
  • 网络stretch reflex;myotatic reflex;stretchreflex;stretch reflex myotatic reflex
  1. Hoffmann反射是脊髓水平最简单的单突触反射之一,它是牵张反射的电模拟,是良好的神经生物学研究探针,对研究各类神经反射通路及其通路间的联系都具有良好效果。

    Hoffmann reflex is one of the basic monosynaptic reflexes in the spinal cord . It belongs to stretch reflex by electrical analog , which is a good way to study Neurobiological and every kind of reflex pathways and the relationship between them .

  2. 评估慢性卒中后轻偏瘫患者肘关节牵张反射的可信度

    Reliability of elbow stretch reflex assessment in chronic post-stroke hemiparesis

  3. 结论大鼠肺牵张反射时心率减慢;

    Conclusion Pulmonary stretch reflex can reduce heart rate .

  4. 牵张反射的电子模拟方法

    A Method of Electric Model of Stretch Reflex

  5. 此处是否可以译为痉挛是正常时处于潜伏状态的牵张反射显露出来的一种状态。

    Spasticity is a condition in which stretch reflexes that are normally latent become obvious .

  6. 目的:通过对兔损伤平面以下脊髓中央裂电刺激实现对股二头肌牵张反射和收缩功能的控制作用。

    AIM : To control the deep reflex and contraction function of biceps femoris in rabbits by electrostimulation in central fissure of spinal cord under the injury level .

  7. 目的:探讨对脑性瘫痪患者实施腰骶脊神经后根交叉吻合后,该脊神经后根支配肌群的肌张力和牵张反射的变化和对下肢功能的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the changes of the muscular tension of their controlling muscular groups and myotatic reflex , as well as the effect of the sectional cross anastomosis on lower limb function after sectional cross anastomosis of the posterior branch of lumbar sacral spinal nerves .