
bái qián
  • Cynanchum glaucescens
白前[bái qián]
  1. 大理白前化学成分及其生物活性研究大理白前中甾体苷类化学成分ESI-MS裂解行为研究

    Studies on the Constituents and Bioactivity of Cynanchum Forrestii Studies on the ESI-MS Fragmentation Behavior of Steroidal Glycosides from Cynanchum Forrestii

  2. 糙米碾白前调质的新技术途径

    The new technique of brown rice conditioning before milling

  3. 目的:研究白前的镇痛、抗炎和抗血栓形成作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the analgesic , anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic effects of Rhizoma Cynanchi Stauntonii .

  4. 研究和比较了止咳枇杷冲剂中桑白皮、白前和百部中特征化学成分的提取和薄层色谱鉴别的条件。

    Objective : To study a specific TLC identification of the Mulberry Bark ( MB ) and the Swallowwort Rhizome ( SRh ) and the Stemona Root ( SR ) in the cough infusion of loquat leaf .

  5. 方法采用冠状切面,左右对称,平行于脑干长轴,由白质前联合位置测量了32例复杂部分性癫痫病人头MRI海马区体积。

    Methods 32 cases of CPE patients were detected with MRI in volume of hippocampal area at anterior white commission paralleled with long axis of stem in symmetric and coronary section .

  6. 结果滤除白细胞前的输血反应率为0.6%,滤除白细胞后的输血反应率为0.16%。

    Results The transfusion reaction rate before white blood cells filtered out was 0.6 % and that after white blood cells filtered out was 0.16 % .

  7. 岩石物质类似于行星的构建模块。它的出现表明两颗恒星在燃尽变成白矮星前,就形成了行星系。

    The rocky material is akin to the building blocks of planets - and its presence suggests that the two stars formed planetary systems before they expired and became white dwarfs .

  8. 结果发现厌恶场景图片主要激活了脑岛、杏仁核、苍白球、前扣带回和枕叶这些区域。

    The results showed that during perception of disgusting pictures , brain activation exists mainly in the insula , amygdala , pallidum , anterior cingulate cortex , and occipital gyrus .

  9. 果实发育期总糖含量一直呈上升趋势,白熟期前糖分以葡萄糖、果糖为主,后期蔗糖含量较高。

    The gross sugar content takes an increasing trend during the whole fruit growth stage . Before the stage the fruit is whitening the sugar is mainly composed of glueose and fructose , and the sucrose is high comparatively in the later growth stage .

  10. 目的:探讨白细胞中HBV前C基因变异对肝功能的损害。

    Objective Discussing the relationship between variation of HBV pre-C region in leukocyte and damage of liver function .

  11. ET组治疗后血小板、白细胞数较前明显下降,经统计有显著差异,而血红蛋白与治疗前比较未见显著性差异。

    ET group after treatment , platelets , white blood cell count decreased significantly compared with the previous , the statistical significant difference , and no significant difference in hemoglobin before treatment .

  12. 肝病患者血清胆碱脂酶水平与血清总蛋白、白蛋白、白球比值、前白蛋白等显著正相关,与谷草转氨酶显著负相关。

    The level of the serum cholinesterase in patients with hepatopathy was correlated with serum total protein , albumin , proalbumin .

  13. 研究人员招募了162名学生(其中有106名是女性)来观看一个金发白皮肤的青春期前小女孩穿三套不同衣服的照片,并让他们给小女孩的能力和智力等品质打分。

    The researchers recruited 162 students , 106 of them women , to view photographs of a prepubescent blonde white girl wearing one of three different outfits and rate them on traits such as competence and intelligence .

  14. 结果:1.外周血白细胞变化情况:经治疗后,两组外周血中白细胞计数较前均有增加(P0.05或P0.01);治疗3周后治疗组明显高于对照组(P0.05)。

    Change in peripheral blood leukocytes : after treatment , two sets of peripheral blood white blood cell count were increase ( P0.05 or P0.01 ); after three weeks , the treatment group was significantly higher than control group ( P0.05 ) . 2 .