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  • terminal differentiation
  1. 结论RIα反义基因片段可诱导人肺癌细胞进入终末分化至编程性细胞死亡。

    CONCLUSIONS RI α antisense genes could induce lung cancer cells to terminal differentiation and apoptosis .

  2. 人参皂甙Rg1对人成骨肉瘤MG-63细胞形态结构和终末分化指标的影响

    The Effects of Ginsenoside Rg1 on the Morphology and Terminal Differentiation of Human Osteosarcoma MG-63 Cell

  3. 多发性骨髓瘤(MM)是来源于B淋巴细胞的恶性肿瘤,以终末分化的浆细胞的克隆性增生为显著特征。

    Multiple myeloma ( MM ) is characterized by cloning proliferation of terminally differentiated plasma cells .

  4. CFos原癌基因在增殖的角质形成细胞中呈弱表达,提示其终末分化较差。

    C fos protooncogene is weakly expressed in proliferative keratinocytes .

  5. 小剂量As2O3体外诱导HL-60细胞发生非终末分化分子机制的研究

    The molecular mechanisms of As_2O_3 - induced un-terminal differentiation of HL-60 cells

  6. 结论在不同诱导剂刺激下,PML基因在蛋白水平参与细胞终末分化及诱导白血病细胞凋亡机制;

    PML plays the role of differentiation and apoptosis inducer in leukemia cells at the translational level ;

  7. 然而与HL60细胞不同,终末分化的正常人中性粒细胞,在无细胞因子培养24小时的条件下,SURVIVINMRNA的水平自发性增加了6倍。

    However , normal neutrophils showed a 6-fold increase in survivin mRNA after a 24-hour culture in the absence of cytokines .

  8. 将人类ES细胞定向诱导成为胰岛终末分化细胞,为糖尿病的细胞替代治疗提供丰富的细胞来源。

    Human ES cells are induced to differentiate into pancreatic precursor cells , which provide a rich source of cells for diabetes ' cell replacement therapy .

  9. BMP分子可以诱导间充质细胞分化为软骨细胞,促进合成细胞外基质,抑制软骨细胞的终末分化。

    BMP may induce mesenchymal cells to differentiate into chondrocytes , promote the synthesis of extracellular matrix and inhibit the terminal differentiation of chondrocytes .

  10. EDDF诱导产生与红细胞终末分化相关的HS2特异结合蛋白

    The hs_2 specific binding proteins related to the erythroid terminal differentiation induced by EDDF

  11. Ski在各种细胞类型中发挥着不同的作用。Ski在细胞中的高表达可以诱导原癌细胞癌变和肌肉细胞终末分化。

    Ski plays multiple roles in a variety of cell types , it can induce both oncogenic transformation and terminal muscle differentiation when expressed at high levels .

  12. 最近发现,survivin在从囊性纤维化病人分离得到的终末分化的中性粒细胞中有较高的表达。

    Most recently , it was found that survivin was expressed in terminally differentiated neutrophils that were isolated from the patients with cystic fibrosis , a chronic inflammatory disease .

  13. 人参皂甙Rg1、肉桂酸、丹参酮ⅡA及其组合对人成骨肉瘤MG-63细胞终末分化的诱导研究

    Study on the Terminal Differentiation of Human Osteosarcoma MG-63 Cells Induced by Ginsenoside Rg1 , Cinnamic Acid , Tanshinone ⅱ A and Their Combinations

  14. Survivin是一种凋亡抑制蛋白,在发育的胚胎和人类恶性肿瘤,转化的细胞系中表达,而在终末分化成熟的组织中基本不表达。

    The survivin is a number of inhibitor of apoptosis gene family , expressed in embryonic development , human cancer , and transformed cell lines , and unexpressed in terminally differentiated adult tissue .

  15. PAI-3存在终末分化KCs角质壳中。PLA2活性主要定位于表皮细胞的胞膜及角层和间质细胞;

    PLA2 reaction was mainly seen at the cytomembrane of keratinocytes in deeper epidermal layers , cornified layer and dermal interstitial cells .

