
  • 网络Bill de Blasio;Blasio;de Blasio
  1. 周一早晨,白思豪在参加了哈莱姆区(Harlem)的一项活动之后,被问到这项法案的相关事宜,他给出了一个简单、生硬的回答。

    Mr. de Blasio , asked about the legislation after an event in Harlem on Monday morning , offered a simple and blunt reply .

  2. 周四晚间在做出诊断前,市长白思豪(BilldeBlasio)在一次新闻发布会上说,斯潘瑟已经向医护人员详细回忆了过去几天的活动。

    Mayor Bill de Blasio , speaking at a news conference Thursday evening before the diagnosis , said Dr. Spencer has given health workers a detailed accounting of his activities over the last few days .

  3. 哥伦比亚大学国家疾病准备中心主任、白思豪的特别顾问埃尔文·瑞德雷纳(IrwinRedlener)说,目前对公众构成的威胁微乎其微,但这座城市需要迅速行动起来。

    Dr. Irwin Redlener , the director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University and a special adviser to Mayor de Blasio , said that the risk to the general public was minimal , but depended on a city moving swiftly .

  4. 为了提升纽约作为典型美国城市的吸引力,去年秋季,NYC&Company选择音乐明星泰勒·斯威夫特(TaylorSwift)作为纽约市的非正式——和无偿的——大使,而这个选择的受欢迎程度大概与白思豪用刀叉吃披萨的举动差不多。

    To enhance New York 's all-American allure , NYC & Company selected Taylor Swift , the music star , as the city 's unofficial - and unpaid - ambassador last fall , a choice that went over as well with some New Yorkers as Mr. de Blasio 's use of a knife and fork to eat pizza .

  5. 白思豪在竞选时承诺会禁止“马车游”项目。

    Bill de Blasio had promised during his campaign to ban the carriage rides .

  6. 白思豪同时表示,他将致力于使纽约成为对所有居民来说都更公平的城市。

    Blasio also said he is dedicated to a more equitable city for all its residents .

  7. 白思豪说,纽约市将向那些被不公平地剥夺了机会的社区提供资源。

    de Blasio says the city will extend resources to communities that have been unfairly denied opportunities .

  8. 市长白思豪表示,未来几周将进行超过25万次检测。

    Mayor Bill de Blasio says over a quarter million tests will be done over the next few weeks .

  9. 据我们了解,和他有过直接接触的人非常少,白思豪说。

    Our understanding is that very few people were in direct contact with him , Mr. de Blasio said .

  10. 在和平抗议持续数天之后,纽约市市长白思豪取消了该市的宵禁。

    New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has lifted the city 's curfew following days of peaceful protests .

  11. 纽约市市长白思豪表示,该市还需要6.5万张病床来安置冠状病毒患者。

    New York Mayor Bill de Blasio says the city needs an additional 65000 hospital beds for coronavirus patients .

  12. 纽约市市长白思豪告诉市民做好准备,几天内可能会发布就地避难命令。

    New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has told residents to the possibility of a shelter-in-place order within days .

  13. 但这就把白思豪这位骄傲的民粹主义者摆在了一个突兀的位置上,与一个由爱尔兰移民组成的工人阶级为主的行业,形成了对立。

    That placed Mr. de Blasio , a proud populist , in the odd position of opposing a working-class industry populated by Irish immigrants .

  14. 这些学校堪称我们公立教育系统王冠上的明珠,白思豪在一个关于刑事司法问题的新闻发布会上这样说道。

    These schools are the jewels in the crown for our public school system , Mr. de Blasio said at a news conference addressing criminal justice issues .

  15. 纽约市市长白思豪表示,纽约市未来几天需要增加数百台呼吸机,未来几周需要更多的口罩、防护服和其它物资。

    New York Mayor Bill de Blasio says the city will need hundreds more ventilators in a few days and more masks , gowns and other supplies by next week .

  16. 白思豪当选之后,他的行政班子想尽了各种可能的法子来管控马车行业,还打击了在中央公园内搭建马厩这类想法。

    After Mr. de Blasio took office , his administration struggled to find feasible ways to check the carriage industry , batting about ideas like installing stables in Central Park .

  17. 在新闻发布会上,白思豪表达了对与奥尔巴尼方面就此事达成一致的乐观态度,尽管他目前还并未提交任何有针对性的立法提案。

    At the news conference , Mr. de Blasio expressed optimism that a deal with Albany could be forged , though he has not put forth any specific legislative proposals .

  18. 该书颇具正能量,其内容超越了标题本身,也超越了白思豪(现任纽约市市长——译者注),审视了全国特许及公立学校是如何形成联盟并相互改变的。

    It 's very optimistic and looks beyond the headlines , beyond DeBlasio , and examines how charter and public schools around the country are forging alliances and changing each other .

  19. 去年,一家规模不大但积极发声的动物权益活动组织NYClass,为白思豪的竞选活动做了宣传。他们在白思豪宣誓反对马车运营之后,称赞他是一位“动物英雄”。

    NYClass , a small but vocal group of animal-rights activists , endorsed Mr. de Blasio in last year 's mayoral race , calling him an " animal hero " after he pledged opposition to the horse-carriage trade .

  20. 抗体检测一直针对一线工作人员,但白思豪表示,新举措将覆盖“纽约市民”。

    These are numbers that really start to even against the size of a city as big as ours . " Previously , antibody testing has been aimed at frontline workers , but de Blasio says the new effort will include " everyday New Yorkers .

  21. 纽约市市长白思豪和一名赞助商均持反对意见,然后退出了这项活动,因为此前组织者称游行人员不能携带写有同性恋权利的标语,也不能表明他们是男女同性恋、双性恋或变性人的身份。

    New York City mayor Bill de Blasio and a sponsor against , both pulled out of the event after the organizers said the marchers would not be permitted to carry gay rights signs or identify themselves as being gay , lesbian , bisexual or transgender .