- white oak;quercus fabri

1283 individuals are recorded , of which , 18.75 % is Liquidambar formosana , and Dalbergia hupeana , Quercus fabri , Kalopanax pictus and Quercus variabilis are 10.9 , 8.7,5.5 and 5.3 % , respectively .
The White Butterfly Studies on the Biomass of Castanopsis sclerophylla + Quercus fabri Shrubland in Tiantong Region , Zhejiang Province
The main conclusions as followed : ( 1 ) The content of chlorophyll a , chlorophyll b , total chlorophyll increased with the degree of shading treament .
Dynamic Laws of Six Nutrient Ingredients in Fruits of Quercus fabric
Both decomposition rate and nutrient release rate of Quercus fabric are the largest among the mulching plants .
The harvest method is used to study plant aboveground biomass of Castanopsis sclerophylla + Quercus fabri shrubland in Tiantong region , Zhejiang Province .
Large flaky-barked deciduous oak of the eastern United States with leaves having fewer lobes than other white oaks ; yields heavy strong wood used in construction ; thrives in wet soil .
At present , Osmanthus fragrans , Phoebe sheareri , Liquidambar formosana , Quercus variabilis , Quercus fabri have been the commonly dominant species in the forest of Spirit Valley , Nanjing .
Bayberry bark and Oak galls are two of the most powerful astringent herbs known They stop bleeding gums , reduce inflammation and bind and tighten tissue .