
qiān lián fàn
  • implicated offender
  1. 论牵连犯的处罚

    On the Punishment of Implicated Offender

  2. 牵连犯问题在理论上可说是众说纷纭,在立法上,同样非常混乱。

    Implicated offender problem in theory can be said to be different opinions , in legislation , is also very confusing .

  3. 牵连犯一词最早源于德语的Verbrechenskonkurrenz。

    The word was rooted in German " Verbrechen skonkurrenz " .

  4. 第二节是转化犯和其他罪数形态(如包容犯、牵连犯、吸收犯以及结果加重犯)的比较。

    The second section compares transforming offense with other criminal forms .

  5. 计算机犯罪案件的侦查牵连犯研究

    The Investigation into Computer Crimes A Study on Implicated Offense

  6. 牵连犯在司法实践中的认定及处罚

    Crimination and punishment on implicated crime in judicial practice

  7. 牵连犯的处罚原则再探讨&基于立法例的分析

    Analysis of the Punishment Principle of Implicated Offense & Based on Legislation Examples

  8. 牵连犯与其他罪数形态的区别。

    The difference between the other forms of number of crimes and Implicated .

  9. 如果对牵连犯都实行数罪并罚,那么牵连犯也就没有存在的余地了。

    If Implicated Offense practices multiple crimes , there would be no Implicated Offender .

  10. 本文认为,牵连犯的概念应该废除。

    This article holds that the concept of the implicated offense should be abolished .

  11. 牵连犯是我国刑法理论罪数形态中的一个重要概念。

    In our criminal theory Implicated offence is an important concept of several forms .

  12. 牵连犯的中止形态研究

    Study On the Crime Discontinuance of Implication Crime

  13. 我国刑法理论上的牵连犯问题研究

    Study on the Issue of Implicated Offense in the Theory of Criminal Law in China

  14. 牵连犯是客观存在着的一种犯罪现象在法律上的反映。

    Implicated crime is a reflection of a criminal phenomenon of objective existence in law .

  15. 牵连犯研究

    A Study on Implicated Offense

  16. 牵连犯理论在罪数形态研究中属于难点之一。

    Implicated offense is one of the difficulties in the study of the forms of offense numbers .

  17. 认为转化犯是介于典型的一罪和典型的数罪之外的一种罪数形态,和想象竞合犯、吸收犯、牵连犯等犯罪形态一样,属于罪数不典型的一种。

    The author thinks that the transforming offense is one of the non-typical of crime in number .

  18. 指出所谓牵连犯,是犯罪行为人为实现某一故意犯罪目的而实施的手段行为或由犯罪目的的实现而导致的结果行为又构成了其他犯罪的犯罪形态;

    While the method used to commit the crime and the act of the consequence contravene the other charges .

  19. 本罪的罪数形态主要涉及法条竞合、牵连犯和连续犯的情况。

    The crime sum of this case is related to legal item co-petition , implicated offence and continuous offence .

  20. 牵连犯仅存在于故意犯罪之中,且目的罪只能是直接故意犯罪。

    Implicated Offense only lies in intentional crimes , and its aim crime should be a directly intentional one .

  21. 通过分析牵连犯和想象竞合犯,来确定集资诈骗罪一罪与数罪&数罪的认定。

    To raise funds to defraud a crime and one crime-several crimes identified through analysis Implicated and Imaginative Joinder .

  22. 如何认定牵连犯数个独立的犯罪行为之间的牵连关系,存在不同观点,其中折衷说较为科学,即应从主客观两方面去分析、认定。

    There are different ideas about how to determine the implicative relationship between the several independent criminal acts of an implicated offender .

  23. 因此,刑法理论界和司法实务部门对牵连犯应当如何处罚产生了很大的争议。

    Therefore , the criminal law theory and judicial practice , how to Implicated offence departments shall be punished produced great controversy .

  24. 第三则案例是从牵连犯的角度进行论证了行为人通过挪用公款进行其他犯罪二者之间是否具有因果关系。

    The third Case argues that from the perspective of Implicated behavior by embezzlement for other crimes between whether a causal relationship .

  25. 因此对牵连犯的处罚原则最终应采用从一重重处罚原则。

    Therefore , the principle of the ultimate punishment on Implicated should adopt the principle of punishment from a felony . 4 .

  26. 本部分首先通过对牵连犯在理论与立法规定中的考察,指出目前牵连犯存在着规定模糊、界限不清的问题。

    Through investigating implicated offense in the theory and the legislation , the problem is pointed out about provisions fuzzy and ill-defined now .

  27. 第四章将事实转化列入裁判的一罪中,并与吸收犯、连续犯和牵连犯进行了比较。

    The fourth chapter factual conversion included a sin and judgment , and the absorbed criminal , continuous offence and implicated offense are compared .

  28. 牵连犯的成立条件在牵连犯的特征中已得到了明确的体现,但对其判断标准却一直处于众说纷呈、散乱不一的状态。

    It is reflected the established conditions of implicated offense in the characteristics of implicated offense , but the criteria for judging was confusional .

  29. 牵连犯牵连关系和处断原则的理论思辩牵连关系的判断是具体的个别的判断。

    The theoretical Discussions on the Implication and the Principles of Judgement of the Implicated Offenders ; It is a factual and individual judgment .

  30. 之后又论证了牵连犯中行为人的主观需为故意,而其行为触犯的罪名不能有直接重叠关系。

    Then the subjective aspect of the perpetrator was demonstrated to be intent and the relation of the charges should not have a direct overlap .