
In your bhajans you sing of me as being the ancient one .
The ancients exchanged sons , and one taught the son of another .
I am the ancient one .
This is the ancient origins of the rise of Buddhism and Taoism in the pre-existing folk activities .
Wang Tiande , Qiu Zhijie and Zheng Guogu have turned to calligraphy to examine how it might become something other than an antiquarian pursuit .
Old books are a must have map , map for supporting books , " easy " but no map , it is difficult to let go the rain-delayed future generations .
Secondly , he proposes unauthorized person can change old ancient , stressing that innovation is not to completely abandon the previous results , but to use ancient as a means While to change old for the purpose on the basis of inheritance and innovation .
On the premises of keeping the old building 's appearance , structural works system and original structure , it is required not only to meet all kinds of exhibitory function , but also bring out the best in both of exhibits and old building .
More ancient temple , swimmers not , long days silence .
The development of earth sciences and activity on frontiers of continent dynamics put forth a new challenge to the palaeogeography researchers , and mobilism palaeogeography maps should be compiled for prospecting of mineral deposits and study of the evolution of sedimentary crust as well as continental tectonics .
He was one of the world 's foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture
According to the old tradition , Romulus was the founder of Rome .
On the other side will be an image of an ancient Greek statue of a discus thrower .
The reproduction of ancient building as a new architecture form combines modern building technology with ancient building art . It establishes a new path for rebuilding and restoring ancient building .