
  • 网络Network monitoring;Network Listening;sniffer;network sniffer;sniffing;network sniffing
  1. 基于Windows的网络监听技术在局域网中的实现

    Implementation of the Network Sniffer in LAN on Windows

  2. Linux下网络监听的协议分析

    The Protocol Analysis of Network Sniffer in Linux

  3. 基于Linux的无线网络监听方法与实现

    Method of WLAN packet capture and it 's implementation on Linux

  4. Linux下的TCP/IP架构与网络监听技术

    Frame of TCP / IP and Network Sniff Technique Based on Linux

  5. 本文的研究工作分为五个部分:首先,本文概述了入侵的概念,介绍了入侵的几个方面,包括网络监听、利用系统漏洞、恶意下载程序及病毒、IP欺骗。

    The study divided into five parts : Firstly , the paper summarizes the conception of intrusion .

  6. 基于ETHERNET的网络监听以及ARP欺骗

    Based Ethernet network monitoring and ARP Spoof

  7. 了解对web应用程序页和控件的最高威胁,包括代码注入、信息泄漏、会话劫持、身份欺骗、参数操作和网络监听。

    Understand the top threats to web application pages and controls , including code injection , information disclosure , session hijacking , identity spoofing , parameter manipulation , and network eavesdropping .

  8. 针对网络监听的检测有很多方法,有PING法、ARP法等。

    There are many means such as PING , ARP for the detecting of network sniffing .

  9. 基于ARP协议的网络监听技术研究

    Network monitoring method based on ARP protocol

  10. 本论文从分析网络监听和入侵检测中的关键技术出发,主要研究了一个基于Windows的轻量级入侵检测系统的实现,该系统采用误用检测技术。

    Basing on the pivotal technology of network sniffer and Intrusion Detection , The thesis researched the implementation of the lightweight intrusion detection system in windows system . The intrusion detection system chooses the misuse detection technology .

  11. ARP协议作为TCP/IP协议簇中的一员,同样也存在着安全漏洞,利用ARP协议漏洞进行网络监听是黑客的攻击手段之一。

    As one of the tcp / ip members , arp also has many security loopholes . Arp spoof monitoring is one of the hacker 's attack methods .

  12. 从网络监听技术的原理出发,对三个实例&网络流量采集、病毒监测和网络故障诊断进行分析,探讨如何应用Snifferpro进行网络管理。

    This paper bases on Network Sniffer Technology , discusses how to use Sniffer Pro for network management through three examples : Network Flow Collection , Virus Detection and Network Troubleshooting .

  13. 文章描述了基于网络监听技术信息转换系统的设计与实现,并以SDH综合故障监测系统为例,说明了这种方法的有效性。

    This paper addresses the design and realization of information transfer system based on network monitoring technology , and through an example of SDH synthetic fault supervision system , explains that this approach is valid .

  14. 监测模型引入NDIS协议驱动程序,网络监听及多线程等技术,主要采用跟踪发起TCP连接请求的可疑IP地址的方法进行监测,采用释放被攻击主机上被占用的系统资源的措施使其恢复正常。

    The model mainly uses several technologies including NDIS protocol driver , network monitoring , multithreading to trace spoofed IP addresses which request TCP connections with other hosts and to release the resource consumed by the attacked hosts .

  15. 本文即深入探讨了一个基于网络监听的Session渗透入侵检测系统的设计与实现原理,这部分也是包括原理分析、入侵预防和检测在内的Session安全模型研究的主要内容。

    This paper thoroughly discusses the design and implementation of a typical session penetration IDS based on network spoofing , this section also is the main substance of session 's security model research , which is made up by the analysis , precaution and detection of the invasions .

  16. 在数据挖掘方面可采用符合OPC规范的标准OPC接口或网络监听手段,解决了采用Socket编程所不能解决的问题,能实时无误地接收现场数据;

    In the data mining aspect , to adopt a standard OPC ( conforming to the OPC specification ) interface or network monitoring means can solve the problems which to adopt socket programming can 't solve , receive the on-site data correctly in time ;

  17. 构建了协议特征码库,用于完成应用协议的识别,在此基础上提出了一种改进的BD多模式匹配协议识别算法。解决了网络监听中的数据捕获和协议分析等关键问题。

    Build a signature database to complete the identification of application protocol , and proposed an improved protocol identification BD multi-pattern matching algorithm at the same time , which Solved the network monitoring data capture and protocol analysis and other key issues . 4 .

  18. 创建所需的网络监听套接字,注册在执行期间要调用的事件,然后启动主事件循环,让libev处理过程的其余部分。

    You create the necessary network listening sockets , register the events to be called during execution , and then start the main event loop with the libev handling the rest of the process .

  19. 根据CIDF入侵检测模型,将系统分为五个基本模块:数据捕获、网络监听、规则处理、数据分析和系统响应模块,分别对应于不同的应用功能;

    According the CIDF pattern , the system was divided into five fundamental modules : packet capture , network sniffer , rules disposal , data analyze and system reaction . Each module mapped to different applications and the system function was introduced in brief .

  20. 引入网络监听技术的智能网信令跟踪系统

    Intelligent Network Signaling Tracking System with Introduction of Network Monitoring Technology

  21. 基于协议栈的网络监听及在仿真测试中的应用

    Network Monitor Based on Protocol Stack and Application in Simulation Test

  22. 网络监听技术在飞行试验机载测试中的应用与研究

    Application Research of Network Monitoring Technology on Flight-test Airborne Data Acquisition

  23. 基于网络监听的视频会议录制方法

    The technology of conference recording based on network monitoring

  24. 网络监听工具已经成为了入侵者常用的工具,极大地威胁着网络安全。

    Network monitoring tools are invaders common tools and threaten network security greatly .

  25. 采用加密网卡实现网络监听的防范

    Applying Encryption to the Network Card Against Network Sniffing

  26. 面向业务支持自适应的网络监听的研究及实现

    Design and Implementation of Adaptive Network Sniffing Oriented Application

  27. 网络监听技术原理及常用监听工具

    Technical Fundamentals of Network Monitoring and Common Monitor Tools

  28. 网络监听是获得告警信息的最便捷的方法。

    Network monitoring is probably the easy approach to gather the alarm information .

  29. 对网络监听技术的现状和发展进行了说明。

    We describe the actuality and the future of the network monitoring development .

  30. 并行化网络监听数据采集模型

    Parallel Model for Network Monitoring and Data Collection