
  • 网络community;sociality;Syncretic Sociability
  1. 具有高社群性和高智力,迁徙时大群喧嚣,以叫声沟通。

    Highly social and intelligent , they travel in large noisy troops , communicating by calls .

  2. 赛博空间中亚文化社群的探索性观察与分析

    The Explosive Observation and Analysis of Sub-culture Groups in Cyberspace

  3. 他将人类关系分为三个基本模式:团结性社群、工具性联合体与公民身份。

    He has divided the human relation into three modes : solidary social community , instrumental combo , and citizenhood .

  4. 自1962年福特基金会事件之后,日本中国研究界注意到自我反省的意识,带来了一波「学术社群的主体性何在」的思维。

    Since the Ford Foundation event in1962 , Japanese China-studies community started to notice thoughts on the identity of academic community .

  5. 由灵修社群提供的支持性环境,是解脱道次第不可或缺的一部份。

    The supportive environment provided by a spiritual community is an integral part of the path .

  6. 此外,信任是社群建设的关键性问题,而信任与用户信誉是密切相关的。

    In addition , trust is the critical issue of community construction , and is relative to users ' reputation .

  7. 光头通常令人联想到和尚、士兵、犯人,这些社群都排斥个体性。

    A shaved head was typically associated with monks , soldiers , and prisoners , all communities where individual identity is denied .