

  17. 社会心理、错误知觉与美国安全观的转变及实践&以九一一事件和伊拉克战争为例

    Social Psychology , Misperceptions , and Transition & Enforcement of U.S. Perceptions of National Security : The Cases of 9.11 and Iraq

  18. 所有成员都是亲社会动机的小组知觉到的过程的公平性要比有一个或者多个利己动机的小组要高。

    Members of groups with only prosocial members perceived more procedural fairness than did members of groups that had one or more egoistic members . 6 .

  19. 网络文学创作主体“自我与社会的统合,”由社会知觉、社会交往和社会适应三大维度构成。

    Net literature creators " self-social integration ", includes three ingredients : social perception , social communication and social adaptation .

  20. 社会判断是指在个体在社会知觉的基础上对认知客体的评价和推论,其目的是通过评价和推论达到对客体的正确把握。

    Social judgment is individual evaluation and inference on the person perception foundation , and its purpose arrive at mastering object accurately by evaluation and inference .

  21. 除社会表达与心理健康的指标相关不显著以外,社会适应、社会知觉、印象管理与心理健康水平呈正相关,社会自信(高分表示不自信)与心理健康水平呈负相关。

    Social confidence was negatively correlated with mental health . Social expression did not correlation with mental health .

  22. 社会自我(socialself-concept)是个体对自己在社会生活中所担任的各种社会角色的知觉,包括对角色关系、角色地位、角色规范、角色技能和角色体验的认知和评价。

    Social-self-concept is the perceptions of one 's roles that he or she plays in his or her social life , including the cognition and evaluation of his or her role relation , role status , role norm , role-playing skill and role experience .

  23. 结果:社会技能量表通过探索性因素分析可以得到5个分量表,分别是社会适应、社会知觉、社会自信、社会表达和印象管理。

    Results : Using exploring factor analysis , 5 factors were extracted , i.e. social adaptation , social perception , social confidence , social expression , and impression management .