
  • 网络tractor beam
  1. 在游戏前期,会有诸如找到并用你的牵引光束取回某种物品、搜索某地并摧毁某一特定目标或者是盗取某一重要物品的任务。

    In the early stages of the game , they involve finding and retrieving objects with your tractor beam , searching and destroying a specific target or stealing an important object .

  2. 他们马上陷入牵引光束范围内,大人。

    They 'll be in range of our tractor beam in moments , lord .

  3. 十二部内置牵引光束吸收地表物质,为一台巨大的足以把任何物质分解并转化为有用材料的分子熔炉提供生产资料。

    A dozen internal tractor beams suck up huge molecular furnace capable of breaking down or converting virtually any substance into useful materials .