
  • 网络locus coeruleus;locus ceruleus
  1. 大鼠蓝斑核向嗅结节的投射&HRP逆轴突传递法研究

    The Projection from Locus Coeruleus to the Olfactory Tubercle Studied with HRP Method in the Rats

  2. 目的探索大鼠脑蓝斑核固定的方法,为进一步研究蓝斑核神经元功能变化奠定基础。

    ObjectiveTo explore the method for fixing locus coeruleus ( LC ) of rat brain and lay the foundation of studying the action of LC .

  3. 蓝斑核在侧脑室注射P物质引起的升压反应中的作用

    The role of locus caeruleus in the pressor response to cerebroventricular injection of substance P in rat

  4. 肾血管性高血压大鼠蓝斑核内NE能神经元的变化

    Changes of norepinephrine neurons in the locus ceruleus nucleus of renovascular hypertensive rats

  5. PTSD样大鼠蓝斑核盐皮质激素受体表达变化的研究

    Changes of mineralocorticoid receptors in locus ceruleus neurons of PTSD-like rats

  6. 鸡红核和蓝斑核的细胞构筑及其5-HT神经元的分布研究

    Cytoarchitecture and Distribution of 5-HT Male Neurons of Nucleus Ruber and Nucleus Locus Ceruleus in Hen

  7. 然而(-)THP可使蓝斑核去甲肾上腺素能神经元出现可逆性放电抑制。

    ( - ) THP induced inhibitory . firing of the neurons , however , irreversible .

  8. 结论:脊髓M2受体介导吗啡戒断大鼠蓝斑核nNOS的表达增加。

    CONCLUSION : M2 muscarinic receptor of spinal cord mediated the increase of nNOS expression in LC during morphine withdrawal .

  9. 结果表明:(-)SPD通过去甲肾上腺素α2受体,以剂量依赖方式增强蓝斑核神经元放电,但较大剂量却对神经元放电有一定抑制。

    It was found that ( - ) SPD could increase the firing frequency of the NE neurons via antagonistic action on a2 autoreceptors in a dose - dependent manner , while a2 receptor agonist clonidine exerted an inhibitory effect .

  10. 但是在5,6-DHT组,刺激蓝斑核后胃电慢波的振幅和胃内压分别只下降到对照值的98.9%和77.5%,与对照组相比较有非常明显的差异(P0.01)。

    However , in the 5,6-DHT group the amplitude of the slow wave and the intragastric pressure were decreased to 98.9 % and 77.5 % of the control value respectively . The difference between the two groups was statistically highly significant ( P0.01 ) .

  11. 吗啡依赖大鼠蓝斑核nNOS表达增加,用纳络酮催促戒断后nNOS表达进一步增加,鞘内注射M2-AS可抑制在吗啡戒断时蓝斑核nNOS的表达增强,而M1-AS对其无影响。

    The expression of nNOS positive neurons in the LC increased in morphine-dependent rats and increased to a greater extent during morphine withdrawal . Intrathecal injection of M2-AS inhibited the increase of nNOS expression in LC during morphine-withdrawal , but there was no effect in case of M1-AS .

  12. 脑室注射阿托品不影响大鼠蓝斑核加压反应

    Cerebro ventricular injection of atropine not affect locus coeruleus pressor response

  13. 电刺激大鼠蓝斑核区对实验性急性心肌缺血性损伤的影响

    Effect of stimulation of locus ceruleus nucleus region on acute experimental myocardial ischemic injury in rats

  14. 电针加压效应及其与A、A5蓝斑核团的关系

    Relationship between pressor effect of electroacupuncture and functions of a_1 , a_5 , and locus coeruleus nuclei

  15. 这一结果从蛋白表达的角度证明蓝斑核在阿片类药物戒断中的作用机理。

    The results indicated an obvious correlation between morphine withdrawal and Fos protein expression of locus coeruleus in rats brain .

