- 网络Amon Ra;gan

[Bigan] 商代贵族,纣王叔父,官少师。相传因屡谏纣王,被剖心而死
伍子逢殃兮, 比干菹醢。--《楚辞.屈原.涉江》
The parabolic rate constant B is substantially larger for wet oxidation than for dry .
Results : After systematic mental interventions , SCL-90 scores of patients were close to common mode . And detection rates of depression and anxiety among them apparently decreased .
Owing to the surface tension , the elasticity pressure of the wet state of separator lowers 10 kPa than that of dry state of separator .
At a time when it is hard to raise new capital , the firm has decided to concentrate on anticancer therapies that , it hopes , are nearer to being commercial propositions than the stem-cell study is .
There 's nothing more satisfying than doing the work you love .
The results indicate that wet grinding is better than dry grinding .
The wet bone 's hysteresis time was more obvious .
The moist adjustment has a greater vertical velocity .
Living plants release less methane than dried plants at the same temperature .
They wasted more time arguing than looking .
Bigan 's heart was dug out by King of Zhou , which was a bloody case .
The temperature of brittle ductile transition of dry gabbro is 100 ℃, higher than that of dry diabase .
The tool 1 : fe could be double or much longer in wet machining than in dry machining .
The digestibility of fresh meat of Mytilus edulis - was much higher than that of the dried one .
Results After intervention , the knowledge , attitude , behaviors of smoking control among community populations improved a lot than before .
Buffett has repeatedly said he has no intention of quitting at Berkshire anytime soon because he loves his work so much .
" Precursor " is a less stringent term that refers to any cell that is earlier in a developmental pathway than another .
In animal test , the two kinds of diet have the same feeding effects when they are fed to growing and reproductive mice .
The rates of correctly answering questions about STD / AIDS were 37.4 % ~ 88.6 % , which were about 10 % higher than before .
Encourage the interviewer to touch and swipe the information , which is more active and more interesting than just sitting and talking , Rosenthal says .
Results showed that after intervention , the life quality score of epileptic children were markedly higher than that before intervention ( P < 0.05 ) .
His uncle Bi Gan similarly remonstrated with him , but Shang Zhou had his heart ripped out so he could see what the heart of a sage looked like .
The oxidation degree of wet grinding which means the number of sulfur in the pyrite oxidized into SO ~ ( 2 - ) _4 is smaller than that of dry grinding .
Of old , Jie murdering Guang Longfen and Zhou slaying Prince Bigan illuminate that disobedience to the superior is both unwise and dangerous , even its originates are from the love to people .
And the treatment with combined factors was better than that with a single factor , and the treatment during the meiosis of pollen mother cells of plant was better than the treatment of dry seeds .
It was found that a slightly colder threshold for seeding effect to occur for silver iodide than for dry ice ( - 5 to-10 ℃ for silver iodide versus-3 to-4 ℃ for dry ice ) .
Results : There is remarkable promotion on knowledge and basic right reply rate of birth defects ( P < 0.01 ) after intervention ( 83 ± 3.6 ) % than before intervention ( 42 ± 6.5 ) % .
After the intervention , college students ' reproductive health knowledge , attitude scores were improved , but the contraceptive knowledge remained below 3 % . The students have sex behavior in the past half a year were decreased obviously .
In yellowing stage : the temperature of dry-bulb was 32-35 ℃ at the beginning , 36-38 ℃ in the duration and 38-42 ℃ at the end , the temperature of wet-bulb was 1-4 ℃ lower than that of dry-bulb ;
The percentage of ones who received prenatal diagnosis improve 37 % after the thalassanemia intervention , and 1 case among every 2.7 cases receiving prenatal diagnosis was achieved because of the intervention . 4 babies with severe thalassanemia were avoided .