
  • 网络comparative sentence;comparison sentence
  1. 本文运用多元发展模式理论,从言语加工策略的角度对三个级别韩国留学生23类汉语比较句的习得进行了考察。

    Based on the Multidimensional Model , this paper probes from the perspective of speech processing strategy into the acquisition of 23 types of Chinese Comparative Sentences by Korean learners with three different Chinese proficiencies from the perspective of speech processing strategy .

  2. 实验表明该方法的F1值为81%,能有效地识别比较句。

    Our experimental results showed that this method can solve comparative sentences identification and F1-value is 81 % .

  3. 英语中的特殊疑问句、间接问句、比较句等句子都被认为是通过wh移位生成。

    In English , wh-questions , indirect questions and comparatives are generated by virtue of wh-movement .

  4. 没有型比较句的比较结果研究

    A Study of Comparative Result of " Meiyou " Comparative Sentence

  5. 若干英汉否定比较句的语义分析

    A semantic analysis of some negative comparison sentences in English and Chinese

  6. 比较句是一种常见的句法语义句子类别。

    Comparative sentence is of common syntax semantic sentence category .

  7. 英语比较句的句法特征

    On Syntactic Features of the English Comparative Structure with " than "

  8. 湖北大冶方言的比较句

    On Comparative Constructions of the Daye Dialect , Hubei Province

  9. 英语比较句的基本结构

    The Basic Structures of the English Comparison Patterns Cleft Sentence

  10. 比较句语法项目的选取和排序

    The Selection and Arrangement of Grammatical Items concerning Comparative Sentences

  11. 相对而言,汉语比较句表达形式和手段更为丰富多样。

    Chinese comparative sentences are various in forms and methods .

  12. 第二,《聊斋俚曲》比较句的研究状况。

    Second , The Liao Zhai Folk Tune Comparative Sentence the research condition .

  13. 人类语言中的比较句就是表达比较关系的一种基本语法手段。

    Comparative sentences of human language are the expression of a basic syntax means .

  14. 汉法比较句的差异

    Differences in Comparative Sentences between Chinese and French

  15. 初级水平外国留学生汉语比较句习得研究

    A Study on the Second Language Acquisition of Comparative Sentences in Chinese by Beginners

  16. 教学方面的失误是诱发学生的比较句偏误的重要原因之一。

    Second , the mistake in teaching is a important reason of the errors .

  17. 提出基于信息熵的比较句识别方法。

    We presented a novel method which is based information entropy for identifying comparative sentences .

  18. 这是一个比较句。

    This is a comparative sentence .

  19. 三种类型否定比较句之比较

    Comparison of Three Negative Comparative Sentences

  20. 汉语比较句的推导

    Deriving the Bi-Comparatives in Mandarin Chinese

  21. 该系统集汉语比较句的识别、语义角色标注与比较观点挖掘于一体。

    The system integrates the determining 、 Semantic Role Labeling and opinion mining of Chinese comparative sentences .

  22. 现代汉语比较句是指谓语中含有比较词语或比较格式的句子。

    In modern Chinese , comparative sentences are sentences whose predicates contain comparative words or comparative patterns .

  23. 本文的研究对象就是比较句的类型之一,即差比句。

    The subject of this article is one of the types of comparative , namely constructive-comparative sentence .

  24. 山东寿光方言的比较句和反复问句与普通话有一定的差别。

    The comparative sentence and the complex interrogative sentence in Hisamitsu dialect is different from the standard chinese .

  25. 比较句在汉语语法点中是属于庞杂、繁复的语法点之一。

    The Chinese comparative sentences belonging to one of a large amount of complex grammar in Chinese grammar .

  26. 实现了产品评论挖掘中比较句与比较关系识别的应用。

    This research work realized the application of comparative sentences and comparative relations identification in product reviews mining .

  27. 初级水平韩国留学生汉语比较句的习得分析和教学对策

    An Analysis and Teaching Countermeasure on the Second Language Acquisition of Chinese Comparative Sentences by South Korea Oversea Beginners

  28. 比较句在汉语语法中是一个重点,同时也是一个难点,特别是对于外国学习者,更是难上加难。

    Comparative sentences in Chinese grammar are key , but also very difficult , especially difficult for foreign learners .

  29. 比较句是世界任何一种语言中都普遍存在的带有语义和句法意义的表达方式。

    The comparative sentence is an expression with meanings in both semantics and syntax in all languages of the world .

  30. 句法部分主要对陵县方言中的比较句、疑问句、被动句、把字句等进行分析。

    This chapter mainly focuses on the comparative sentences , questions , sentences of passive voice and special sentences structures .