
  • 网络network link;web links;hyperlink
  1. 对PageRank、HITS等经典算法进行解析、总结和比较,借鉴了现有的网站评估模型,确定了以流量、网络链接和可见度作为网站评估的指标。

    On PageRank , HITS classical algorithm analysis , summary and comparison , the present site assessment model , to determine the flow , Web links and visibility as the site assessment index .

  2. 等它发布以后,你只需下载一个广告拦截软件,就可以在iPhone的Safari浏览器上屏蔽广告了,也许还适用于能打开网络链接的其他应用。

    when it 's out , you 'll simply download an ad blocker and no longer have to see ads on the iPhone 's version of Safari and possibly in other apps that open web links .

  3. 具有网络链接功能的PLC在港口起重机上的应用

    Application of Network Link Functional PLC to Cranes in the Harbor

  4. 这有助于审核标准的WebSphereApplicationServer拓扑并查看所有网络链接和协议。

    It 's useful to review a standard WebSphere Application Server topology and see all of the network links and protocols .

  5. N:N多重网络链接的PLC通讯技术在同跨架多台桥式起重机中的应用

    Application of N : N multi-link PLC communication technology to multiple bridge cranes over the same rack

  6. VB管理网络链接,经常切换者需要。

    VB management network link , often switching needs .

  7. OSPF使用广播地址在广播网络链接上来路由泛洪。

    OSPF uses multicast addressing for route flooding on a broadcast network link .

  8. 然后,对ICP和ISP的侵权类型做了详细分析,在此基础上又分别分析了网络链接的版权侵权行为和网页快照的版权侵权行为。

    On the basis of this , analysing the copyright infringement of the network link and page snapshot .

  9. 如果用wget在Mozilla中装入一个较大的页面或下载文件,您将听到电子钢琴在网络链接饱和时发出更加刺耳的音调。

    If you load a large page in Mozilla or download a file with wget , you will hear the electronic piano take a more strident tone as you saturate your network link .

  10. 在可信计算技术的应用中,不仅可以使用它来提高终端计算环境的整体安全性,同时还可以把可信计算技术与网络链接技术相结合,从而形成一种称之为TNC的技术。

    And trusted computing not only improve the credibility of the terminal computing environments , but also extend trusted environment from operating system to the network , forming a trusted network connection , named TNC technology .

  11. 参考文献的网络链接及其对中国学术期刊的影响

    Chinese academic journal : network-linking function of references and its influence

  12. 这意味着所有网络链接都是不加密和不经过身份验证的。

    This means that all network links are unencrypted and unauthenticated .

  13. 基本上由网络链接,协作,以及激励组成。

    They are basically broadband , collaboration and encouragement put together .

  14. 网络链接设置过程中的法律问题研究

    The Research of Lawful Problem in Establishment of Network Linking

  15. 博客社区内的非正式交流:基于网络链接的实证分析

    Informal Communication in Blog Community : An Empirical Analysis of Web Links

  16. 在本文后面,我们将讨论保护其他网络链接。

    We 'll discuss securing additional network links later in this article .

  17. 请运行诊断向导来检测您的网络链接速度。

    Please run the diagnostics wizard to check your Internet connection speed .

  18. 论商业网站中网络链接的规范管理

    On Regulatory Management of Network Linking in Commercial Websites

  19. 在控制面板中,打开网络链接。

    In the Control Panel , open Network Connections .

  20. 网络链接与我国信息网络传播权保护之辨析

    Web Sites Links and the Protection of Spreading Right of Information Web Sites

  21. 网络链接行为中的著作权问题探析

    Probe into Copyright Issues in Network Linking Behavior

  22. 可视化技术在网络链接分析中的应用研究

    The Application of Visualization Technology in Link Analysis

  23. 网络链接分析研究进展

    Advance of the Study on Hyperlink Analysis

  24. 大多数视频编辑工具提供针对不同网络链接速度的视频设置。

    Most video editing tools offer automatic web video settings targeted at various Internet connection speeds .

  25. 根据到您存储库的网络链接,这将花费很长的时间。

    This can take a very long time , depending upon your network link to your repository .

  26. 然而,减少冗余泛洪分组的数量又可能会导致网络链接失效。

    However , reducing the number of redundant flooding packets may lead to failure of network link .

  27. 中国旅游企业电子商务网站评价研究&基于网络链接与网络影响因子测度的分析

    An Analysis of E-Commerce of Travel Agency Websites in China & Link Analysis and Web Impact Factors

  28. 网络链接;链接分析;

    Web linkage Linkage analysis ;

  29. 由于网页质量千差万别,对网页进行基于网络链接图的质量排序变成了现代搜索引擎的一个重要部件。

    Web page ranking model based on web link graph becomes a vital part of modern search engines .

  30. 与之类似,虚拟监管系统可能虚拟对数据存储、处理器处理能力或网络链接的中介访问。

    Similarly , the hypervisor might mediate access to data storage , processing capacity , or network connections .