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qián rì
  • the day before yesterday
前日 [qián rì]
  • [the day before yesterday] 前天,昨天的前一天

  • 招前日宾客。--清. 侯方域《壮悔堂文集》

前日[qián rì]
  1. 前日,黎姿透过《东张西望》亲证已经完婚的喜讯,大晒幸福。

    The day before yesterday , Gigi through the " look around " pro-marriage certificate has been good news , big happiness .

  2. 年龄、不孕年限、受精方式及排卵前日血清E2水平对冻融胚胎移植成功无影响。

    The success of frozen-thawed embryo transfer was not influenced by the number of the age of female partners , infertile duration , fertilization methods , nor serum E2 levels .

  3. 周四纽约商品期货交易所(NewYorkMercantileexchange)Comex分部的黄金期货收盘价报每盎司1331.60美元,较前日微涨,但和一年前相比仍下跌了16%。

    Gold futures ended Thursday at $ 1, 331.60 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange , up slightly for the day but down 16 % from a year ago .

  4. 方法选择择期非心脏手术老年患者12例,以动态心电图(DMSHolter5.0型)监测每例患者术前日23:00至术晨7:00及术后1、2d相同时间段HRV的变化。

    Methods Twelve senile patients undergone selective non-cardiac surgery were selected and changes of HRV were continuously monitored by dynamic electrocardiogram ( DMS Holter 5.0 , USA ) from 23:00 intraday to 7:00 in the morning before operation .

  5. 方法入选我院CCU病房急性心肌梗死患者108例(男性80例,女性28例),均于入院当日(急性期)、出院前日(恢复期),使用心电图仪记录300个RR间期。

    Methods QT interval variability was calculated from a one-lead electrocardiogram in 108 patients of acute myocardial infarction admitted in coronary care unit , each was measured twice , one in admission ( acute stage ), the other prior to discharge ( stable stage ) .

  6. 前日在飞行记录本上记录了Nav1故障问题的机长,在波音机场离港前还曾就此提醒过事发机长。

    The captain who wrote up the Nav1 gripe on the previous evening advised the captain on the accident flight of the malfunction prior to the latter 's departure from BFI .

  7. 我父亲认为这些人前日袭击了他的手下

    My father blames them for the recent hits against his men .

  8. 日前交易开放前日调度计划优化的研究

    Optimization of Daily Dispatch Arrangement before Day-Ahead Transaction Being Opened

  9. 大耳猬冬眠前日活动节律的初步研究

    On the Daily Activity Rhythm before Hibernation of Long-Eared

  10. 前日,京基地产正式向全体市民公开征集项目名称。

    Eve , the production base to all citizens public solicitation programs name .

  11. 前日,一份CCYV报告披露了苹果公司对中国消费者实行歧视性售后服务并引发了该事件。

    The case arose after a CCTV report accused Apple of offering discriminatory after-sales services in China .

  12. 上证指数下跌0.15%,收于5106.04点。而前日下跌超过2%。

    The Shanghai Composite closed down 0.15 % to 5, 106.04 after falling more than 2 % earlier .

  13. 前日在华娱卫视“亚洲十大红人颁奖典礼”上,记者独家采访到了贺军翔。

    The day before on Asian Top10 Most popular stars ceremony , our reporter exclusively reported Mike He .

  14. 牛小肠复合酶中胰蛋白酶和糜蛋白酶活性与牛的体况和屠宰前日粮类型有关。

    The activity of trypsin and chymotrypsin in BIF depended on the kinds of cattle and feeds before slaughter .

  15. 摩根大通和富国银行股价昨日午盘均与前日持平,分别为每股57.72美元和45.58美元。

    Shares in JPMorgan and Wells Fargo were both flat in afternoon trade , at $ 57.72 and $ 45.58 respectively .

  16. 广大前日战区的恢复和遭受一场漫长战争蹂躏破坏的中国国家民族的重建成了一个摆在中国人面前的一道难题。

    The problems of rehabilitating the formerly Japanese-occupied areas and of reconstructing the nation from the ravages of a protracted war were staggering .

  17. 但随后市场的表现近乎恐慌在昨日交易中大跌8%,与前日的跌幅类似。

    By then the markets were close to panic , falling 8 per cent yesterday on top of a similar drop the day before .

  18. 该只股票昨日企稳。不过,随着投资者努力解读雷曼各项计划及资金需求,该只股票在午盘时与前日持平。

    The stock regained ground yesterday but was flat by mid-afternoon trading as investors struggled to make sense of Lehman 's plans and capital needs .

  19. 前日多头主力金融股反戈一击,成为最大做空力量,近期活跃的热点也开始大幅降温。

    The day before long the main financial stocks turned into the largest force in short , the recent active hot spots began to cool significantly .

  20. 麦康娜是格林芬顿队的头儿,可是她前日还是给了他们一大堆作业。

    Professor McGonagall was head of Gryffindor House , but it hadn 't stopped her from giving them a huge pile of homework the day before .

  21. 在前日的金球奖上,她对记者说:当你度过了我这样的一年,未来只会变得越来越好。

    When you 've had a 2012 like me , things can only get better , she told PEOPLE on Sunday at the Golden Globe Awards .

  22. 当你约十九岁的时候,通常在黄道上会有与出生前日食度数相同的日食发生。

    When you are about nineteen years old there is usually a Solar Eclipse at approximately the same degree of the zodiac as your Prenatal Eclipse .

  23. 他的去世有许多天文因素,但是这也是一个实例,它表明,出生前日食周期已完成了它工作。

    There were many contributing astrological factors in effect at the time of his death , but this was an instance which indicated that the Prenatal Eclipse Cycle had completed its work .

  24. 耶路撒冷希尔顿酒店前日宣布,单方面解除和伦敦希尔顿国际管理公司的关系。

    Israel 's Jerusalem Hilton hotel said on Wednesday it has fully and unilaterally cut ties with the Hilton chain due to a dispute between the owners and management company Hilton International .

  25. 据当天消息,20岁的伊特前日通过短信要求一名男性朋友删除其母亲透露比伯并非孩子生父的信息。

    But today it emerged the20-year-old sent a text from her phone yesterday to a friend , demanding he erase a message from her mother saying someone other than Bieber is the father .

  26. 根据拆分决定宣布前日公司的市值计算,如果拆分能为康菲公司带来30%的增长率,那么将有可观的330亿美元的额外市值入账。

    If cop were to ultimately gain 30 % in its split , it would add a whopping $ 33 billion in value , based on its market valuation on the day before the deal was announced .

  27. 梅艳芳前日于传媒面前谈到东魅的传闻,言语间暗示她从未收过任何钱,只是一位挂名股东而已。

    The day before , when Anita Mui was asked by the media about the news of Stareast , Anita Mui implied that she didn 't invest any money in that company , just as an unpaid director .

  28. 如某标的证券前日融资余额、前日融券余额都为零,且当日无融资融券业务发生,则可不申报该证券的记录。

    If the previous balance of the financed funds and bonds of subject-matter security are both zero , and no financed funds and bonds business occurred at the current day , so the records of the securities may not be required to declare the records of the securities .