
qián duān jì shù
  • front-end technology
  1. 也可以将所有表示逻辑移动到客户机,并利用强大的前端技术(比如Flex)创建RIA。

    You can move all of your presentation logic to the client and leverage a powerful front-end technology such as Flex to create an RIA .

  2. 简述了ELF文件格式和调试信息的存储,并重点分析源码级调试内核的实现原理和运行性能。本文还研究了一种基于Eclipse平台和CDT插件的嵌入式可视化调试器的前端技术。

    The ELF file format and debugging information storage are outlined while the realization of the kernel source-level debugging principles and performance are analyzed to detail . Second , this paper describes the front-end technology of the visual embedded debugger which is based on the Eclipse platform and CDT plugging .

  3. 电力运行参数监控系统中的新型模拟前端技术

    New Analog Front End Technology in Electric Power Monitoring System

  4. 有线数字机顶盒前端技术发展与应用

    The Development of Front - ends in Digital Cable STBs

  5. 顶端的顶端的,有关、位于或构成顶端的有线数字机顶盒前端技术发展与应用

    Of , relating to , located at , or constituting an apex . The Development of Front - ends in Digital Cable STBs

  6. 激光告警是现代电子战的重要组成部分,在激光告警系统中采用光纤前端技术,能优化光路设计,提高系统抗电磁干扰和抗强激光能力。

    Laser warning technology is one of the most important technologies of electronic warfare . Laser warning system using optical fiber front end technology can improve the laser-capturing device , reduce electromagnetic interference ( EMI ) and resist intense laser radiation .

  7. 基于SOA的统一空间数据库前端采编技术

    Editing Techniques of Unified Spatial Database Based on SOA

  8. 通过对CDT组件和MI协议的研究,提出了CDT移植为定制调试内核前端的技术。

    By researching the components of CDT and MI protocol , the technology to achieve a customized CDT debug kernel is proposed .

  9. 生产作业计划调度和监控是计算机集成制造和面向制造企业的ERP前端关键技术之一,在制造企业信息化建设中处于重要地位,也是目前制造业信息化建设过程中的难点和薄弱环节。

    " Production Scheduling and Supervisal " that is the key technology of CMS and ERP 's front module possesses important significance of information technology processing for manufacture project , and is difficulty and weakness too .

  10. 苏格兰的北海岸现在有了一项前端的技术项目。

    Here is another cutting-edge technological project off the north coast of Scotland .

  11. 客户/服务器系统前端开发技术

    The Developing Technique of client / Server System

  12. 此部分从系统开发的总体框架、前端开发技术、后台地图服务器接口框架三个方面介绍了系统开发的技术路线,即从实现角度介绍系统的开发。第三章,系统需求分析与建设目标。

    It introduces system development from the overall framework , front-end technology , back-end map server interface .

  13. 该系统关键技术主要有低副瓣紧凑型天线技术、超低噪声接收机前端设计技术和自动功率平衡技术等。

    The key technologies of this system are : low sidelobe compact antenna technology , ultra-low-noise receiver front-end design and automatic power balance technology .

  14. 主要谈到的是数据仓库和数据集市、联机分析处理和数据挖掘以及前端展示技术。

    The ones that spoke of mainly are data warehouse and the data mart , OLAP and data mining , and show technologies in the front-ends .

  15. 我们愿以成熟的技术带给您超值的回报.并永远给您业界最前端的技术咨询。

    Basing on the spirit of quality the first and sincerity the essence , we want to repay our customers with the most advanced technical consultation .

  16. 主要负责有关数字电视广播前端的技术研究、开发、售后服务和技术支持工作。

    As the vice president of Caton Technology Corporation , my major duty is in charge of our company 's DVB front-end system research and development as well as technical support .

  17. 其中数据仓库技术用于搭建集成数据环境,联机分析处理、数据挖掘和前端展示技术则为各用户角色提供不同层次、面向主题的数据分析手段。

    Among them the Data Warehouse technology is used for putting up the integrated data environment , OLAP , Data Mining and front showing technology offers the different levels , theme-oriented data analysis means to role of every user .

  18. IPTV前端系统关键技术

    The Key Technology of IPTV Head - end System

  19. 在基于B/S三层结构的学生考试成绩统计系统中,前端使用JSP技术,scorequery。

    In statistic system for exam scores of students based on three-layer B / S system , JSP was used in the front , Page score_query .

  20. 本文对LTCC无源电路和毫米波双通道接收前端LTCC组件技术进行了研究。

    Passive components of LTCC and the dual-channel front-end of millimeter wave receiver LTCC module are studied in this paper .

  21. 相控阵雷达系统天线前端的光子技术

    Photonics technology of antenna front end in phased array radar

  22. 基于内容的音频检索系统的前端抗噪技术

    Noise-robust technology for content-based audio retrieval system

  23. 理论分析表明,多相位滤波的前端预处理技术的采用可以明显提高无线定位精度。

    Theory analysis indicates that the front polyphase pre-filter technologies can highly improve the accuracy of wireless location .

  24. ICF驱动器光纤前端系统偏振控制技术

    Polarization control technology of fiber front-end system in ICF driver

  25. 前端报表采用AJAX技术实现,界面友好,增强了用户体验。

    The system uses AJAX technology in the front , which make the interface friendly and enhance user experience .

  26. 本文简要地介绍了J2EE架构,描述了计费帐务系统前端的架构及技术特点。

    This paper introduces briefly the J2EE platform framework , and describes the system structure and the technology characteristics of a Billing Account System .

  27. XUL(XMLUser-InterfaceLanguage)是用于RIA前端用户界面的技术,它是基于XML的用户界面描述语言。

    XUL ( XML User-Interface Language ) is a user-interface technology of RIA . The core concept of XUL is design user interface with XML .

  28. 本文以一种新型的差压式流量计&纺锤体流量计作为流量测量前端,结合嵌入式技术和RS-485串行通信技术,共同构成智能化流量积算控制仪系统。

    The intelligent flow totalizer system in this design is combined with the spindle flowmeter , the embedded system techniques and serial communication techniques . Spindle flowmeter , a new type of differential pressure flowmeter , is used as the sensor of flow measurement .

  29. 准分子激光前端光束形态控制技术研究

    The shape control over the front-end of excimer laser beam

  30. 作为网络监测的前端,报文捕获技术成为研究的热点之一。

    As the front-end of network monitoring , packet capture technology becomes a research hot .