
  • 网络Reticulospinal tract;tractus reticulospinalis
  1. 本实验用HRP轴突逆行传递法,观察了27只家兔网状脊髓束的起源。

    The origin of the reticulospinal tract was studied with HRP method in 27 rabbits .

  2. 家兔网状脊髓束的起源

    The origin of the reticulospinal tract in the rabbit

  3. 家兔网状脊髓束的起核&实验性研究

    The Origin of the Reticulo - Spinal Tract in the Rabbit - An Experimental Study

  4. 这样在上肢,偏向屈肌的红核脊髓束和延髓网状脊髓束占优于偏向伸肌的前庭脊髓中间束和侧束及脑桥的网状脊髓束。

    The rubrospinal tract and medullary reticulospinal tract biased flexion outweighs the medial and lateral vestibulospinal and pontine reticulospinal tract biased extension in the upper extremities .