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zhōng rì
  • all day;all day long;from morning till night
终日 [zhōng rì]
  • [all day] 从早到晚

  • 终日忙忙碌碌

  • 终日而思。--《荀子.劝学》

终日[zhōng rì]
  1. 群居终日,言不及义,好行小慧,难矣哉。(《论语》)

    To be together all day long and never talk about fundamentals but take pleasure only in showing one 's cleverness & indeed it 's a hopeless case !

  2. 人要常常为他祷告,终日称颂他。

    May people ever pray for him and bless him all day long .

  3. 因为害怕他发现我们的秘密,我们终日惶恐不安。

    We lived in mortal dread of him discovering our secret .

  4. 我们终日忙忙碌碌,过得毫无意义。

    We fill up our lives with meaningless tasks .

  5. 不要终日陷在阴郁的思绪中。

    You can 't occupy yourself with dismal thoughts all the time .

  6. 她终日忙碌。

    She had been on the go all day .

  7. 这位激昂的演说家把无所事事的富人同终日辛劳的工人阶级进行了对比。

    The fiery orator contrasted the idle rich with the toiling working classes .

  8. 迈克根本不肯读书,相反地,他终日游手好闲。

    Mike doesn 't study at all . Instead , he sits idle all day .

  9. 压力小狗指的是因为压力而成长,但是又因承受不了压力终日抱怨,像小狗一样呜呜叫的人。

    Stress puppy is a person who thrives on stress , yet complains about it constantly .

  10. 因而,他沉溺于甜美的自我欣赏之中,远离所有的人,在苍翠蓊郁的小山谷中终日闲逛,他成了一位自恋狂。一天,那西塞斯在树林中愉快地游荡。

    Thus given up to sweet thoughts of self , Narcissus avoided all company . He roamed the wooded little valleys every day , madly in love withhimself .

  11. 它们饿了就叫,一叫就有肉吃,吃饱之后,一副悠闲快活的样子,终日懒懒散散,无所事事。

    They meowed whenever they were hungry , and whenever they meowed , they were fed with meat . After they ate their fill , they were happy and carefree , lazy and sluggish , and had nothing to do all day .

  12. 每次加餐进食少量的健康食品可以使你避免患上过饥-过饿综合症(overhungry-overeatingsyndrome)这种病很容易致人肥胖并导致患者终日昏昏欲睡。

    Eating healthy snacks , in snack-size portions , can help you avoid the overhungry-overeating syndrome that often leads to overweight and can leave you feeling lethargic .

  13. 基尼斯评委Wagner说称重时候的氛围太棒了。Wagner住在伦敦,终日在世界各处飞来飞去为世界纪录做见证人,上一次是在意大利见证世界最长的比萨队。

    Guinness judge Wagner , who is based in London but flies around the globe certifying records ( her previous assignment was the world 's longest line of pizza in Italy ) , said the atmosphere for the weigh-in was great .

  14. 至于夏日的是虫鸣之声,Coketown所能提供的是一年到头,从星期一早上到星期六夜晚终日不绝于耳的机器轮轴发出的急促嗓音。

    while for the summer hum of insects , it could offer all the year round , from the dawn of Monday to the night of Saturday , the whirr of shafts and wheels .

  15. 我担心,这样关注方便舒适和即时的满足感,会把我们都变成《机器人瓦力》(Wall-E)里的人,终日躺在在躺椅上,拿着大杯饮料,只靠遥控器和世界互动。

    I 'm concerned that such a focus on comfort and instant gratification will reduce us all to those characters in " Wall-E , " bound to their recliners , Big Gulps in hand , interacting with the world exclusively through their remotes .

  16. 羊羔嬉闹奔跑,牧笛终日悠扬

    Lambs frisk and play , the shepherds pipe all day ,

  17. 在我的家中,我的妻子有一个终日懒散在家的人。

    In my home , my wife is a couch potato .

  18. 我希望你不要终日游手好闲,无所事事。

    I wish you wouldn 't just like about all day .

  19. 你看起来好像终日不见阳光一样。

    You look like you crawled out from under a rock !

  20. 曾几何时,他们就变得弯腰如弓,动作迟缓,终日闷闷不乐了。

    Soon they became bowed and grey and slow and sullen .

  21. 法国人与美国人终日沉溺于自己所谓的独特论之中。

    The French and Americans wallow in their own supposed exceptionalism .

  22. 通常你终日梦想着一定的障碍会以某种方式消失。

    Often you 've dreamt that certain obstacles would somehow vanish .

  23. 永远不要终日陷于苦恼之中,而要对明天满怀希望。

    Never look at vexation , but look up to the hopes .

  24. 她悲恸终日。

    She was mournful for the whole of the day .

  25. 他终日在他的玫瑰园里转悠消磨时光。

    He spent his days puttering in his rose garden .

  26. 但你不应该枯坐终日无所事事。

    But you 're not gonna sit on your ass all day .

  27. 他终日曲不离口,让邻居欣喜不已。

    All day long he sang and delighted his neighbors .

  28. 第二天大雨终日。

    On the following day heavy rain fell without stopping .

  29. 他终日陷在深不可测的悲哀之中,使我对他不胜同情和怜悯。

    His constant and deep grief fills me with sympathy and compassion .

  30. 我从早到晚终日思念你。

    I think of you morning , noon and night .