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  • 网络Ghost
  1. 对引自江都的白灵菇菌种,在不同温度、pH、营养物质条件下菌丝的生长特性进行了研究。

    The characteristics of Bailing mushroom hypha growth in different temperature , pH and nutrients were researched .

  2. 除了异常开胃的素烧排骨以及白灵菇(mushroomcutlet)这两道菜外,福和慧的午餐套餐单上再无其它“假肉菜”了。

    Apart from the " spare rib " appetiser and a mushroom cutlet , there were no fake meat dishes on our lunch menus at Fu He Hui .

  3. 5个菌株在PDA、无机盐组合培养基上菌丝的生长速率明显不同。在PDA上,菌丝生长的快慢依次为天山2号、L1、白灵菇1号、W1W2和江都菌株。

    The hyphal growth rate of five strains on PDA or inorganic salt combination media is the obvious difference and the hyphal growth rate of five strains cultured on PDA is Tianshan 2 > L1 > Bailing 1 > W1W2 > Jangdu strain .

  4. 该试验结果表明:用浓度0.2%焦亚硫酸钠浸泡白灵菇5min后,晾干表面水分,用塑料托盘保鲜膜包装,在温度5~10℃下贮藏,保鲜效果最佳。

    The result showed that the best method was to soak fruit in 0.2 % Na_2S_2O_5 for 5 minutes , then were air-dried and stored in plastic plates and covered with fresh-keeping membrane .

  5. 2种白灵菇菌种的菌丝在pH4.5~8.5均可生长,但在pH6.9~7.7条件下,菌丝生长得更好;

    However , the hypha of two kinds of Bailing mushroom could all grow in the range of pH 4.5 ~ 8.5 and temperature 17.5 ~ 30.0 ℃, but the pH 6.9 ~ 7.7 was more advantageous to the hypha growth .

  6. 适宜白灵菇菌丝生长条件的研究

    A Study on Fitting Conditions of Hypha Growth of Bailing Mushroom

  7. 目的研究白灵酊的活血化瘀、调节免疫作用。

    Objective : To study the pharmacological effects of Bailing Tincture .

  8. 白灵菇高产栽培技术研究

    Cultural technical research of high yield of mushroom of white fairy

  9. 琼恩的那只白狼叫白灵。

    Jon 's wolf , the white one , was Ghost .

  10. 白灵菇在贮藏过程中营养成分的动态变化

    Dynamic Changes in Nutrient Components of Pleurotus ferulae During Storage

  11. 消白灵治疗外阴白斑42例临床观察

    Clinical observation of 42 cases of phacolin treating vulva blaze

  12. 白灵侧耳优质高效栽培关键技术研究

    Study on the Key Techniques of High Quality and High Yield Cultivation

  13. 不同培养基中白灵菇的菌丝生长特性

    Characteristics of Bailing mushroom hypha growth in different culture mediums

  14. 不要白灵走开去去!

    No ! Ghost , away . Shoo , shoo !

  15. 如果我摸摸白灵,他会把我的手给咬掉么?

    If I touch Ghost , will he chew my hand off ?

  16. 杨树木屑与荞麦皮栽培白灵菇比较试验

    Poplar wood with buckwheat cultivation Bailing Comparison Test Paper

  17. 白灵菇液体发酵条件研究初报

    Initial Studies on the Fermentation Conditions of Pleurotus ferulae

  18. 不同条件下中白灵菇菌丝培养特性

    Culture Characteristics of Bailing Mushroom Hypha under Various conditions

  19. 比如在公主岛上,十只黑熊里就有一只白灵熊。

    On Princess Royal Island , one in ten black bears is white .

  20. 来我这儿,白灵.把东西带过来.诸神慈悲!

    To me , ghost . Bring it here . Gods be good !

  21. 白灵扑到他胸膛的时候,琼恩可以听见雷斯特急促的喘息。

    Jon could hear Rast 's rapid breathing as Ghost leapt onto his chest .

  22. 白灵片抗血栓作用研究

    Studies of Bailing Tablet on Anti - Thrombus

  23. 白灵菇培养基筛选试验

    The training medium screening test for Pleurotus ferulae

  24. 这是白灵熊得以存活至今的原因之一。

    It 's one of the factors that have kept the spirit bear alive .

  25. 于是他们结伴同行,白灵则像道白影般跟在琼恩身旁。

    They walked , with Ghost pacing along beside Jon like a white shadow .

  26. 白灵菇液体发酵工艺

    The liquid fermentation technology of Pleurotus ferulae

  27. 白灵菇研究进展

    Advances in Studies on Mushroom Pleurotus ferulae

  28. 结果表明,白灵侧耳菌丝生长的最适碳源是葡萄糖;最适氮源是蛋白胨;

    The results showed that the optimum carbon source , nitrogen source were glucose and peptone .

  29. 结果白灵酊可抑制兔血小板聚集,降低全血比粘度;

    Results : Bailing Tincture could inhibit platelet aggregation in rabbit and decrease blood relative viscosity .

  30. 生活(英文)不同文化中的悲剧人生&梅梅与白灵形象的民族文化心态比较

    Tragic Life in Different National Culture