
  • 网络specific investment
  1. 然而,研究报告发现,在95%的置信度水平,股票收益基金(equityincomefunds)的错误发现率比投资于所有公司的基金和投资于小型公司的基金要小。

    However , at the 95 per cent confidence level , the research showed a lower false discovery rate for equity income funds than for funds in the all companies and smaller companies sectors .

  2. 文章表示,以十年期计算,在1990年投资AIG将比投资伯克希尔有更高的投资回报。

    The article claimed a 1990 investment in AIG would have generated better returns than one in Berkshire for that ten-year period .

  3. 由于不同的需求,零售AccountService中有一个比投资AccountService中稍有不同的Customer复杂类型。

    Because of different requirements , the retail AccountService has a slightly different Customer complex type than the one in the investment AccountService .

  4. 债务市场比投资股本市场流通更快。

    The debt market was more liquid than the equity market .

  5. 此外,调查对象认为银行储蓄要比投资股票安全的多。

    Respondents also said savings accounts are more attractive than stocks .

  6. 分析人士表示,这让投资学生公寓比投资住宅房地产更加可靠。

    Analysts say that makes it a surer investment bet than residential property .

  7. 一些企业发现,炒股比投资购买新机器更有利可图。

    Some companies found speculating in the market more profitable than investing in new machinery .

  8. 不过,新兴经济体储蓄率增幅甚至比投资率增幅还要高。

    yet the savings rates of emerging economies rose even more than their investment rates .

  9. 要看他的预期增长比投资分析报告了

    projected growth ratio investment analysis .

  10. 基本上说,一个计划比投资组合更像是一个大项目。

    Basically , a program is much more like a very large project than a portfolio .

  11. 没有什么比投资信托资产更能让人明显地感受到这一点了。

    Nowhere is this more evident that when it comes to investing a trust 's assets .

  12. 专家们还相信,增加对新兴市场资产类别的投资,比投资于狭隘的利基股市更好。

    Experts also believe a wider exposure to emerging market asset classes is better than a narrow equity niche .

  13. 巴克莱银行的五年期债券发行收益率为2.525%,不过这总比投资损失要好得多。

    Barclay 's five-year bonds were issued at a yield of2.525 % , but that 's a lot better than a loss .

  14. 这可能会让消费者感到一些宽慰,但投资者坚持投资煤炭还是要比投资电力更稳妥。

    That may bring some cheer to consumers , but investors would still be safer to stick with coal rather than power .

  15. 根据《经济学人》的房价与租金比例调查,投资新加坡比投资香港回报率更高。

    Singapore is also closer to fair value , according to The Economist 's long-run average ratio of house prices to rents .

  16. 尽管亚洲也在削减红利,但历史表明,亚洲的红利往往比投资收益的波动性小。

    While Asia is not immune to dividend cuts , history indicates that dividends tend to be less volatile than earnings in Asia .

  17. 这些资金比投资基金有更大之稳定性,而投资基金之稳定性要比流动资金高一些。

    These funds have greater stability than investment funds , and the latter , in turn , are less volatile than working balances .

  18. 开垦新的土地满足国际牛肉和大豆市场,比投资森林已被砍伐的地区更加便宜。

    It is cheaper to clear new land areas for the international beef and soya bean markets than to invest in already deforested regions .

  19. “投资国际电信公司比投资一家媒体公司和(国内)电信公司更有意义,”伯恩斯坦研究公司分析师克劳迪奥-阿斯佩西认为。

    " An international telecoms firm would make more sense than a media and telecoms company ," says Claudio Aspesi , an analyst at Bernstein Research .

  20. 创业板上市公司虽然具有很高的成长性,但是相对于投资者来说,投资创业板上市公司的风险也要比投资主板市场上市公司高得多。

    GEM companies though high growth , but relative to the investors , investment risk of GEM companies than investment motherboard market listed company much higher .

  21. 大多数受访者认为,投资亚洲资产如股票、房地产和货币的风险,要比投资西方市场同类资产的风险大。

    The majority of respondents believe that investing in Asian assets such as equities , real estate , and currencies , is riskier than similar investments in Western markets .

  22. 宏观经济变量对已实现波动的影响弱于连续性波动,其中,投资积极成分比投资消极成分对波动的影响更显著。

    Macroeconomic variables have weaker impact on the realized volatility than continuous volatility . And , the investment positive components have more significant impact than the investment negative components .

  23. 均等的国家人力资本投资有助于缩小收入差距,且投资充足比投资不足的效果更显著。

    An equal state human capital investment will contribute to reduce the income gap , and the effect with a platitudinous investment should be more prominent than an insufficient one .

  24. 投资,提供诸如股票和物业回报率较高,较容易出现波动的价值比投资在短期内能提供回报率较低,如现金和固定利率。

    Investments that offer higher returns such as shares and property are more prone to value fluctuations over the short term than investments that offer lower returns such as cash and fixed interest .

  25. 私人股本公司高管表示,在目前整体风险敞口无法评估的情况下,成立新企业远比投资于现有公司更具吸引力。

    Private equity executives say that at a time when total exposure is impossible to calculate , it is far more attractive to start up a new enterprise than to invest in existing firms .

  26. 专注于更加开放的行业那些行业拥有一个直接依赖于消费者、运营正常且透明的市场的内地基金,往往比投资政府干预较多、监管严格的行业的基金表现要好。

    Mainland funds focused on more open sectors those which have an operating and transparent market that directly engages its consumers have tended to fare better than heavily regulated sectors with greater government intervention .

  27. 同时,对冲基金在运营方面比投资银行的限制更少,这意味着对冲基金而非银行正日益成为资本市场创新的丰富来源。

    At the same time , the fact that hedge funds can operate with fewer constraints than investment banks means that hedge funds - not banks - are increasingly acting as fertile sources of capital markets innovation .

  28. 阿布林表示,标普500指数12.5倍的预期市盈率相当于7.9%的收益率,比投资级企业债券有竞争力。

    Mr Ablin said the price earnings ratio for the S & P of 12.5 times on forward earnings translated into an earnings yield of 7.9 per cent . That compared favourably with yields on investment grade corporate bonds .

  29. 奥斯蒂说欧洲国家都在投资建设高速铁路线,因为“这是他们想让民众出行的方法”,另外“投资铁路业比投资更多的公路要好”。

    Austi says European countries are investing in putting in high-speed railway lines because it 's " how they want their people to travel " and " it 's better to invest in the rail networks than more roads " .

  30. 燃气轮机因其比投资低、建设周期短、发电效率高、起停迅速、负荷调节灵活等特点一直是发电领域技术研究的热点。

    Due to its low investment , short construction period , high power generation efficiency , prompt start-up and stop , flexible load regulation characteristics , gas turbine has always been the hot spots of the power generation technology research .