  16. 本文结果提示:灰翼区肾上腺素能神经参与由刺激蓝斑核区引起的胃电和胃运动的抑制机制。

    The result suggest that the central noradrenergic inhibitory mechanism is involved in the regulation of gastric electrical activity and gastric motility .

  17. 有选择地损伤双侧,左侧或右侧蓝斑核无助于(继)此(之)后感觉运动皮层损伤的恢复(康复)。

    " Selective bilateral , unilateral left and unilateral right LC lesions impair recovery after subsequent right sensor motor cortex injury " .

  18. 乙酰胆碱、阿托品、毛果芸香碱在痛觉调制中对大鼠蓝斑核神经元形态的影响

    Influence of acetylcholine , atropine , and pilocarpine on the morphologies of neurons in locus ceruleus of rats in the algesic modulation

  19. 蓝斑核区注射神经降压素后刺激迷走神经向中端对大鼠脑内催产素含量的影响

    The effects of stimulating central end of vagus on contents of oxytocin in several brain areas of rats after injecting neurotensin into locus coeruleus area

  20. 本文应用放射免疫、核团微量注射及组织荧光分光测定等实验方法,研究大鼠蓝斑核区神经降压素对迷走-加压反应的影响。

    The effect of neurotensin ( NT ) was studied by method of radioimmunoassay , microinjection and spectrophotofluorometry in locus coeruleus of rat on vagus-pressor response .

  21. 大鼠视上核区和室旁核区内注射6-羟基多巴胺对蓝斑核刺激效应的影响

    Effect of injection of 6 & hydroxydopamine into the regions of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei on the response produced by stimulation of the locus coeruleus in rats

  22. 结果表明,在对照组,电刺激蓝斑核导致胃电慢波的振幅和胃内压分别下降到对照值的42.31±9.79%和34.59±10.20%。

    The results obtained are as follows : In the control group , the amplitude of the slow wave and intragastric pressure were decreased to 42.31 + 9.79 % and 34.59 ± 10.20 % respectively by stimulation of locus coeruleus .

  23. 结果如下:(1)长串电脉冲刺激蓝斑核使颏舌肌肌电活动明显增强,表现为长吸性肌电积分幅度升高,膈肌亦出现与颏舌肌同步的肌电活动增强。

    The results were as follows : ( 1 ) The electrical stimulation of the LC with long train pulses caused marked prolongation of inspiratory duration and distinct increase in amplitude of integrated EMG of genioglossal muscle . The activity of the phrenic muscle was also increased .

  24. 家兔蓝斑复合核注射P物质对血压和心率的影响

    The Effects on the Blood Pressure and Heart Rate of Rabbits Induced by Injection of Substance P into their Locus Coeruleus Complex Area

  25. TRH在蓝斑复合核的呼吸和心血管效应与延髓头端腹外侧区的关系

    Relationship between Effects of TRH on Respiratory and Cardiovascular Activities in locus Ceruleus Complex Nucleus and Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla

  26. 兔蓝斑下核内注入6-羟基多巴胺后视前区阿片受体的变化

    Change of preoptic opiate receptors after injection of 6-OHDA into sublocus coeruleus in the rabbit

  27. 家兔蓝斑复合核区对刺激下丘脑诱发室性期前收缩的影响

    Influence of the activity of locus coeruleus complex on the ventricular extrasystoles induced by hypothalamic stimulation in the rabbit

  28. 目的:探讨蓝斑复合核在呼吸调节中的作用及机制。

    Objective : To understand the role and mechanisms of the complex nucleus of locus cerulus ( CNLC ) in the regulation of respiration .

  29. 大鼠蓝斑至伏核的SP能上行投射

    Substance p-ergic projections from locus ceruleus to nucleus accumbens in rats

  30. AT1受体介导脑胆碱能刺激引起的促钠排泄及蓝斑和孤束核TH-IR变化的机制

    The Role of AT_1 Receptor in Natriuresis Induced By Brain Cholinergic Stimuli and the Change of TH-IR in Lc and Sol