
  • 网络black forest
  1. 穿越黑色森林的上方。

    Over forests of blackened trees .

  2. 很久很久以前,那时法国还被黑色森林覆盖,暗无天日的神秘气息笼罩一切。在那里,有一个商人和他的女儿们生活在一起。

    Once upon a time , in the days when France was covered with dark woods and darker mysteries , there lived a merchant with his three daughters .

  3. 而河的另一边,是黑色森林的入口,深而暗的河水伸向了我们无从所知的另一头,充满着危险,却也显得那般强大而神秘。

    To the north , guarded by dark forests , shrouded by purple cloud rising as the ice settled , the vast deep waters of Large Lee stretched into the unknown .