
  1. 以有无神经症诊断分为两组,以丹迪2000肌电图仪在憋尿期、排尿期行安定注射前后尿道外括约肌肌电图(EMG)的测定。

    Before and after injecting diazepam , authors respectively determined the EMG of urethral external sphincter in keeping urine phase and urinating phase by Dandi 2000 EMG machine .

  2. 这听上去像是半夜睡梦中憋尿的问题,但实际上却是令人讨厌的车辆泛滥问题。

    It sounds like a pee problem at midnight , but actually it 's all about a plague of cars .

  3. 子宫肌瘤B超检查前饮水量及憋尿时间对膀胱充盈度的影响

    The Effects of Various Volumes of Drinking Water and Different Time of Holding Back Urine on the Filling of Bladder before Gynecologic Ultrasonography of Patients with Hysteromyoma

  4. 他们发现人在憋尿的情况下自控能力更强,“拖延”做重要或花销大的决定,避免冲动之下仓促做决定。

    They found people with a full bladder were able to better control and " hold off " making important , or expensive , decisions , leading to better judgement .

  5. 几个因素会导致你的血压暂时性升高:运动,酒精,疾病,咖啡因,烟草,憋尿,焦虑,激动和疼痛,这仅仅是一部分。

    Several factors can make your blood pressure rise temporarily : exercise , alcohol , illness , caffeine , tobacco , a full bladder , anxiety , excitement and pain are just a few .

  6. 结果青壮年日常生活中的诸多不良习惯以及其他不利因素是诱发前列腺炎的高危因素,如长时间久坐、长距离骑车、憋尿及酗酒。

    Result Many bad habits in young people 's daily life and some other conditions are the dangerous factors causing prostatitis , such as long-time sitting 、 long distance bicycling 、 holding back urine and bibulosity .

  7. 荷兰的研究者们发现,人们在憋尿的时候能够就人生大事做出更好的决定,这是因为人们为控制生理需求而作出的努力会波及到我们所做出的其他选择。

    Researchers in the Netherlands have determined important life decisions may be best made while holding your water , as having control over our physical needs seems to , um , splash over onto the wider choices we make .

  8. 采用统一设计的调查表,通过本研究组成员亲自查阅病史,同时通过访谈的形式调查每位研究对象,调查内容包括一般情况、职业史、吸烟史、饮酒史、憋尿、其他生活习惯等。

    With unified design of questionnaires , the research team members studied the medical history of each case , and interviewed each patient to get information in the form of survey , which consisted of smoking history , drinking history , occupational history , habits and so on .

  9. 几个因素会导致你的血压暂时性升高:运动,酒精,疾病,咖啡因,烟草,憋尿,焦虑,激动和疼痛,这仅仅是一部分。测量血压的时候,确保排空膀胱中的尿液,而且不要在刚刚进食之后测量。

    Several factors can make your blood pressure rise temporarily : exercise , alcohol , illness , caffeine , tobacco , a full bladder , anxiety , excitement and pain are just a few . When you take readings , make sure your bladder is empty and you have not just eaten a meal .