
zhōnɡ shēn jiān jìn
  • life imprisonment;life sentence
  1. 按照州法律终身监禁定义为60年。

    Life imprisonment is defined as 60 years under state law .

  2. 1977年,他被判谋杀罪名成立,判处终身监禁。

    In 1977 he was convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment

  3. 她被判终身监禁服刑十年后被赦免了。

    She was pardoned after serving ten years of a life sentence .

  4. 他做了这样的事,应该终身监禁。

    He deserves to be locked up for ever for what he did .

  5. 他因谋杀罪被终身监禁。

    He was jailed for life for murder .

  6. 受害者家属说杀人犯被终身监禁是得到了他应有的惩罚。

    The family of the victim said that the killer had got his just deserts when he was jailed for life .

  7. 他最初的死刑被减为终身监禁。

    His original death sentence was commuted to life in prison .

  8. 判处波拉德终身监禁是公正合理还是量刑过重?

    Was Pollard 's life sentence just or was it too severe ?

  9. 如被判谋杀未遂,威廉斯将面临终身监禁。

    Williams faces life in prison if convicted of attempted murder

  10. 如果罪名成立,他可能会被判终身监禁。

    He could get life in prison , if convicted .

  11. 他因谋杀了3名警察而在1966年被终身监禁。

    He was jailed for life in 1966 for the murder of three policemen

  12. 他的证词足以使德拉戈被判终身监禁。

    His testimony could put Drago away for life .

  13. 两名法官和六名大众陪审推事判决怀特终身监禁。

    Two judges and six lay assessors sentenced White to life in prison .

  14. 法官席曼先生判处他终身监禁。

    Judge Mr Justice Schiemann jailed him for life .

  15. 那些被判决犯有谋反叛乱罪的人将被处以终身监禁。

    Those found guilty of rebellion and insurrection will be sentenced to life imprisonment .

  16. 他被判终身监禁。

    He was condemned to life imprisonment .

  17. 他被判处终身监禁。

    He was sentenced to life in prison

  18. 虽然被判终身监禁,但是他在服刑10年后可以申请假释。

    Although sentenced to life , he will become eligible for parole after serving 10 years .

  19. 他被终身监禁。

    He was imprisoned for life .

  20. 死刑减成终身监禁。

    The death sentence was commuted .

  21. 4.imprisonvt.下狱,监禁Thecoupleaderscouldfacelifeimprisonment.政变领导人可能要面临终身监禁。这一法案规定任何犯下此罪的人都有可能被监禁。

    The Act states that anyone committing the offence is liable to imprisonment .

  22. 安托万·琼斯(AntoineJones)被认定有罪并判处终身监禁。

    Antoine Jones was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison .

  23. Muhammad的同伙LeeBoydMalvo被判处终身监禁,目前正在服刑。

    Muhammad 's accomplice , Lee Boyd Malvo is serving a life-prison term .

  24. AntoineJones被判有罪并处以终身监禁,他一直上诉到最高法院。

    Antoine Jones was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison . He appealed his case all the way to the Supreme Court .

  25. 如果对他的所有指控罪名成立,费萨尔·哈扎德(FaisalShahzad)将面临终身监禁。

    If found of the charges against him , he could face life in prison .

  26. 四月三十日,Khyam先生和其他四个嫌疑犯被判处终身监禁。

    On April30th , Mr Khyam and four other suspects were sentenced to life in prison .

  27. 1964年他被判终身监禁后,在狱中度过了逾四分之一个世纪的岁月,其中大部分时间被关押在开普敦附近罗本岛(RobbenIsland)上一个戒备森严的监狱里。

    After he was sentenced to life in prison in 1964 , he spent more than a quarter-century behind bars , much of it in a maximum-security prison on Robben Island , off the coast of Cape Town .

  28. 虽然我们都知道高跟鞋可能是致命武器——去年,德克萨斯州的安娜·特鲁希略(AnaTrujillo)用5.5英寸(约合14厘米)的细高跟鞋刺死男友,被判终身监禁——但如果它是穿在脚上,你并不总能把它轻松取下。

    While it is known that shoes can be lethal weapons - last year , Ana Trujillo of Texas was sentenced to life in prison for stabbing her boyfriend to death with a 5-inch stiletto heel - they are not always easily accessible when they are on your feet .

  29. 据新加坡副总理张志贤(TeoCheeHean)说,按照拟议中的新法,法庭将有权酌情对被判毒品犯罪的部分人员处以终身监禁加鞭刑,而不是死刑,不过条件是他们给予当局实质而有效的合作,或者是有智力缺陷。

    The proposed new law will give courts the discretion to sentence some people convicted of drug-related crimes to life in prison with caning , rather than to death , provided they cooperate with authorities in a " substantive way , " or provided they have a mental disability , said Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean .

  30. 在肯尼亚,被定罪的海盗可能面临终身监禁。

    In Kenya , convicted pirates can face life in prison .