
hēi bāng
  • reactionary gang;sinister gang
黑帮 [hēi bāng]
  • [reactionary gang;sinister gang] 反动团伙及其成员

黑帮[hēi bāng]
  1. 那是动乱的第二年吧,我被划进了黑帮队伍里。

    In the second of those tumultuous years , I was labeled one of the " reactionary gang " .

  2. 《一世之雄》是一部由卡格尼主演的黑帮片。

    ' Angels with Dirty Faces ' is a Cagney gangster pic .

  3. 主要情节是围绕一位名叫查斯的伦敦黑帮小混混如何走向毁灭的过程展开的。

    The plotline revolved around the fall of Chas , a minor London gangster .

  4. 一直有人暗示这些是黑帮之间的杀戮。

    It 's been suggested they were gangland killings

  5. 他迷上了美国黑帮片。

    He was obsessed with American gangster movies

  6. 他们经常被黑帮每晚火拼的枪声所吵醒。

    Their sleep is regularly disturbed by the sound of gunfire as criminal gangs settle their nightly accounts .

  7. 它向广大读者介绍了CosaNostra(美国黑手党)和omertà(缄默法则)等黑帮用语,并且在接下来的数十年内界定了公众对黑帮人物的认知。

    It introduced terms like Cosa Nostra3 and omert à to a mass audience and defined the public perception of mobsters for decades to come .

  8. 本书是一套系列小说的第二部。这一部里,黑帮人物卡利托·布里甘特老了几岁,也聪明了一些,试图摆脱过去的生活——任何熟悉这类小说的人都知道如此选择从来都不会有好结局。

    It is the second book in the series , and this time Carlito Brigante is older and wiser and looking for a way out of the life – and anyone familiar with the genre knows that never goes well .

  9. 但是据联邦调查局(FBI)报告,2006年里与黑帮相关的谋杀与2000年相比上升了37%。

    But America had37 % more gang-related murders in2006 than in2000 , according to FBI reports .

  10. 根据牛津大学(UniversityofOxford)犯罪学教授和国际集团犯罪研究专家弗雷德里克o瓦雷泽的介绍,俄罗斯黑帮是高度分散化的。

    Their structure , according to Frederico Varese , a professor of criminology at the University of Oxford and an expert on international organized crime , is highly decentralized .

  11. 他也同Miller联袂出演了2000的黑帮电影《爱,荣誉与服从》以及2002年在合奏戏剧《旅店》中参演Liu的对手戏。

    He co-starred with Miller in 2000 's gangster film Love , Honour and Obey and opposite Liu in 2002 ensemble drama Hotel .

  12. 用户或许不再对虚拟蔬菜着迷,也厌烦了zynga另一款流行网络游戏“黑帮战争(mafiawars)”。

    Users may tire of virtual vegetables and online Mafia Wars ( another popular Zynga game ) .

  13. 代表约500家经纪商和中介机构的日本证券业协会(JapanSecuritiesDealersAssociation)从今年开始利用警方数据库核查潜在客户,该数据库包括数以万计与黑帮有染的人员。

    The Japan Securities Dealers Association , representing about 500 brokers and intermediaries , this year began screening prospective clients with a police database of tens of thousands of yakuza-affiliated individuals .

  14. 随后,约1000名亲俄武装分子沿着该市一个主要街道行进,挥舞着木棒和盾牌,旁观者则四散奔逃,这一幕就像是电影《纽约黑帮》(GangsofNewYork)的场景再现。

    Afterwards about 1,000 of the pro-Russia militants marched along a main street , banging sticks and shields as bystanders fled down side streets , in a scene reminiscent of the film Gangs of New York .

  15. 仅用钻子和吸尘器,thegangal'aspirateur(法语,吸尘器黑帮)目前在15次抢劫中吸走了60万欧元。

    Using little more than a drill and a vacuum , the gang à l'aspirateur ( vacuum gang in English ) have so far siphoned away 600000 EU in 15 robberies .

  16. 他的第一个引人注目的电影角色是1952年在《少年巴罗尼》(KidMonkBaroni)中饰演一名毁容了的意大利街头黑帮头目,此人后来成了拳击手。

    His first starring movie role came in 1952 with Kid Monk Baroni , in which he played a disfigured Italian street-gang leader who becomes a boxer .

  17. 虽然比不上黑帮争斗,但在印度,这也不是小事好吗。(CripsandBloods是美国两大黑帮组织,二者矛盾由来已久)

    It may not be Crips and Bloods , okay ? But in India , it 's a thing .

  18. 自从虚构的黑帮老大托尼•索普拉诺(TonySoprano)因为自己泳池中的鸭子而产生存在感危机后,观众们饱览了越来越多的高质量剧集。

    Ever since fictional mob boss Tony Soprano had an existential crisis over the ducks in his swimming pool in 1999 , viewers have been feasting on a growing bounty of high-quality dramas .

  19. 此外,他还在《速度与激情:东京漂移》中饰演一名黑帮头目,即主要反派Takashi的叔叔Kamata。

    He also appeared in : " The Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift " as Kamata , a Yakuza boss and uncle of the main antagonist Takashi .

  20. 在左轩霆的记忆中,当时的布鲁克林还不是如今的潮人天堂,聚居在此的主要是移民和一些黑帮(小时候他被抢过两次)。但他还是考上了康内尔大学(CornellUniversity),还拿到了电气工程学士学位。

    He recalls the place differently from the hipster paradise that it is today : It was a borough of mostly immigrants and some gangs . ( As a child , Tzuo was mugged twice . ) But he found his way to Cornell University , where he earned a bachelor 's degree in electrical engineering .

  21. 她15岁美丽的女儿Nisa和她的朋友Kayla被一群凶恶的野蛮人即MS-13黑帮组织残忍杀害。

    whose beautiful 15 year old daughter , Nisa , along with her friend Kayla , was brutally murdered by a gang of vile savages known as MS-13 .

  22. 其黑色风格在整个香港黑帮电影中独树一帜。

    The black style in the unique Hong Kong gangster Film .

  23. 或许你让黑帮在这里存放军械。

    Maybe you let a gang keep an arsenal in it .

  24. 你在你父亲工作的那一栏的里写的是黑帮。

    You wrote gangster under the section for father 's job .

  25. 周润发在香港因为出演黑帮片而声名鹊起。

    Chow Yun-fat rose to fame in Hongkong with gangster movies .

  26. 被控刺死当地一名黑帮成员。

    Accused in the stabbing death of a local gang member .

  27. 那他们为什么不把这些黑帮成员关起来?

    Then why don 't they put those thugs in jail ?

  28. 与黑帮不同,我们不杀人,也不抢劫。

    Unlike criminal gangs , we do not rob or kill .

  29. 如今,一个由各路关系硬的批发商组成的黑帮组织正在进行着粮食的囤积。

    A mafia of well-connected wholesalers are now hoarding the crop .

  30. 一次性对所有62名被捕黑帮成员进行审判不大可能。

    A single trial of all 62 arrested mobsters is doubtful .