
qiān xiàn
  • Stringing;pull strings;pull wire;act as go-between;go as go-between;control from behind the scenes
牵线 [qiān xiàn]
  • (1) [pull wire]∶比喻在背后操纵

  • (2) [go as go-between] [口]∶指从中介绍

  • 到处活动,为人牵线,形成一股做媒风

牵线[qiān xiàn]
  1. 灯塔离海岸很远,但他们有大海牵线。

    The lighthouse is far from coast , they have ocean to act as go-between but .

  2. 给买卖双方牵线可能需要一些时间和工夫。

    It can take time and effort to match buyers and sellers

  3. 一些朋友牵线搭桥,把我们两个都请去赴宴。

    Some friends played matchmaker and had us both over to dinner .

  4. 一个热心人牵线搭桥给他介绍了一位姑娘。

    A warmhearted man acted as a go-between for him and introduced him to a girl .

  5. 顾名思义,它的工作就是为出租人和承租人牵线搭桥

    Obviously , it organizes leasing packages for lessors and lessees .

  6. 这些合作中很多都是由stylecoalition牵线搭桥的,它是40%博主的代理人。

    Many of these collaborations were brokered via style coalition , which represents 40 bloggers .

  7. 他为中国买家与包括塞浦路斯在内的外国房产销售商之间牵线搭桥。塞浦路斯房地产开发商PaschaliDevelopers近几个月已经向中国买家销售了90多套公寓。

    Paschali Developers in Cyprus has sold more than 90 condos to Chinese buyers in recent months .

  8. 其APP是在愿意提供服务的司机和愿意购买服务的乘客之间牵线搭桥的手段,以最低成本提供了无缝服务。

    Its app is the means for connecting willing drivers and willing passengers , delivering a seamless service at the lowest cost .

  9. 我们首先要做的,是为心怀抱负、积极主动的创业者找到掌握知识的人,比如科学家、研究人员、STEM(科学、技术、工程设计与数学)专业人员和慈善家等,为他们牵线搭桥。

    We need to start connecting those with knowledge scientists , researchers , stem ( Science , technology , engineering , and Mathematics ) professionals , and philanthropists to aspiring and active entrepreneurs .

  10. 深圳中介CharlieZhang说,将资金转移到海外一点都不难。他为内地有钱人与海外房地产投资项目之间牵线搭桥。

    Charlie Zhang , an agent in Shenzhen who matches wealthy mainlanders with real-estate investments abroad , says getting money out isn 't a problem .

  11. 在这样的大环境下,电通集团(DentsuGroup)必须继续为我们的客户和消费者牵线搭桥,并向他们提供独特的附加值服务。

    In such an environment , Dentsu Group must continue to bring our clients and the consumers together and provide them with unique added value .

  12. 长期以来为美国品牌与中国供应商牵线搭桥的中国电子商务企业阿里巴巴(Alibaba),如今希望帮助商家将商品销售给美国消费者。

    Alibaba , the Chinese ecommerce company that has long # 173 ; connected US brands to Chinese suppliers , now wants to help sell goods to American # 173 ; consumers .

  13. P2P网络借贷不同于银行和小额信贷公司,而是致力于为有融资需求和投资意愿的人牵线搭桥,为闲置的民间资本寻找投资出口。

    P2P Loan is different from banks and microfinance companies , but is committed to provide a channel for who needs financing and who has willings to invest . It also provides investment outlets for idle private capitals .

  14. 当P2P结构在10年前问世时,其理念是利用先进技术绕过银行,在有钱投资的人与需要资金的个人或企业之间牵线搭桥。

    When peer-to-peer structures were first set up a decade ago , the rationale was to bypass banks by using state of the art technology to link those who have money to invest with individuals or companies that need it .

  15. 但在昨日,总部位于昌迪加尔(Chandigarh)、利用技术平台在摩托三轮车与乘客之间牵线搭桥的Jugnoo公司也对Ola提出指控。

    But yesterday Jugnoo , a Chandigarh-based company whose tech platform matches autorickshaws with passengers , made allegations against Ola .

  16. Bark’N’Borrow以及Rover、DogVacay等其他新型狗狗服务app的设计初衷,是为了给所有爱狗人士创建一个社区,在那些自己没有狗却渴望狗狗陪伴的人与暂时无人照顾的狗狗们之间牵线搭桥。

    The idea behind Bark'N " Borrow and other new dog-service apps like Rover and Dog Vacay is to create a community of dog lovers both with and without dogs - pairing those who crave canine companionship with dogs that could use a little more people time .

  17. 很多艺人经纪公司都在努力为好莱坞和社交媒体牵线搭桥,UnitedTalentAgency(简称UTA)艺人经纪公司经纪人艾瑞克•库恩(EricKuhn)就是其中之一。25岁的库恩说,我们力图帮助客户了解,社交媒体并不仅仅是宣传。

    Among those on the management side bridging Hollywood with social media is Eric Kuhn , an agent at United Talent Agency . " We try to help our clients understand that social media is about much more than promotion , " says Mr. Kuhn , who turns 25 next week .

  18. 例如,过去两年涌现出airbnb这样的公司,它们在网上为租户和房东牵线,不过要求所有人都通过一个中央平台在网上发布一组视频、图片和租赁详情。

    Groups such as airbnb , for example , have emerged in the past two years to match online renters and landlords but via a central platform that forces everyone to post a set of videos , pictures and details online .

  19. Airbnb提供的网上租房服务,在全球独立屋和公寓的业主与游客和其他租客之间牵线搭桥,该服务经常与监管者发生冲突,后者指控Airbnb为非法酒店业务提供方便,减少了可负担住宅存量。

    The online service , which connects owners of homes and flats with tourists and other renters in cities around the world , has often clashed with regulators who accuse the company of facilitating illegal hotel businesses and reducing affordable housing stock .

  20. 为初创企业牵线搭桥、把精选的小企业介绍给天使投资者的U-Start公司的首席执行官斯泰法诺•吉多蒂(StefanoGuidotti)表示,尽管发现下一个Facebook的机会不大,但投资于下一个住宿网站Airbnb或者在线时尚零售商Farfetch还是比较可信的。

    While the odds of spotting the next Facebook are very long , investing in the next Airbnb , the accommodation website , or Farfetch , the online fashion retailer , is more plausible , according to Stefano Guidotti , chief executive of U-Start , a matchmaker for start-ups that puts selected small businesses in touch with angel investors .

  21. 我要感谢约翰帮我们牵线。

    I 'd like to thank John for hooking us up .

  22. 茜茜是她帮艾莉和威尔登牵线的吗

    Cece ? Is that who set her up with Wilden ?

  23. 避免为你的单身上司牵线搭桥的冲动。

    Avoid the urge to play matchmaker for your single boss .

  24. 很有趣老板竟当起了红娘准备牵线搭桥,真是没想到!

    It 's interesting that our boss served as a bridge !

  25. 没有你帮我牵线搭桥我也挺好。

    And I am doing just fine without your Romantic help .

  26. 一些朋友牵线搭桥,邀请我们两人都去赴宴。

    Some friends playedmatchmaker and had us both over to dinner .

  27. 如果你告诉我就可以为你牵线搭桥。

    I 'll hook you up with her if you tell me .

  28. 控制他人就好像操纵牵线木偶。

    Pull all the strings and make people do what I wanted .

  29. 四门打开四方牵线四面开花使安徽由旅游资源大省发展成旅游经济大省&关于发展安徽旅游经济的思考

    Thoughts of Developing Anhui into A Province of Tourism Economy

  30. 被控居中牵线的5名学生中有3人被捕。

    Of five students charged as middlemen , three have been arrested .