  16. 黑色素瘤分化相关基因-7(mda-7,又称IL-24)是1995年采用减数杂交技术在诱导终末分化的人黑色素瘤细胞HO-1中发现的一个新基因。

    Melanoma differentiation associated gene-7 ( mda-7 ) was isolated by Jiang et al from a melanoma cell line induced to differentiate by interferon - β and mezerein .

  17. 红细胞终末分化期出现与珠蛋白基因表达增强子HS2序列特异结合的蛋白质因子

    Appearance of some novel proteins binding enhancer element of globin gene ( hs_2 ) during erythroid terminal differentiation

  18. 另外,TGFβ、BMP分子可以和IHHPTHrP信号通路相互作用协调软骨细胞分化,BMP和FGF分子相互拮抗控制软骨细胞增殖、IHH分子表达和软骨细胞的终末分化。

    In addition , TGF - β and BMP can coordinate with IHH-PTHrP relaying pathway to regulate the differentiation of chondrocytes , and BMP antagonizes with FGF in controlling the chondrocyte proliferation , IHH expression and terminal differentiation of chondrocytes .

  19. 现介绍N-ras基因的结构特点及其致癌机制的新理论,并在此基础上从抑制肿瘤细胞增殖和促进肿瘤细胞终末分化两方面重点对其抑癌作用的国内外研究进展作一综述。

    This review introduces the structural features of N-ras and the new theory of its effect on carcinogenesis , expatiates on the mechanisms of anti-carcinoma through suppressing the proliferation of cells and promoting the differentiation of cells .

  20. 在体外一些髓样细胞系中ATRA可以诱导细胞周期阻滞及启动终末分化。并且由于它的这一特性已在临床用于治疗急性早幼粒细胞性白血病,并取得很好的疗效。

    ATRA treatment induce terminal differentiation and growth arrest of several established human myeloid cell lines in vitro and has also proven to be effective in the clinical treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia ( APL ) by inducing differentiation and apoptosis of the immature blasts .

  21. 研究小鼠红细胞分化去核分化因子(MEDDF)在红细胞终末分化中的功能。

    Objective To investigate the roles of mouse erythroid differentiation and denucleation factor ( MEDDF ), newly cloned in our laboratory , in erythroid terminal differentiation .

  22. 骨骼肌是由终末分化的多核肌纤维组成。

    Skeletal muscle is composed of terminally differentiated multinuclear , postmitotic myofibers .

  23. 首先间充质干细胞增殖并定向成前脂肪细胞,而后成纤维型的前脂肪细胞终末分化成圆球形的脂肪细胞。

    Firstly MSCs proliferate and commits into preadipocyte , then fibrous preadipocyte differentiates into sphere adipocyte .

  24. 我得到的答复大部分都是这样的,肌肉是终末分化组织。

    And a lot of the replies I got were that muscle is terminally differentiated tissue .

  25. 但目前还没有一种理想的方法把胰岛终末分化细胞从混和培养物中分离出来。

    But it has not been an ideal way to separate pancreatic precursor cells from the mixed cultures .

  26. 老年人面部、小腿皮肤角朊细胞终末分化蛋白的研究

    Investigation on the expression of the terminal differentiation protein in the keratinocyte of senile face and leg skin

  27. 再者,神经组织——脑——也会得癌症,而脑细胞也是终末分化组织。

    And furthermore , that nervous tissue -- brain -- gets cancer , and brain cells are also terminally differentiated .

  28. 随着干细胞分化的进行,端粒酶活性也随之降低,至终末分化细胞已无法测到端粒酶。

    With the conduct of stem cell differentiation , telomerase activity may also decrease to terminally differentiated cells can no longer measured telomerase .

  29. 传统的观点认为,神经元是终末分化的细胞,不再具有分裂增殖的能力。

    It is generally believed that neurons are end-differentiated cells , which have withdrawn from the cell cycle and are no longer capable of division .

  30. 作为终末分化细胞,心肌细胞凋亡的累积效应将导致其数量减少和心功能的降低,促进心力衰竭的发生发展。

    As a type of terminally differentiated cells , excessive apoptosis of cardiomyocyte will lead to the loss of myocardium and development of cardiac dysfunction .