
  1. 用科学发展观指导社区矫正工作的创新实践

    Guiding the Innovative Practice of Community Corrections through the Concept of Scientific Development

  2. 关于社区矫正工作的实践与理论探索

    Explorations in Theories and Practices Concerning Community Corrections

  3. 论社区矫正工作人员的种类与名称

    The Categories and Terminologies of Community Correction Staff

  4. 社会工作者介入社区矫正工作探讨

    Discussion on social workers involved in community correction

  5. 我国通过近5年来社区矫正工作试点,社区矫正工作已经取得了明显成效。

    Community correction in China has been practicing nearly five years and producing good effect .

  6. 在我国实施的社区矫正工作,有一大部分是针对青少年犯罪的。

    In our country the majority of community correction is aimed at the young criminals .

  7. 再是介绍某市社区矫正工作中存在的问题与困难。

    Third , it introduces the problems and difficulties of Community corrections in the city .

  8. 第三章是我国社区矫正工作人员存在的问题分析。

    Chapter three is analysis the problem existed in the staff of our Community Correction .

  9. 关于我国社区矫正工作若干法律问题的思考

    Reflections on the Community Rectification System

  10. 这既是我国社区矫正工作发展的方向所在,也是本文研究的目的。

    This is our direction of development of Community Correction , and also the purpose of this study .

  11. 在社区矫正工作中,剥夺政治权利执行难问题反映突出。

    The difficulty in enforcing the judgment of deprivation of political rights in community based correction is conspicuous .

  12. 三要进一步完善社区矫正工作体制和出狱人保护制度,不断提高社会和谐水平。

    Thirdly , further perfecting the system of community correction , and constantly improve the level of social harmony .

  13. 2005年,笔者以社会工作专业本科生的身份亲历社区矫正工作一线。

    In 2005 , the author intervened in front-line of Community Corrections as an undergraduate majored in social work .

  14. 相比较而言,我国的社区矫正工作起步较晚,相关的法律制度才刚刚起步。

    By contrast , community correction in our country appeared late , and related legal system has just started .

  15. 我国于2002年、2005年分两批进行了试点,并于2009年将社区矫正工作在全国范围内推开。

    China in 2002 , conducted experiments in two batches in 2005 and in 2009 the community corrections work in the nationwide push .

  16. 社区矫正工作作为非监禁刑罚的执行活动,是我国司法体制和工作机制改革的重要方向和内容。

    As a non-imprison penalty , Communication correction is an important part in China judicial system and the target in judicial mechanism reform .

  17. 北京等13个省(区、市)已经在全辖区开展社区矫正工作。

    Beijing and other 13 provinces ( autonomous regions and municipalities ) have been carried out in the whole area of community corrections work .

  18. 论文最后总结出:青少年社区矫正工作应该树立公共治理的理念。

    This paper finally summarizes : " the work of the young people community correction " should set up the idea of the public government .

  19. 社区矫正工作不仅是一项执法活动,也是一项社会工作,具有专门性与群众性。

    Community correction is not only an activity that enforces the law , but also a social work , so it has specialization and mass .

  20. 但随着社区矫正工作的不断深入,所暴露出的问题不容忽视,尤为重要的是关于社区矫正的立法问题。

    However , as experimental work was deepen , lots of exposed problems can not be neglected . The Most important is the Legislative issues .

  21. 因此,加强理论研究和实践探索,促进社区矫正工作的法制化、科学化和规范化,显得尤为必要。

    So strengthen theoretical research and practical exploration and promote the community correcting legalizing , scientific process and standardization of the work , seem particularly essential .

  22. 文章从宏观上把握社区矫正工作中存在的问题,具体包括五个方面:一是立法方面的问题。

    This section intends to investigate the problems of the community correction in five aspects with a macroscopic view . Firstly , the defects exist in legislation .

  23. 通过近年来的试行,社区矫正工作发展迅速,矫正试行范围不断扩大,矫正人数不断增长。

    Through years of trial , the rapid development of community corrections work , try expanding the scope of correction , correction of the number is growing .

  24. 由于受我国长期以来的重刑主义观念的影响,我国很大一部分民众对社区矫正工作并不认同,这就阻碍了社区矫正工作的推进。

    Due to the harsh sentences of Ideas , our people do not agree on the work of Community Corrections , which hindered the promotion of community correction .

  25. 非监禁刑的广泛适用代表了当今世界刑罚的发展趋势,在此背景下我国社区矫正工作也在开展。

    The wide application of non-imprisonment punishment represents the development trend of world punishments , and community correction work in our country is carried out in this context .

  26. 同时,受经济、文化和社会发展等因素的影响,社区矫正工作也面临着许多困难和亟需解决的问题。

    At the same time , by economic , cultural and social development factors , Community Corrections is also facing many difficulties and problems that need urgent solutions .

  27. 八年时间过去了,社区矫正工作取得了很好的效果,有效缓解了监所紧张的局面,一定程度上维护了社会的和谐稳定。

    Eight years later , Community Corrections has made good results , effectively easing the tension in prisons , to some extent to maintain social harmony and stability .

  28. 近年来为了顺应司法体制改革,从2003年开始,司法部在六省市开始了社区矫正工作的试点。

    In order to comply with the judicial system in recent years , from 2003 , the Justice Department in the six provinces of Community Corrections began a pilot .

  29. 从我国8年多的社区矫正工作来看,取得了一些成效,同时也存在着一定的问题和困难。

    According to the eight years ' hard work , we have achieved a lot in the community correction . Meanwhile , there also exist some problems and difficulties .

  30. 2009年9月2日,为了推动我国社区矫正工作深入发展,四部门发布了《关于在全国试行社区矫正工作的意见》。

    On September 2 , 2009 , in order to promote further development of community correction , the four departments published on the implementation of the opinions of community correction .