
  • 网络terminal hematuria
  1. 主要临床表现为间歇性血精伴终末血尿及不育15年,经直肠B超、盆腔CT、MRI、膀胱镜及活检病理检查确诊为苗勒管囊肿并恶性变。

    The main manifestation was intermittent episode of hemospermia accompanying terminal hematuria and infertility for 15 years . Final diagnosis was determined by the findings of transrectal ultrasound scan , CT scan , MRI imaging , cystoscopic examination and biopsy .

  2. 滴虫也可形成膀胱炎,病人除表现有膀胱刺激症状外,还可以有终末血尿。

    Trichomonad also can form cystitis , the patient has cystic stimulation except the watch outside the symptom , still can have eventually dust blood in the urine .