
qián liè xiàn féi dà
  • Prostatic hypertrophy;prostatauxe
  1. 结论:HIFU技术对腹盆腔进展期恶性实体肿瘤、子宫肌瘤和前列腺肥大是一项效果明显又十分安全的新型局部治疗技术。

    Conclusions : As a new local treatment technique with non-invasive advantage , HIFU can be used to treat for advanced abdominal and pelvic malignant tumors , hysteromyoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia effectively and safely .

  2. 笔者认为,糖尿病、前列腺肥大、骨质疏松等疾病,从根本上说,都是由肾虚引起。

    The author believes that diabetes , prostatomegaly and osteoporosis etc.

  3. 超短波治疗老年人前列腺肥大45例

    45 cases of senile prostatomegaly treated by ultrashort wave

  4. 前列腺肥大组织中肥大细胞的光镜与电镜研究

    Mast cell in human prostatic hypertrophy : quantitative , histochemical and ultrastructural study

  5. 射频波治疗前列腺肥大

    Radio-frequency wave used to treat the prostate hypertrophy

  6. 方法2000年6月~2003年6月对338例服用高特灵治疗前列腺肥大症的患者进行血压监测。

    Method Blood pressure of 338 prostatic hyperplasia patients treated with hytrin were monitored .

  7. 经尿道电切术在高龄及高危前列腺肥大患者中的临床应用

    Clinical application of TURP treatment for aged and high risk patients with prostatic hypertrophy

  8. 自助式激光前列腺肥大治疗仪的研制

    Development of Self-help Laser Prostate Hypertrophy Therapeutic Equipment

  9. 研究人员说,这些药物可以延缓或阻止前列腺肥大的发展。

    The researchers said these drugs may delay or stop development of an enlarged prostate .

  10. 我想你恐怕得了前列腺肥大(前列腺炎,泌尿系统结石)。

    I think you have a prostatic hypertrophy ( prostatitis , a urinary stone ) .

  11. 茶花粉治疗大鼠前列腺肥大分子机理研究

    Studies on the Molecular Mechanism and Therapeutic Effects of Pollen on Prostatic Hypertrophy in Rat

  12. 根据尿流特性无创伤检测前列腺肥大的可能性

    The possibilities of diagnosing the prostatic hypertrophy without injury according to the characteristic of urinary flow

  13. 介绍老中医施汉章治疗前列腺肥大的经验。

    The veteran physician Shi Hanzhang s experience on the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia was presented .

  14. 美国财政部长杰克·卢将于周二在纽约进行手术,治疗良性前列腺肥大。

    Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will undergo surgery Tuesday in New York to treat a benign enlarged prostate .

  15. 这类药物包括通常用于减少男性前列腺肥大的药物非那雄胺和爱普列特。

    These include finasteride and dutasteride , which are commonly prescribed to reduce a man 's enlarged prostate gland .

  16. 本研究对26例前列腺肥大组织进行了光镜与电镜研究。

    The mast cell of 26 cases of prostatic hypertrophy ( PH ) was studied by light and electron microscopes .

  17. [结果]调查3000人,前列腺炎患病率为4.07%,前列腺肥大患病率为43.33%。

    [ Results ] Illness rate of prostatitis was 4.07 % , illness rate of prostate obesity was 43.33 % .

  18. 他们说的前列腺肥大的风险降低了百分之五十岁的男人比其他非甾体类抗炎药使用者。

    They said the risk of an enlarged prostate was fifty percent lower in the NSAID users than the other men .

  19. 降低可能患荷尔蒙相关疾病的可能性,如睾丸癌,前列腺肥大,前列腺癌,乳腺癌和子宫积脓。

    Decreased likelihood of developing certain hormone-dependent illnesses such as testicular cancer , prostate hypertrophy , prostatic cancer , mammary cancer and pyometra .

  20. 肾后梗阻性ARF11例,占4%,病因为各种妇科肿瘤和泌尿道肿瘤、畸形、结石、前列腺肥大和后腹膜淋巴结肿大。

    11 case with post renal ARF resulted from the pelvic or urinary tract tumors , malformation , stones , benign prostatic hypertrophy and post peritoneal lymphadenopathy .

  21. 对于前列腺肥大的治疗,现在有许多种有效的方法可以选择,例如服药、热疗、支架植入和众多外科治疗手段。

    There are many proven ways to treat the signs and symptoms of an enlarged prostate & including medication , heat therapy , stents and various surgical procedures .

  22. 饮花茶可以保健祛病,尤其是前列腺炎或前列腺肥大者、肝病者、少女经期前后和更年期女性等都宜饮用花茶。

    Huacha health illnesses can drink , especially prostatitis or benign prostatic hypertrophy , liver disease , before and after menstruation and menopause girls all women to drink Huacha .

  23. 其中合并心肺功能不全、高血压、糖尿病、肝硬化腹水、血小板减少、前列腺肥大者占504%(58/115)。

    50 4 % ( 58 / 115 ) of cases were complicated by diseases such as cardiopulmonary dysfunction , hypertension , diabetes mellitus , prostate hypertrophy , cirrhotic ascites and thrombocytopenia .

  24. 61岁以上男性前列腺肥大罹患率高达84.25%,女性脂肪肝与高血压罹患率居前2位。

    Illness rate of accretion of prostate of male over 61 years old is 84.25 % , the two mainly diseases of females over 61 years old are fatty liver and hypertension .

  25. 如果在排尿困难的证明或怀疑,因为在案件前列腺肥大或减值的意识,护理必须采取措施,以确保一个自由流出的尿液从膀胱。

    If difficulty in micturition is proved or suspected as in cases of prostatic hypertrophy or impairment of consciousness , care must be taken to ensure a free outflow of urine from the bladder .

  26. 方法:对患前列腺肥大的住院患者30名在手术前通过直肠B超分别测得前列腺平均体积为52.33ml,前列腺移行区平均体积为37.78ml;

    Methods : Thirty patients with prostate hypertrophy were examined by transrectal ultrasound before operation . Results : The prostate mean volume is 52 33 ml and the transition zone mean volume is 37 78 ml.

  27. 5α-还原酶的抑制剂已被应用于治疗良性前列腺肥大和男性秃发,并且它还能降低前列腺癌的发病率。但是否用于前列腺癌的预防尚存争议。

    Inhibition of 5 α - reductase activity by medication is used in the treatment of BPH and male-pattern baldness , while its use in prostate cancer prevention is still controversial although it can decrease the incidence of prostate cancer .

  28. 前列腺增生肥大患者的后尿道均被拉长超过3cm,27例表现为后尿道曲度增大或迂曲等异常的形态走行。

    The posterior urethras of the patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy were all lengthened over 3 cm , the tracks in the quiescent period were almost abnormal ( 27 / 28 ), some of the radians of posterior urethra were enlarged or some changed into tortuousness .

  29. 其中5例伴有前列腺增生肥大。

    Five cases of them had prostate hyperplasia .

  30. 比卡鲁胺是非甾体雄激素拮抗剂,用于治疗前列腺癌和良性前列腺肥大。

    The nonsteroidal antiandrogen bicalutamide was used to treat prostate cancer , benign prostatic hypertrophy or hyperplasia .