
  • 网络Sanxiang
  1. 中山市三乡镇东辰特殊鞋材公司是一家专业从事防水透湿及功能性纺织品面料之经营厂家。

    DC-TEX Company located in Zhongshan and expertly specialized in producing waterproof & breathable material together with various functional fabrics .

  2. 乡镇工业发展与环境保护问题&关于沈阳市三次乡镇工业污染源调查的总结与思考

    The Problems on Town Industrial Development and Environmental Protection

  3. 地方政府变革的动力机制分析&对河南省三次乡镇机构改革的观察

    Analysis Of Power Mechanism Of Local Governments Reform

  4. 采用类似方法每个县(区)抽取三个乡镇(街道办事处)。

    Using similar methods , three township ( subdistrict offices ) were chosen from every county ( district ) .

  5. 三个乡镇各自挖掘着自己的资源,周洛漂流、百崖石柱峰旅游、枫林六叠泉硒漂流大概是目前最有名的三者。

    The top three famous tourist attractions in the area are Zhouluo 's whitewater drifting , Shizhu Peak and Maple Spring drifting .

  6. 三是乡镇政权违法行政的现象时有发生,严重影响到农村的政治稳定;

    Third , the illegal administrative phenomenon of the township regime takes place occasionally , influence the stability of politics in the countryside seriously ;

  7. 首先依据3乡镇的景观生态学分析结果,设计出3个典型乡镇的宏调协调模式和中观产业模式,确定出三个乡镇的生态功能规划分区;

    At first , by the landscape analyzing results of 3 towns , the macro-view and middle-view models were designed , and the ecological function area to the 3 towns were determined ;

  8. 三是乡镇政府与农民在政府依法行政事务上的管理和被管理关系。第一重关系体现党的领导原则,第二重关系体现村民自治原则,第三重关系体现依法行政原则。

    The first relation reflects the guiding principle of the Communist Party while the second embodies the principle of villagers ' autonomy and the third expresses the principle of administration by law .

  9. 编制了三个乡镇的地质灾害现状图。2、本次工作中,确定危险村庄39个、旅游景区5处、公路危险路段15处。

    The preparation of the status of the three townships map of geological disasters . 2 The work to determine 39 the risk of the villages , 5 tourist attraction , 15 dangerous road .

  10. 主要原因在于:一是乡镇职能错位;二是干部流动不畅;三是乡镇待遇偏低;四是培训责任缺失;五是媒体舆论误导。

    The main reason is : First , the functions of township dislocation ; two cadres poor mobility ; third township low pay ; 4 is a responsibility for training deficiencies ; 5 the media to mislead public opinion .

  11. 第三部分:乡镇综合文化站的职能定位。

    Part ⅲ: The function orientation comprehensive culture station of township .

  12. 第三部分对乡镇政府行使行政紧急权力的必要性和可行性进行了论述。

    The third part discussed the necessity and feasibility of the exercise of administrative emergent power .

  13. 三是搞好乡镇政府的职能定位,规范其职能部门的行为。

    Third , make the local government have proper function and regulate the business of concerning department .

  14. 第三,完善乡镇企业产权改革的法律保障体系,建立乡镇企业内部信用管理机制,明确乡镇企业失信、违信的法律责任。

    Third , improve the legal protection system on property rights reform of township enterprises and establish internal credit management system of township enterprises by making clear the liability of discredit .

  15. 第三,在乡镇民营企业与地方政府之间复杂的博弈中,企业总体而言处于弱势地位。另外,研究中还发现了三个问题:第一,地方政府对民营企业的管理太多。

    Third , in the complicated game between rural private enterprises and local government , the enterprises are in the weak position generally . Moreover , there are another three problems in the research : First , local governments administer the private enterprises too much .

  16. 第三部分对乡镇政府绩效管理制度的综合性、不统一性、最终执行性等特征进行了深入剖析,并指出当前乡镇政府绩效管理制度在管理主体、管理机制和绩效评估方面存在的种种问题。

    In Part ⅲ, analysing the characteristics of the Township Government Performance Management , such as comprehensiveness , not uniformity and enforceability , and pointing out many problems of the system township government performance management in the system , the management mechanism and the performance evaluation .

  17. 小城镇作为二、三产业和乡镇企业发展的载体,比周边地区拥有更多的优势,小城镇是联系大中城市与广大农村的桥梁,对周围农村具有较强的辐射能力。

    As the carrier of the development of the second and third industries and township enterprises , the small towns , which possess more superiorities than that of surrounding regions , bridge the large and middle cities with the vast countryside and have stronger radiation capacity on surrounding countryside .

  18. 第三、完善喀左县乡镇政府的绩效评估指标体系。

    Thirdly , improve government performance assessment System of Kazuo County .

  19. 第三,新泰市乡镇基层农业科技工作者的培训是主动与被动的结合。

    In third , Xintai City Township Agricultural Science and technology workers training is active and passive combination .

  20. 第三,提出了乡镇政企关系进行重新定位后的可行性方案。

    Third , this text has put forward the feasible scheme after going on and reorientating the relation of township government and township enterprise .

  21. 第三部分主要介绍乡镇政府的情况,包括理论意义上的乡镇政府的职能、职能履行现状及存在的问题,从中可以看出乡镇政府在农村公共服务供给中的弱势地位。

    The third part focuses on township government , including the functions of township government on theoretical sense , the supply and the problems of rural public services .

  22. 负债情况:三个试点县乡镇卫生院负债情况相当严重,从2005年到2008年,三个试点县平均负债金额均呈不同程度的增长。

    Debt situation : The debt of three pilot counties is quite serious , and from 2005 to 2008 , an average of the amounts of three pilot counties sustained growth .

  23. 其中,乡镇行政职能转变主要回答了如下三个问题:乡镇行政职能为什么要转变、怎样转变和转变到什么地方即转变的目标是什么的问题。

    Among them , the township administrative functions of the major changes in the following three questions answered : Why township administrative functions to change and how change , change the question what is the goal .

  24. 并结合始兴县的实际情况,对该县主导产业型、传统资源型、城效型三种类型的乡镇今后农村产业结构调整提出建议。

    And according to the real condition of Shixing County , The future adjustment of rural industrial structure to three main types of towns in Shixing County including leading industry type , traditional sources type and city outskirts type was suggested .