
ɡuó jiā ān quán jī ɡuān
  • state security organization
  1. 关于国家安全机关行政执法权的思考

    He Thought of Law Executing Power of Safety Organs of the State

  2. 但它开启了一扇进入伊朗国家安全机关的窗口。

    But Stuxnet created a window into the Iranian national security apparatus .

  3. 法律赋予了国家安全机关刑事执法权,也赋予了其行政执法权。

    The safety organs of the state are endowed with the penal and executive power by law .

  4. 全世界的国家安全机关亟需更好地了解这些“虚拟间谍”能够发挥的作用。

    It is imperative for national security establishments worldwide to better understand the roles these virtual spies can play .

  5. 为国家安全机关提供重要线索,发现、破坏严重危害国家安全的犯罪案件的;

    Providing important clues to the state security organs for discovering and cracking down criminal cases which seriously endanger State security ;

  6. 国家安全机关没收的财物,一律上缴国库。

    The property confiscated by the State security organs shall , in any case , be turned in to the State Treasury .

  7. 上级国家安全机关或者有关部门应当及时查清事实,负责处理。

    The State security organ at the higher level or the relevant department shall ascertain the facts without delay and be responsible for the handling thereof .

  8. 国家安全机关在国家安全工作中必须依靠人民的支持,动员、组织人民防范、制止危害国家安全的行为。

    The state security organs , in the work of state security , must rely on the people 's support , and shall mobilize and organize the people to prevent and checked any act endangering the security of the state .

  9. 但就国家安全机关行政执法权而言,其执法所依据的国家安全法及其实施细则,还存在许多空白、不足和问题,需从立法上予以解决,以便国家安全机关更能有效地履行职责。

    For the executive power of executing the law , the safety laws and practices based on have many blanks and problems , which must be solved on the basis of the legislation so that the organs can more effectively exercise their functions .

  10. 与传统上把军队限制在兵营不同,伊拉克军队更像国家的安全机关,通过武力确保政权的合法性。

    The army troops of Iraq differ from the traditional value . They are more like a safety organization of a country , which guarantee the legacy of the government by force .

  11. 安全法将允许中央政府维护国家安全的有关机关根据需要在香港特别行政区设立机构。

    It will allow the central government 's national security agencies to set up in Hong Kong when needed .

  12. 审视我国《国家安全法》,我们不难发现,《国家安全法》的立法目的、国家安全机关的法律地位、危害国家安全的行为及其法律责任等方面的疏漏和缺陷。

    By observing the state security law carefully , the oversights and inadequacies can be easily found in many respects such as legislative purpose of the state security law , legal status of the state security organ and the behavior endangering the security and the legal duty .