
shè qū huò dé xìnɡ fèi yán
  • community acquired pneumonia;CAP
  1. 阿奇霉素联合泵雾化治疗小儿社区获得性肺炎疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of Azithromycin Combined with Pump Atomization on Pediatric Community Acquired Pneumonia

  2. 哌拉西林/三唑巴坦经验治疗中-重度社区获得性肺炎的评价

    Evaluation of Piperacillin / Tazobactam in the Empirical Treatment of Moderate-Severe Community Acquired Pneumonia

  3. NF-κB在重症社区获得性肺炎中的作用

    Role of NF - κ B in severe community acquired pneumonia

  4. 社区获得性肺炎患者C反应蛋白的研究

    The Study of C-Reactive Protein in Patients with Simple Community Acquired Pneumonia

  5. 超敏C反应蛋白测定对老年社区获得性肺炎早期诊断价值

    Clinical Value of High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein Measurement of Pristine Community Acquired Pneumonia in the Elderly

  6. 多重PCR检测社区获得性肺炎患者中的病原体

    Detection of Pathogens in Patients with Community-acquired Pneumonia by Multiplex PCR

  7. COPD患者社区获得性肺炎病原学及耐药性分析

    Community-acquired pneumonia pathogen and antibiotic resistance analysis of patients with COPD

  8. 目的探讨两种用药方案治疗社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的疗效及经济效果。

    Objective Discusses two kinds of treatment regimen community-acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) curative effect and economic effect .

  9. 目的对引起社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的病原体进行流行病学调查,提高对非典型病原体的认识。

    Objective To study the pathogens in community-acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) and improve the knowledge of atypical pathogens .

  10. 社区获得性肺炎病原体MIC结果分析与抗菌治疗

    Analysis of MIC and antibiotic therapy of community-acquired pneumonia pathogen

  11. 目的:探讨国人社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的院外治疗是否安全有效及其疗效费用分析。

    Objective : To discuss the safety and cost-effectiveness of empirical therapy of community-acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) in out-patients .

  12. 目的探讨影响社区获得性肺炎(CAP)患者住院费用的主要因素。

    Objective To discover the main factors influencing the hospitalization expenses incurred by cases of community acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) .

  13. 目的:评价阿奇霉素序贯治疗儿童社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的疗效及成本。

    Objective : To : investigate the curative effects and cost of sequential treatment of children community acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) with azithromycin .

  14. 目的:探讨老年社区获得性肺炎(Communityacquiredpneumonia,CAP)的病原菌耐药情况和诊断、治疗及其预后情况。

    Objective : To explore the drug resistance of pathogenic bacteria , diagnosis , treatment and prognosis of community acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) in elderly patients .

  15. 社区获得性肺炎(Communityacquiredpneumonia,CAP)仍然是威胁人群健康的重要疾病。

    Community acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) remains a serious disease that threatens healthy ( people ) . Streptococcus pneumoniae may be the commonest cause of the CAP .

  16. 社区获得性肺炎中MRSA的治疗

    Treatment of MRSA in community acquired pneumonia

  17. 目的评价氨苄西林-舒巴坦组(A组)、头孢哌酮组(B组)、左氧氟沙星组(C组)三种方案对治疗社区获得性肺炎药物经济学成本与效果。

    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of three therapeutic schemes , ampicillin-sulbactam injection ( A ), cefoperazone injection ( B ) and levofloxacin injection ( C ) in treatment of the community acquired pneumonia infections .

  18. 目的:探讨儿童社区获得性肺炎(CAP)肺炎支原体(MP)感染的快速诊断方法,以帮助临床正确选择抗生素。

    Objective : To demonstrate the method of rapid diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumoniae ( MP ) in children with community-acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) .

  19. 目的探讨血清C-反应蛋白(CRP)测定对社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的诊断价值。

    Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of measurement of serum C-reactive protein ( CRP ) level in patients with community acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) .

  20. 目的了解本地区非典型致病菌在社区获得性肺炎(CAP)中的分布情况及其临床特征、实验室检查、治疗及转归。

    Objective To appraise the distribution , clinical and laboratory features , therapy and prognosis of atypical pathogens in adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) in our district .

  21. 目的对肺炎克雷伯菌医院获得性肺炎(HAP)和社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的临床特点和细菌耐药性进行比较研究。

    Objective To compare the clinical features and drug-resistance of community acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) and hospital acquired pneumonia ( HAP ) caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae .

  22. 方法选择31例老年社区获得性肺炎患者及30例非肺炎患者进行24h食管pH监测,计算酸反流得分,以12.70作为酸反流得分的正常界限。

    Methods Thirty-one patients with community-acquired pneumonia and 30 patients with non-pneumonia in the aged enrolled were tested by using 24h esophageal pH monitoring . Score of acid reflux was calculated .

  23. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病及社区获得性肺炎患者血清及痰液中IL-18治疗前后变化及意义

    The change and significance of IL-18 in serum and sputum of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and community acquired pneumonia between prior-therapy and post-therapy

  24. 目的:对非典型病原体与细菌感染所致社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的治疗进行分析,以指导经验性治疗CAP的抗生素选择。

    Objective : To analyze the therapeutic efficacy of community acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) caused by atypical pathogens and bacteria , in order to guide the experimental therapeutic choice of antibiotics for CAP .

  25. 目的分析患者的年龄、基础病及抗生素的使用等多因素对社区获得性肺炎(Communityacquiredpneumonia,CAP)病原菌的影响,为CAP经验治疗中抗生素的合理应用提供参考。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of age , concomitant diseases , and application of antibiotics on pathogens in community acquired pneumonia ( CAP ), and to provide the reference of sensible application of antibiotics in CAP empirical therapy .

  26. 社区获得性肺炎(Community-acquiredPneumonia,CAP)是威胁人类健康的主要疾病之一,仅美国一年就有200万~300万人发病,其中住院病人病死率高达14%。

    Community-acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) remains a major threat to human health . Data from the United States revealed that 2 ~ 3 million cases of CAP occurred annually , and the mortality of hospitalized patients being up to 14 % .

  27. 目的研究引起社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的病原体分布及患者入选前是否应用抗生素、肺炎患者预后研究组(PORT)分级等的情况,同时检测常见病原菌的耐药性。

    Objective To investigate the pathogenic causes of community-acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) in adult patients in China , the relation of previous antibiotic use and the Pneumonia Patient Outcome Research Team ( PORT ) classification to microbial etiology , and the prevalence of drug resistance of common CAP bacteria .

  28. 莫西沙星以400mg·d-1的剂量,口服10d,对社区获得性肺炎有较好的治疗作用,对慢性支气管炎,只需口服5天,也有理想疗效。

    Oral moxifloxacin has a good effect in the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia ( 400mg once daily for 10 days ) and acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis ( 400mg once daily for 5 days ) .

  29. 目的:探讨本地区重症社区获得性肺炎(SCAP)的病原学与药敏特点,为合理使用抗生素提供依据。

    Objective : To investigate the pathogen and antibiotic sensitivity of serious community acquired pneumonia ( SCAP ) in our hospital and to evaluate the clinical characteristics of SCAP , aiming at providing evidence for using antibiotic .

  30. 肺炎链球菌是社区获得性肺炎最重要的致病原之一,为了进一步研究肺炎链球菌的致病机理,本实验对疑似感染肺炎链球菌猕猴进行解剖,并进行了微生物分离鉴定。

    Streptococcus pneumoniae is the main pathogen of Community acquired pneumonia .