
zhōnɡ jié zhě
  • terminator;one who brings sth. to conclusion
  1. 《终结者2》的票房最终达到了两亿美元,被认为是收回了影片的制作成本。

    ' Terminator 2 ' finally made $ 200 million , which was considered to be the break-even point for the picture .

  2. “划屏终结者”指的就是一个引人注目的产品或新闻,让人们在不断点击新鲜话题的过程中停下脚步关注到,特别是在他们在用手指划屏下拉时。

    Thumbstopper refers to an eye-catching or compelling item that makes a person stop scrolling a touchscreen device .

  3. “划屏终结者”都有一些共同的特点,比如从未出现,草根接触少,而且不分领域.

    There are some traits shared by those thumbstoppers , for instance , little presence , little contact with grass roots , as well as cross-field .

  4. 《终结者》的同名续集《终结者ii》制作精良,情节曲折。

    Terminator2is the well-executed , action-packed sequel to the earlier film of the same name .

  5. 《终结者2:审判日》3D重映版的具体发布日期尚未公布。

    The release date for " Terminator 2 : Judgment Day " 3D is yet to be announced .

  6. 演完《终结者III》之后,我成了好莱坞片酬最高的影星。

    After Terminator III became , the highest paid movie star in Hollywood .

  7. 科幻大片《终结者2:审判日》的3D重映版将于明年在中国电影院上映。

    Sci-fi blockbuster " Terminator 2 : Judgment Day " is going to open in Chinese theatres sometime next year .

  8. 此次拍卖不包括早些时候阿诺德施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)主演的《终结者》电影。

    The auction does not cover earlier Terminator films starring Arnold Schwarzenegger .

  9. SamWorthington还参演了第四部终结者电影《终结者:救世军(2009)》。

    Sam Worthington appeared in Terminator Salvation ( 2009 ), the fourth Terminator movie .

  10. 在另外一个单独的测试中,《流言终结者》小队发现如果Jack在水里呆着超过一小时,他就会体温过低被冻死。

    In a separate test the ' Mythbusters ' team found that had Jack remained in the water for over an hour he would have died from hypothermia .

  11. 基因组扫描并不是HIV感染和破坏人类细胞的终结者,但是它的确比过去存在的一些技术对HIV更有效。

    The genome-wide scan is not the last word on what HIV needs to infect and destroy human cells , but it is a much more comprehensive inventory than has existed before .

  12. 我知道变化是可怕的,我也知道《终结者》(Terminator)中的半机器人确实可怕。

    I understand that change is scary , and that the cyborg from The Terminator is really scary .

  13. @torrenegra:今天是《终结者》中的审判日(2011年4月21日),天网本该把我们全灭了,幸好它是跑在AmazonEC2上的。

    Torrenegra : Today is Terminator 's Judgment Day ( 4 / 21 / 2011 ) . Skynet was supposed to kill us all .

  14. 《终结者:创世纪》仍然由大卫埃利森(DavidEllison)出品,计划将于2015年7月1日正式上映。

    The sequel will also be produced by David Ellison and Terminator : Genesis is scheduled to be released in theaters come July 1 , 2015 .

  15. 这是我事先准备的紧急疏散包,是国土安全部推荐过的,还有SarahConnor(终结者女主角)。

    Sheldon : It 's my prepacked disaster evacuation bag . It 's recommended by the Department of Homeland Security . And Sarah Connor .

  16. 施瓦辛格最后一次作为主角出演2003年的《终结者3:机器的觉醒》(Terminator3:RiseoftheMachines)时,预收的出演费高达2930万美元,这对今天的任何演员来说都是无法企及的高度。

    The $ 29.3 million upfront fee Mr. Schwarzenegger collected for his last big role , ' Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines ' in 2003 , would be unthinkable for any actor today .

  17. 阿诺德·施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)在派拉蒙的《终结者:创世纪》(TerminatorGenisys)中表现不佳;怀旧情绪也未能令华纳兄弟的《秘密特工》(TheManfromU.N.C.L.E.)和《假期历险记》(Vacation)走红。

    Arnold Schwarzenegger sagged in " Terminator Genisys , " from Paramount , and nostalgia couldn 't make hits of Warner 's " The Man from U.N.C.L.E. " and " Vacation . "

  18. 上个月,法国的GameloftSA在电影《魔鬼终结者:未来救赎》上映的同时,发布了同名的iPhone手机游戏。

    Last month , France 's Gameloft SA released a Terminator Salvation game for the iPhone to coincide with the release of the movie with the same title .

  19. 但是,某些类型的AI技术(比如《终结者》(Terminator)系列电影中展现的那种)的采用,在现实和伦理层面仍问题重重,并令专家们感到担忧。

    But the adoption of the type of AI technology that featured in the Terminator film franchise , for instance , remains fraught with practical and ethical issues and has alarmed experts .

  20. 阿诺德施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)主演的《终结者》(Terminator)是科幻电影,而这种看法也是科幻、而非现实:机器人和软件算法葬送就业的速度快于创造就业的速度。

    Arnold Schwarzenegger 's Terminator was science fiction - but so , too , is the idea that robots and software algorithms are guzzling jobs faster than they can be created .

  21. 近日,BAE系统公司发布的一份概念视频展示了未来制造无人机的过程。在视频里,无人机从液态金属里“长”了出来,看起来就像从电影里走出的无人阻挡的终结者一样。

    Evoking images from the liquid metal and nearly unstoppable Terminator from the movies , BAE Systems has posted concept video footage of a process to create drones of the future .

  22. 这名无畏的士兵被称为是俄罗斯版终结者,据报道,他在俄罗斯和车臣武装分子交火时被AK-47突击步枪击中。

    The soldier , who has been dubbed the Russian Terminator , was reportedly caught in AK-47 crossfire between Russian and Chechen militants .

  23. 鉴于她对动画片的热情,她成长过程中最喜欢的电影有点出人意料:“《终结者》(Terminator),”她大笑着说,“我能背出里面的每一句台词。”

    Given her passion for animation , the film she loved most growing up comes as a bit of a surprise : " ' Terminator , ' " she says , laughing . " I memorized every line . "

  24. 故事讲述的是莎拉·寇娜(由汉密尔顿饰演)和她的儿子约翰遭到了终结者的追杀,这是一个技术先进的机器人,这个机器人是由液体金属制成,并能够变换形体,他的名字叫作T-1000。

    The story follows Sarah Connor ( Hamilton ) and her son John as they are pursued by a new , more advanced Terminator - the liquid metal , shape-shifting T-1000 .

  25. ATSU研究生和专业的项目提供医疗保健领域,甚至在Kirksville校园、台面、家乡亚利桑纳担任终结者和在线。

    ATSU provides graduate and professional programs in healthcare fields at campuses in Kirksville , Mo. , Mesa , Ariz. , and online .

  26. 这一策略要求施瓦辛格让以往一些巨作重新焕发生机,如《龙兄鼠弟》的续集《三胞胎》(Triplets)和最新一部《终结者》等,后者的剧本正在撰写之中。

    The strategy conceived by his team calls for him to revive hits from his heyday such as ' Triplets ' - the sequel to ' Twins ' - and the next installment of ' The Terminator , ' the script for which is in development .

  27. 我甚至想终结者会怎么做。

    I even thought about how the terminator would handle it .

  28. 此外,在次年,《终结者2》还获得了四项奥斯卡大奖.

    The film also won four Academy Awards the following year .

  29. 终结者2获得了不错的票房成绩,并饱受好评。

    Terminator 2 was a significant box office and critical success .

  30. 信息服务业:电信行业“终结者”?

    Will information service industry be the terminator of telecom industry ?