
qiān yǐn lì
  • traction;tractive force;pulling force;tractive power
牵引力 [qiān yǐn lì]
  • [tractive force] 发动机所产生的拖动力

  1. 从轮轨粘着原理谈提高重载列车牵引力的途径

    The Way to Raise Tractive Force of Heavy Haul Trains from the Viewpoint of Wheel-Rail Adhesion

  2. 一种新型便携式农用车车轮制动力测量仪研制牵引力、制动力和粘着力浅析

    A New Equipment for Measuring the Braking Torque of Farm Vehicle A Study of Tractive Force , Brane Power and Adhesive Force

  3. 颌间牵引力对成年大鼠髁状突核因子κB受体活化因子配基/骨保护素的调控

    Regulation of adult rat condyle receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand / osteoprotegerin by intermaxillary traction force

  4. 牵引力控制系统模糊PI控制方法研究

    A Research on Fuzzy PI Control for Traction Control System

  5. 安全规格与开机片包括ABS,牵引力控制系统和动态稳定控制系统。

    Safety specs include ABS with EBD , Traction Control System and Dynamic Stability Control .

  6. ABS侧重于在制动过程中防止车轮抱死,缩短制动距离。ASR着眼于在驱动过程中通过牵引力控制来防止驱动车轮发生滑转,获得良好的加速性能和行驶方向稳定性。

    ABS emphasizes particularly on preventing wheel from locking during the braking process .

  7. 3.tractionn.拖拉,牵引力她背部受伤,正在作一个月的牵引治疗。

    She ' s injured her back and is in traction for a month .

  8. 提出牵引力控制系统的油门模糊增量PI控制算法和驱动轮制动模糊PI控制算法。

    The Fuzzy PI control algorithms for both engine throttle and driving wheel brake controls are proposed for vehicle traction control system .

  9. 另一个可能令人失望之处在于,g20一年前提出的种种改革缺少牵引力。

    Another potential disappointment is a lack of traction on the various reforms the G20 mooted over a year ago .

  10. 帕萨特B5轿车电路&防抱死制动系统与牵引力控制系统

    Circuitry of PASSAT B5 : ABS and Traction Control System

  11. 在帕萨特B5轿车布线图的基础上改画成该车防抱死制动系统(ABS)与牵引力控制系统(TCS)电路原理图;

    The circuit schematic diagrams of the ABS and TCS of PASSAT B5 are drawn based on its wiring diagram .

  12. 无疑,XBRL借助法律的力量获得了牵引力。

    Certainly XBRL is gaining traction through sheer force of law .

  13. 除非管理KPI对强制的法规遵循来说是完整的,否则它们需要一点提升来帮助它们获得牵引力。

    Unless management KPIs are integral to enforced regulatory compliance , they may need a little boost to help them gain traction .

  14. 本文对槽式真空滚筒传动机理进行了简要分析,提出了槽式真空滚筒所能传递牵引力及所需最小负压值△Pmin地计算方法。

    In this paper , driving mechanism of channeled-vacuum-drum is simply analysed , the calculating method for the tractive power that channeled-vacuum-drum can drive and the minimum negative pressure △ P_ ( min ) it needs is posed .

  15. 将逻辑门限、PID、模糊以及神经网络等控制方法应用于牵引力控制系统,建立了油门位置控制器和驱动轮制动控制器。

    The logic threshold , PID , fuzzy and neural network control methods were applied to the automobile traction control system , and the controllers for the engine throttle position and driving wheel brake were built .

  16. 由于2008赛季将取消牵引力控制系统(TC),从现在起到墨尔本的在赛道上的每一公里都至关重要,因为我们有很多工作要做。

    With the banning of traction control ( TC ) in2008 , every on-track kilometre between now and Melbourne will be vital because there is a lot of work to do .

  17. 为此首先建立了630kN多点成形机用电磁铁的数学模型,并用Maxwell应力张量法求解电磁铁的牵引力。

    At first , mathematic model for electromagnetic used in 630 kN multipoint forming machine is constructed and its magnetic force is solved with Maxwell stress tensor method .

  18. 以长轴距为基础的揽胜LSE创造了越野车一系列的“第一次”,包括空气动力系统和电子牵引力控制系统。

    The long wheel base Range Rover LSE showcases a number of'firsts'for an off-road vehicle including air suspension and electronic traction control .

  19. VSC系统整合牵引力控制系统(TRC),在光滑路面上行驶时,有助于限制后轮打滑。

    The VSC system integrates traction control ( TRC ) to help limit rear wheel spin on slippery road surfaces .

  20. 这应该能够让mpc意识到,定量宽松并未产生其成员在去年11月所希望的那种牵引力,而并非其最新数据是错误的。

    This should suggest to the MPC that quantitative easing has not had the traction that its members intended in November not that the latest figures are wrong .

  21. 牵引力作用于腰椎设定为400N。

    The load of lumbar vertebrae was 400N in traction .

  22. 对上海Buick轿车的动力总成控制模块、车身控制模块、制动/牵引力控制模块、仪表板总成模块作了简介。

    The power assembly control modul , car body control modul , brake / tractive control modul and instrument panel assembly modul of Shanghai Buick are briefly introduced in this paper .

  23. 针对车辆在实际沙地上行驶的特点,应用将PI控制与门限控制联合起来的控制方法设计了沙地牵引力控制油门控制系统。

    According to the driving behavior of the four wheel drive vehicle on the sand terrain , an engine throttle controller for the traction control system ( TCS ) on the sand terrain was developed using the combination of the PI control and the threshold control .

  24. 本文通过对比各种ATO控制策略的控制性能,提出了最优的控制策略:加速时用最大牵引力,减速时用最大制动力,平稳运行时采用惰行&牵引交替的运行策略。

    This paper contrasted the control performance of a variety of ATO control strategies , and the optimal control strategy is : acceleration with maximum traction force , decelerating with maximum braking force , alternating coasting-traction when the train should be even running .

  25. 为了保证地铁建设速度和安全可靠运营,应选择牵引力适当、消音性能和净化性能俱佳、专业厂家生产、装用JZ-7型空气制动机的液力传动内燃机车。

    The hydraulic diesel locomotive with JZ 7 air brake produced by specialized factories should be chosen , because it has suitable traction force and good performances of purification and noise elimination .

  26. 此外,新的电子牵引力控制系统-改编自CarreraGT的高性能跑车&保证安全的牵引下,任何的驾驶环境。

    In addition , the new electronic Traction Control-adapted from the Carrera GT high-performance sports car-ensures safe traction under any driving conditions .

  27. 结果植骨块加骨针组经活动后其脱出程度明显减轻,其抗牵引力平均增加1.5kg。

    Results The graft protrusion was slight , and the tractive resistance increased by 1.5 kg on average in group B , compared with group A.

  28. 实验证明:通常牵引力下(≤7kg)能够安全有效地起到牵引固定作用,并可根据需要调节牵引力的大小与方向。

    The experiment proved that , under the common traction force (≤ 7kg ), it was effective and had the function of traction and fixation . Besides , the value and direction of the traction force could be adjusted according to the needs .

  29. 表面粗糙度;冰路面;轮胎牵引力;预测模型;

    Surface roughness ; Iceroad ; Tire traction ; Predicting model ;

  30. 轮式拖拉机牵引力影响因素分析

    The analyses of influence factor of drag power on tyre tractor